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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Oh yeah, spenno182 changed my name on one of our work systems to ''Molly'', he also changed the language to Polish so I now can't change anything back. I did laugh, little scallywag.
  2. Had such a great weekend! Went to Lincoln on the train with my friend, had a 2 hour catch up which was lovely; I'm sure everyone around us also loved it, oops. Then went out with our friend (who's bday it was a couple of weeks ago) and a few other people. Just had an awesome time, so many laughs all round. The bars we went to included one that does ''triples for singles'', basically after we left there everyone was wasted. Ended up at a student club called the Engine Shed; if I'd been sober I'm sure I would have felt like an intruder but as it was, I was loving it; felt like a student again. I don't mind saying there were some hotties in there too, wow. Danced ALOT to some old tunes and later on did some crazy dancing that I can only do when all my inhibitions have floated away. Amazing. Now I'm home again and the weekend is over all too soon, boo. I lived with the friend on the train and the bday girl all 3 years of uni and I love them so much; it makes me sad when I leave them. Luckily we're all together again in two weeks time, woooop. We also decided Amsterdam is an option for my birthday weekend, which would be cool as I've never been. Only trouble is I've been invited to a wedding that weekend; might just not go, sure it was pity invite anyway.
  3. Lol, oh god! I don't know what possessed me to go on the computer when I got home, pretty much blind drunk. I don't think I said anything outrageous though, hopefully. Just bought some mini eggs, I reckon they will make everything better.
  4. Being hungover at work sucks. No home comforts to make it all better. Urgh. He asked me straight out if I was annoyed with him so I said some of the things he'd said to her were out of order. Now he's annoyed with me, not in the mood for this, feel rubbish.
  5. She's obviously affecting your ability to use the English language!
  6. Happy Birthday people!!!
  7. Is that Tom's desk? lol. He's gonna love it. You guys are so cool. Reminds me of when I was really cool and stole Maj's mouse ball and headset. In other trivial news, today the boy who sits next to me said ''I've been watching you Molly*, I've been watching you all day'', which was fairly weird, even as a joke. *used my real name etc. Also just booked my train tickets to Lincoln for this weekend, gonna be big, woop woop de woop. Plus I registered for another job fair thing in London.
  8. Ahaha, this is true. ''Lightning fingers'' was an explanation as to why ReZ took 67 calls and I took 39. Truth is, people just like talking to me, can't get them off the phone. Spenno, grow it, longer hair wins!
  9. Hahaha Even though it's a joke, I'm so happy right now.
  10. Do you also do the Masterchef thing where you leave the fork in your mouth just a tad longer than normal people? lol Creme eggs; they are a bit too sickly for me these days. I have a strange way to eat a kit kat. Eat all the chocolate very carefully, bite away the biscuit then lick the fondant bit.
  11. *nods* Excellent film. Also great lols at Dame Judi when she says ''It'll fly by''.
  12. lol, I don't buy make up very often but when I do it has to be quality! Lasts ages and looks/feels amazing
  13. Mmmmmm Benefit. total: £36
  14. <3. I need to watch the most recent series. The last I've seen was the series with 'scissor me timbers' and the 300 spoof, which was just absolutely amazing.
  15. *cries self to sleep*
  16. now 18 guests...wtf? TCCoBB- Fantastic film. Great storytelling, amazing effects CGI etc, Brad Pitt was excellent but also the supporting cast were really endearing to watch. Humour was excellent too. I think it could have been half an hour shorter 8.5/10 Hilarious, love it! Tropic Thunder- I did laugh here and there, but was mainly unimpressed with the jokes, it was just cringeworthly. Bad film imo, with Tom Cruise as it's only saving grace; disappointing for me because I generally worship the ground Steve Coogan walks on. 5/10 In Bruges- I didn't know what to expect, but I loved it. Mixture of brutality and humour was perfect. 8/10
  17. The Devil's Whore I didn't watch this out of choice but actually it was ok, interesting take on a massively important part of British history; Civil War and the start of Parliamentary democracy. Plus Dominic West playing Oliver Cromwell, love.
  18. I've just taken a pharmacutical factory's worth of paracetamol (actually 2 lol) but also OJ and a duvet helps. Sunday afternoon films like Die Hard are winners. Shower usually works too, but I'm not at that stage yet, I can only manage small slow movements, hehe.
  19. Hahaha Eevil you are a genius! BLURGHHHH so hungover, just peeled myself out of bed, only because of the juice thirst. Last night was great, went to Watford and I managed to mix that frulli cider stuff with gin and white wine, I should know better by now. But it was fun, we were loving the groups of singles and hating on the couples (jokingly of course!). I was meant to stay at my friend's but decided I wanted to come home and spent about a million pounds on a taxi, oh well. When in Rome.
  20. Actually you have mine don't you, looking forward to whatever you're sending me! :p
  21. Good job it's a joke then! :p
  22. Today is a very special day, it's the birthday of the best comedian the Internet has ever known... Happy Birthday ReZ!!!
  23. Joan Miró. Not my favourite artist, but I somehow studied him for aaaages at school so he's the first to come to mind.
  24. That was funny actually, you: ''Don't look at me cos your face will set me off''. My face is laughable to be fair.
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