I agree...I've always liked school. Maybe that's why I want to be a teacher too
Ok, here are some:
Childhood: All kinds of playing with my friends, from video games to action figures to exploring the nearby woods...Acting like detectives / spies Playing street hockey on the street at winter...
School: overall very fun memories. Especially connected with the beauty and colour of Autumn...new faces, new courses, crispy morning walks...The fun of doing different sports, cooking new foods, learning new stuff...
Volleyball: Second time I played volleyball, was about 14 or so. Just had a fun group to practice with...no pressure, no competitiveness, just pure enjoyment of playing the game...
N64: Good memories...all the multiplayer games we had...WCW vs. NWO, Perfect Dark, Pokémon Stadiums as the perfect party games...
Buddhism: The first time I read a Buddhist book...it just resonated with me unlike anything else before. Like some part of me had just arrived home...
Meditation: My personal experiments. Reading all kinds of meditation manuals, listening to talks, delving into the fascinating biographies of forest monks...Doing intensive periods of sitting, walking, lying down meditation...trying to be aware during the day, before going to sleep. Having increasingly clear dreams...
Therapy: Found a wonderful woman as my doctor...we had a pretty good connection. Just open talk, she helping me discover my positive sides...Really liked our conversations.
Yoga: Has given me much...energy, posture, wonderful people to practice with...also →
The cessation of my thinking neurosis: Without a doubt, one of the most relieving things that has ever happened to me. Finally, I can be at peace...no more constant analysation. Also, emotions and stress seem to have less and less effect on me now...I can just be without my mind getting tangled at everything.
Family: Very fortunate. Sure, I'd done some things differently, but overall I've had the privilege of being born amongst very kind people. I might not agree on everything with my mother, but I can still talk to her about almost anything...Dad wasn't too open about his stuff, but still was a gentle person...Also, get along very well with my brother. Lived in the same room for about 13 years or so, and never had any problems whatsoever...
There you go. Life has been full of good moments...