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Everything posted by Ville

  1. Hmm...I'm usually more nostalgic towards the NES and N64, but now that I read this thread I have to say that the GC was indeed a cool console. I think it was a perfect mix between Nintendo's own games and 3rd party stuff, plus the controller is amazing. Quite a lot of cool games, like Wave Race, Rogue Squadron, Sunshine, Wind Waker, Master Quest, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, F-Zero, Metroid Primes, TimeSplitters, Paper Mario TYD, Eternal Darkness, Animal Crossing, Beach Spikers, Doshin the Giant, Gauntlet, Phantasy Stars, Soul Calibur, Prince of Persia, Ikaruga, Gladius, Tales of Symphonia, Starfox Adventures, Viewtiful Joe, Day of Reckonings, Tony Hawks, Naruto fighting games etc... There's your variety right there! Both serious and more wacky, realistic and cartoony games. Sports, platforming, rpgs, flying, fighting, racing, adventure, co-op, shooting, gardening, you name it! It was also the first home console I saved up money for and bought completely on my own, still remember the sunny day I walked into the store and picked up the jet black wonder machine... Bottom line: GC, u kool bro.
  2. Minecraft: 1) Can be used in schools for teaching various subjects, recreating places of old and of course just 3D creation for art class! See MinecraftEdu. http://minecraftedu.com/page/ 2) It's has online multiplayer (yeah I know this sounds weird Nintendo, google it up), adventure and creation all in one. What more can you ask for? Price is also pretty cheap. 3) The online community is huge, AND the terms of service give you the right to make youtube videos and put ads on them. If you look at the gaming channels of younger folks, they're full of Minecraft, CoD and indie game videos. Why? Because they can share their adventures, showcase their creations, and try to emulate the big youtubers by making a little money on the side. And when one person is doing it, soon his friends will be too... Bottom line: No competition really. Very multi-faceted, cheap, online and youtube friendly game. Why would the kids be playing Nintendo stuff, when they can't play online or make videos about them? Screw that.
  3. I think you might have a point there, it seems to be a bit less than in single player. Why? I have no idea...
  4. Yeah, it seems a bit weird to launch the DLC immediately. Still, good to hear the game has enough content on its own...
  5. I would still recommend the game. Like I said, it's not perfect, but still pretty cool... Also, what comes to getting cards...the online mode is actually pretty good for that, because you can play as many games as you want without needing to think about the League schedule, training or player fatigue. Just put on a match, do something else while it plays out and repeat. Pretty handy!
  6. Well there you go then. The Nintendo DLC Era has begun... *puke*
  7. @markderoos Yep, that's the thing that worries me, we're gonna see more of this in the future...
  8. Yep, it's does speed up your training. I have to say that I'm not exactly happy with this mechanic because it feels like a cheap way to make more money. What happened to the Nintendo standard of fully balanced, standalone games? "Oh the grind for cards is taking you some time? Well here, just buy your way out of it!" No, how about you balance the goddamn game so that I don't have to buy extra stuff! Also, more DLC teams and challenges are unlocked as you advance further in the game. First you have defence and offence training, and after that specific attributes, like stamina & toughness and technique. Probably 2 per each different league? If so, that's 8 DLC teams to buy, i.e. 12€ extra. Not sure how many challenge teams there are, but if there are 4, then that would be 10€ extra also. I just don't understand why they had to make these purchasable DLC, why not just include them in the game as league win rewards or free DLC (challenges)? The lines between "this is how the game plays", "this is how it should play" and "this is just extra leverage you can buy" are very damn murky right now. Yes, the game is good, but I'm just not digging this pay-to-speed-up-your-progress mechanic...
  9. Yeah, I've actually bought the first 2 training teams now, Aegis (defence) and Raiders (offense). You play a practice match or a friendly, and after the match you get a new combo PLUS 3x the cards needed for that. In other words, 3+3(+3) extra cards per match.
  10. Well that was sexy. WII U VERSION PLEEEEEEASE!
  11. It's been a while since I played this, but what I remember is that I used Dunban, Reyn and Sharla for everything unless I absolutely had to cram Shulk in. Dunban was my favourite because he can both stun and topple quite easily, plus lower enemy defence for a massive chain link beatdown. I remember there was some boss fight towards the end where I was "supposed" to use some other character...but I just said "screw that" and blasted through it with my own combination. There seem to be multiple options in most fights depending on your playstyle... Still, no matter what your team, you have to level them up, there's no way around that. Find some high level boss monsters and it shouldn't be that hard...I remember there being a super good levelling spot high up in the Valak Mountain, but that was probably for the end game. Not sure at what level you can even go there...
  12. Just finished my second season (Advanced League), and boy was that interesting. Straight losses for the first 13 games, then a few draws, more losses, and finally some wins...Managed to stay in the league by 1 point, ha! Final results: 3W-2D-15L. I think it's cool that you have a proper challenge, my team was pretty damn unbalanced and the game showed no mercy for that. Took me quite a few losses to figure out what was going on, i.e. a few good players / attributes matter nothing if the rest is crap. Had to widen the reserve and balance everyone up across the board, and it took me the whole season to do it. Skin of the teeth victory, but I did manage to turn it around in the end! Pretty damn satisfying. Them other teams better beware, because after the summer training is over, it's AL round two and their asses are gonna get scorched!
  13. Started the Advanced League, and I'm getting my ass kicked. Have lost 3 games already! Seems to be quite a jump from the beginner one...
  14. Well it's certainly not perfect, but there's quite a lot of charm in this game. Like I said, I don't even like soccer that much, but this just somehow works. Create and manage your own football club, then watch them play against other teams...and because you can't skip matches, it feels like your little FC is really fighting there inside your 3DS. Weird Nintendo magic, definitely... Here's my team, Finland seems to have about 5 teams atm: http://microsite.nintendo-europe.com/NPFC/enGB/team.php?team_code=F697B1F33 I'm currently 8 games into the Beginner League, 5W-2D-1L.
  15. I'm FC Napalm, club ID: F697B1F33. Btw @Cube, how did you take a screenshot of the game?
  16. I don't even like soccer that much, but this seems pretty cool so I got it. Just downloaded it...
  17. @ReZourceman You're in for a sweet ride man. Enjoy!
  18. No worries, it's only a matter of time until Nintendo announces New Metroid Yarn (Bros.)...
  19. Ok, well that sounds pretty cool. They haven't announced this yet for the Wii U VC, have they?
  20. @S\.C\.G I think we all know where this is going...who cares about Zero Suit Samus when you can have No Suit Whatsoever Samus. #makeithappenSakurai
  21. Well if that's the route we're going here...then why no string bikini??
  22. So what's the real difference between this and the first game on the NES? I've played through the original already, and it was surprisingly good with a map and the Restore Point function...
  23. Yeah I think that's a bit ridiculous. Not practical for a bounty hunter or a fighter...
  24. So how many of you read the mangas, and how many just watch the animes? For me, it's the latter these days, I just prefer the colour, sound and animation...
  25. IT'S A TRAP.
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