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Everything posted by stev2604

  1. Does anyone know how to get the chest just South of Castle Town? I've been trying for ages and i can't find how to...
  2. Don't GTA's usually have woldwide releases?
  3. I wish you could copy your GC saves to the Wii's memory.
  4. Not sure if this is the right place, but I didnt want to start a new thread so: Do 3rd party GC memory cards work with the Wii?
  5. Is there a Freeloader that works with the Wii? I thought none of them worked.
  6. QFT. Motion, mabye people would have respected your postsin the Zelda thread If you hadn't crapped all over theirs all the time. Everytime someone had something good to say about it you'd say something like "Oh no that part was crap because...................much better in OOT which was over 10 years ago...." And you started that thread for no reason.
  7. Wii-Week after launch 360-Last April PS3-Mabye someday
  8. Can't decide whether to get OOT or Super Mario World! OOT is OOT, but after getting Super Mario Bros. and loving it, I want to get SMW!
  9. Mabye if they made a load of sidequests revolve around it, but it wouldnt work for the story imo. I'd love to see a Majoras Mask style time system again!
  10. I voted for MM, but im really not sure. I think it just edges the rest, but every time i remember back playing another Zelda, i want to pick it! I think theyre all great, but MM and WW get points for being different!
  11. The biggest thing that I REALLY think is missing from this game is Lon Lon Ranch.
  12. What exactly can you do in there? Ive found it but cant seem to get through it!
  13. I'd definitely play that 2d remake. Then we could really say whether Zelda is better in 2D or 3D.
  14. Having it in First Person wouldn't be bad, just look at Oblivion!
  15. Ive just reached Arbiters Grounds. Is it an actual dungeon or an area like the Gerudo place from OOT?
  16. Mabye an update? We can always hope.... Im just at the 3rd dungeon now, looks confusing so im exploring and messing around a bit. Despite what everyone is saying im really loving this. I think I'll have to wait a few years to compare it to OOT or MM. I absolutely loved all the horseback fighting and the bit where you protect the zora boy on the way to Kakariko! Castle Town is brilliant, really big. The cameras a bit annoying, but sure it was the same in OOT! I just wish you could look around in first person mode!
  17. Im just after reaching Kakariko Village for the first time. Ive been playing for 4hrs 40mins. It's great so far, really enjoyed the first temple!
  18. How about GTA: Ireland? Tractors? Cows? Travellers?
  19. Im about to start the first dungeon i think, greeat so far! Cant play any more 'till chrismas though. About fishing, when the lure sinks, just pull the wiimote up slowly and it should say "FISH ON!". Then just keep pulling it up and you have your fish!
  20. I saw it, 30 seconds is way to little! He even called the DS Lite the Nintendo Lite. lol
  21. But if you were in a flat or terraced/semi detached house couldnt your neighbours steal your electricity?
  22. Can the Wii be used as an access point for the DS?
  23. No, its still my favourite 360 game!
  24. Have you checked your firewall? That could be the problem. Also, when i was trying to connect my ds through my computer, it said that "limited or no connectivity" thing. What i did was went into network connections and clicked "set up a home or small office network". I followed the instructions and it worked. You have to click that the computer connects directly to the internet when given the option. It worked for my DS, not sure about a 360 though!
  25. I'll probably get Saints Row, then Just Cause around Christmas. Has anyone else noticed that IGN gave Just cause two reviews? A US one and a UK one! Each with a hugely differing score!
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