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Everything posted by GothicPlague

  1. I love that too and since people are doing it I love this
  2. Yeah I managed to hunt it down after I posted (but only after I decided to check when her new album is out) and I much prefer it to laughing with. Hypem failed at finding me the song though
  3. Quite like that it's a bit more like her Soviet Kitsch stuff which I love but not believing in god does kind of make the song a little bit meaningless to me. Didn't see you post that song, care to link?
  4. You see it came on somewhere I went and me and my friends just made fun of the lyrics because it's a terrible track.
  5. and they have our IP addresses What can they do with our IP addresses and listening data anyway? It's not like they can prove we don't legally own the music without hunting every last.fm user down and checking their music collection.
  6. Even better than that, he gets to play Metroid Prime for the first time and WITH Wii controls!!
  7. At the moment I really seem to be into The Dillinger Escape Plan and The Number Twelve Looks Like You (and Johnny Foreigner but they're quite different to them two). In particular I'm finding myself quite liking these 2 Number Twelve songs a lot: I don't suppose anyone can recommend any bands similar to Dillinger and The Number Twelve
  8. Just ordered this T-shirt online.
  9. Not if you don't have photoshop or know how to use it.
  10. Just found a website called befunky.com and it's awesome. It takes a photo (that you can upload, enter the url of or take using your webcam on the site) and then turns it into a different style for example I made myself into a cartoon:
  11. Did you post the right song? Cos that just sounds like James Blunt who last time I checked sung pop songs. This is what I'd call heavier piano stuff: The Dresden Dolls - Girl Anachronism Audio
  12. I'd love to see them live since I heard they're pretty darn good live plus I want to know what it's like to be run over:
  13. Anyone ever have a thing were they like a band but don't realise just how good they are for quite some time when a song of theirs comes on and something just clicks. Well that just happened with me and The Dillinger Escape Plan thanks to this song:
  14. Actually I'm pretty sure it's the sort of title people who are now considered core gamers would have laughed at, like they did and still do with all Nintendo games. Of course back then they were considered casual gamers. IMO anyway
  15. Prepare to be disappointed and then maybe happy about the new style. Also agree 100% on Johnny Foreigner and just checked keepingsomedarksecrets and they have there new song Feels Like Summer available for download here: http://www.radarmaker.co.uk/get/johnnyforeigner/johnnyforeigner_feelslikesummer.mp3 On first listen pretty good. Hopefully it'll grow to be a classic like all their other tracks. This being an example: Our Bipolar Friends Audio
  16. I received one from goaferboy
  17. Probably not for quite some time since Newswipe only recently finished and the last series didn't start till what, October?
  18. A dirty pint is just a pint filled with anything alcoholic usually used during drinking games as far as I know. Which reminds me we once invented a drink that consisted of: Creme De Menthe A couple of different lagers Vodka Pepsi
  19. Perhaps the loophole wasn't a loophole and Jacobs just pretending to be dead for teh lulz.
  20. So you'd basically go out on a Friday night and think "There's a lot more drunk people wanting hugs from me as usual" then
  21. How the fuck do you ignore a zombie apocalypse?
  22. You have no idea how many times I have thought of doing this same thing although I'd plan to live downstairs until the zombies breech the windows/doors and perhaps knock through the attic wall into next door to double the space available
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