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Everything posted by Ville

  1. Wow, that is just perfect...pure, Rezalicious awesome to the max. Brilliant song too...svenska för den segern
  2. That is awesome
  3. Ok, let's start with a story: I used to have this awkward feeling in my stomach / lower abdomen, and was wondering where it came from...I was consulting my doctor, and then I remembered something from the army: suspenders. All the pants in there were baggy to say the least, so you had to use suspenders...Well I bought a pair and took off my belt, and surprise surprise...I felt much better. So suspenders: good... At some point, I started experimenting with underwear as well. What I found out was that those rubberbands also constrict the body...thus going commando feels much better to me. So outside winter, I do it all the time...have been for at least a year now. Combined with baggy, non-restrictive pants...it's awesome.
  4. Come on now...different people react differently to pain and hardships. Not all can shrug everything off just like that...which might make them resort to harming either themselves or others. This can be mental / verbal or physical...So in a way, self-harm is not that different from e.g. self-deprecation, a rather common mode of behaviour... Apparently, it helps to shift the attention from mental pain to physical...so it's basically a distraction. Same, would be quite difficult for me. Thus resorted to self-deprecation instead...
  5. -
  6. Ville


  7. I agree...I've always liked school. Maybe that's why I want to be a teacher too Ok, here are some: Childhood: All kinds of playing with my friends, from video games to action figures to exploring the nearby woods...Acting like detectives / spies Playing street hockey on the street at winter... School: overall very fun memories. Especially connected with the beauty and colour of Autumn...new faces, new courses, crispy morning walks...The fun of doing different sports, cooking new foods, learning new stuff... Volleyball: Second time I played volleyball, was about 14 or so. Just had a fun group to practice with...no pressure, no competitiveness, just pure enjoyment of playing the game... N64: Good memories...all the multiplayer games we had...WCW vs. NWO, Perfect Dark, Pokémon Stadiums as the perfect party games... Buddhism: The first time I read a Buddhist book...it just resonated with me unlike anything else before. Like some part of me had just arrived home... Meditation: My personal experiments. Reading all kinds of meditation manuals, listening to talks, delving into the fascinating biographies of forest monks...Doing intensive periods of sitting, walking, lying down meditation...trying to be aware during the day, before going to sleep. Having increasingly clear dreams... Therapy: Found a wonderful woman as my doctor...we had a pretty good connection. Just open talk, she helping me discover my positive sides...Really liked our conversations. Yoga: Has given me much...energy, posture, wonderful people to practice with...also → The cessation of my thinking neurosis: Without a doubt, one of the most relieving things that has ever happened to me. Finally, I can be at peace...no more constant analysation. Also, emotions and stress seem to have less and less effect on me now...I can just be without my mind getting tangled at everything. Family: Very fortunate. Sure, I'd done some things differently, but overall I've had the privilege of being born amongst very kind people. I might not agree on everything with my mother, but I can still talk to her about almost anything...Dad wasn't too open about his stuff, but still was a gentle person...Also, get along very well with my brother. Lived in the same room for about 13 years or so, and never had any problems whatsoever... There you go. Life has been full of good moments...
  8. Good cover choice btw... Heh, no sweat there...Still, might wanna give it a try at some point. Should you happen to like it, you're in for a treat of awesome wacky greatness.
  9. More like "you have the privilege of watching them flex their muscles and gyrate their hips just for you" ;D But yeah, I actually didn't even remember the first N64 Goemon had a game over screen like that as well...I wonder if I ever even saw it. However, the second one I'll always remember, as the difficulty makes sure you'll run into it quite a lot. Also, by pressing "A" you can make the oni gyrate faster and faster
  10. The awesomeness of Goemon includes game over screens as well
  11. Ville


    Same. I am constantly changing as my life goes forward, so permanent images do not go so well with that. I dress for functionality anyway...
  12. Ville


  13. Yeah thanks, been using your site as well...good job btw. Still, I do prefer a hands-on guide that doesn't require you to sit next to the computer all the time...plus I really like the maps And off-topic: was reading the gender differences page for DPP, made for some amusing reading. Highlights: Nice
  14. Here we go then, enjoy: Intro: Awesome. Rad. Guiletastic. Sub Titles: took me a 2nd viewing to get, nice. Pun: solid. Erms and pauses are part of the charm, just like the hat… Greeting1: oh lawd. Miruku: took me a 2nd time to get, at first I thought it was a glove or something…Still a bit lacking. Phil: Surprisingly good. Music was spot on too. Greeting2: … Canned laughter: ok, but severely hampered by you not looking at the camera. Also, you going for the camera at the end did not help... Life1: thought I had the answer scouted… Rant: too long, painful to watch / listen. Could’ve worked with something intelligible, but not with random yelling from a baby. Life2: ok, didn’t see that one coming Greeting3: … Trailer: what is wrong with that soundtrack…surprisingly flat 999. Pun: Hmm…might have worked better without the footage. Johnny: Wow, nice laughter there…sock. Sure you didn't escape from a Banjo-Kazooie game? Greeting4: wtf Working out: Sure, just HAPPENED to film yourself working out Status: ok Le Frenchisms: oui oui oui, mer-ker-hum-pe-lough etc Working out: oh, didn’t know that meaning. Greeting5: still going… Pun: ok. Claire: good buildup, mixed reaction from the action…This so calls for Claire Strikes Back… Mind: good, nice sound effect. Greeting6: ok, I cracked up OT Miruku: better than the original segment OT Claire: see? You’ve got another thing coming ;D Overall: good, bad and the Bale rant...which just did not work. In regard to length and pauses, I don't have a problem with either. Just be sure to look at the camera and cut out unnecessary stuff like turning off the camera...Other than that, little pauses are fine with me.
  15. Makes perfect sense... Nice. With the High Link, different seasons and the new-Pokemon-only approach, this is sounding pretty good thus far...the only thing I'm worried about is the strategy guide. I mean I bought em for RB and GS, and these were more like leaflets. Skipped over generation RSE, and when I got to Platinum and found the guide...it was friggin massive; actually bigger and heavier than most darn books! Hope it's not a 10-part book series next...
  16. Wow, I didn't even know there was a collector's edition of OoT. No doubt it's pricy...I'll just stick with the versions that are easiest to play, i.e. GC / VC ones.

  17. Ville


    Wow, same thing here, the game is sitting on my shelf...I did make it through the intro, but not further than that. Still, should be worth playing...right?
  18. Wow. Hope everything turns out fine...
  19. Wow, thanks a bunch Jonnas, those comics are awesome...Finland being the "masculine drunk mute with a knife" you'd expect I follow a few, like Girl Genius and Goblins. Still, my fave has to be Raven's dojo. That comic is...friggin nuts, and in the best way possible. The actions sequences are just unrivalled in both ingenuity, crude humour and the use of dynamic perspectives. I mean this comic has moments of such ridiculous awesomeness that you can't help but stare at the screen with your mouth literally wide open from the colossal magnitude of pure win your sensory equipment has just registered...
  20. Ville


    Ok, well that's tapping for sure...alternating e.g. t12(8) and t12(5). Seems to be no pull-offs or hammer-ons, just tapping... Yeah, for tremolo picking I use the whole arm too...you don't usually do it for that long, so it's ok strain-wise.
  21. Ville


    In regard to the little finger you mentioned...the first thing you want to check is your posture. Back straight and arms free, no leaning on the guitar. If you have a strap, use it and adjust the length accordingly; you want the guitar at a comfortable position, as too high or too low will cause unnecessary strain to your arms and hands. After this, pay attention to the fretting hand. Some pointers: one finger per fret this means your hand and fingers should be at a straight angle to the neck, NOT slanted in any way use only your thumb at the bottom of the neck, as this will give you much more range and easier positioning. Your palm SHOULD NOT be touching the neck, as this will only slant your fingers and reduce your range. Heh, I have similar feelings in regard to piano. It's such a convenient instrument for accompanying yourself while playing melody. However, can't be arsed to learn it properly at this point... What comes to starting out, drahkon is right. The lighter the string set, the easier to play...thus ele > acoustic. Still in either case, your fingers will be stiff and sore for a period...but after that, it becomes much easier. Just took me a while to answer...well first of all, that kind of marking is not even possible Breakdown: t = tap with right hand p = pull-off to a lower note h = hammer-on to a higher note You just cannot pull from 12 to 9 and then hammer to 5, it should be the other way around, i.e. t12-p5-h9. In this case, you have your fretting hand like this: -index finger on 5 -little finger above 9 Now, you hit 12 with your picking hand index / middle finger, then pull it off the string causing 5 to play. After this, you hammer the 9 with your little finger, then repeat the whole thing. So no picking at all, just using your fingers to tap, pull and hammer. Second, this is from Muse's Newborn, perhaps? If so, it's not even correct I checked and there's no tapping in the solo, just fast picking...however, this tap version is definitely an easier alternative.
  22. Yep. This is often combined with the other party making very quick assumptions that they instantly take to be the truth. At the same moment, they usually become incapable of listening and decide never to speak to that person again: I've met people like this in real life too...Yeah, I made some mistakes, but instead of discussing the matter, they just shut me off instantly. This really shook me...I mean I tried the best I could, but no; just got anger and disdain back, complete with "never want to see you" and all that crap. Like wtf...all I can say is good luck with their life, because with a snobbish attitude like that, you're basically a darn conflict magnet...
  23. Nice job! How far did you get earlier?

  24. Ville


    Ok. You probably have medium or light strings in your ele, as opposed to the heavier ones in the acoustic, right? In other words, ele is easier to play... Well the best thing learning-wise is to attend a beginners' guitar class. A teacher will get you started and show all the basics you need...Should you not have the money or interest, you can always self-study through the internet as well. Might not be so convenient though...
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