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Everything posted by Molly

  1. BORED. Here are some old pics for your general amusement. On the overnight train in Thailand: Loving a Dutch guy in Australia: On the boat to Fraser Island: Me assumably thinking I can dance: (I have the biggest nose in the world) In Dublin for my birthday: lolol a night known as the 'Engels Rave': Not telling you where I am:
  2. Well that seemed like a lucky win, almost as lucky as last week, heh. Newcastle do have some decisions to moan about, but I don't care...we love the 3 points. Also was a lovely goal from Ricardo.
  3. Happy Birthday, have a good one
  4. Yes, my friend's brother had the book and used to do it every week with his mates; it was like they were going hunting in packs. Although some of it is positive I'd say, extra confidence to talk to someone is great. But some rules, like putting a girl down so she's more likely to trust you and therefore pull you, it's just so manipulative. Scary how well it works by all accounts.
  5. Mr brother had two extra tickets to the NFL game at Wembley so he sold them to his friends but charged them at least £20 extra for the privilege. I thought it was absolutely disgusting. His response was ''credit crunch''.
  6. Oh thanks! Little tester I like dogging just incase, that was a joke! It didn't happen
  7. Dyson how do you do that crossing out thing? You are grossly mistaken.
  8. I can't see the UN thing at work, hmm. Don't worry Pash, I'll read every word. Yes. Well...no. But I'd like to go with ReZ and I guess he'll want to see it asap.
  9. Yes I'm looking forward to it!! Our friend said if I want to read it quickly I should miss out anything to do with pirates, heh; I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that though. A cheeky edit...I am intrigued?!
  10. ReZ has just handed me Watchmen. This could be quite a challenge to finish before the film, I'm a sucker for looking at detail. No news about the bonus
  11. Mixed media, lol. Of course I won't be convinced, the other day you bought a pencil case from the cinema. Oh yeah I'm half way through TWD 1, it is good. Drawing's amazing, dialogue is a bit simple so far, but I'm expecting more. Off to read more, aahhh!
  12. How big is it? How can it cost 250 dollars, it's a piece of plastic with some plastic rings in it?
  13. I didn't think Paj's remark was pervy, just a joke. Anyway moving on, nothing to see here.
  14. It is indeed being a bitch, I think about every second time I click on something I get... ERROR! Oh and a lady doesn't divulge such information. All I'll say is things were...uncomfortable. I would say ''use your imagination'', but that would be opening another can of worms, heh.
  15. Love it. I'll embrace change when I get a new job though Huh? Edit: Please let there not be hidden cameras in the stair wells, just did some outrageous bra adjustments.
  16. Lol, you drive a hard bargain good sir! OK fook it, I'm just gonna read it tonight, big comic session
  17. I know lol, slightly bad mood today. Must be the woman trying to take pictures of me so that my head can be put on some kind of horse and elevated through the office.
  18. Good point. ReZ if we're going to see it I may need to borrow it? (I'll give TWD back I promise)
  19. I love the new server, it's so reliable.
  20. Indeed, you people keeping me awake on msn, shame on you!
  21. Gargh, totally overslept this morning and had 6 minutes to get up, get ready and leave for work. Well I said I would be doing it in person initially and using my 'cheeky charm' to try and solve the problem, heh. Just think the email sounds a bit aggressive. Oh yeah, I can't check which saturdays I'm working because someone changed my system to Polish!
  22. Well I enjoyed that and not just to watch broody Jose.
  23. My mum makes these amazing savoury pancakes with chicken and mushroom and general saucyness, so will be having them followed by a cheeky Nutella one I imagine. Mmm pancakes.
  24. It looks like a Shellsuit ReZ. p.s. rate ReZ not me etc.
  25. Ring of Fire, Drink while you think, 21s, Whats the name of the fucking game, thumbmaster, dancemaster, singmaster, Tune my radio, fuzzy duck, no first names, left handed, http://www.com rule, international drinking rules etc etc. Not a big drinker really.
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