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Everything posted by Ville

  1. Gametrailers worked perfectly for me.
  2. Whether it's legit or not, it's actually a cool idea. Making your own levels and sharing them with other people, why not!
  3. I would so buy a Mr. Game & Watch figurine.
  4. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    So how's the battle mode guys? Any impressions?
  5. Well it's not like it's a real person or anything. I usually use some variation of my own name, and it just feels more personal. I mean you're supposed to identify with the main character anyway, so it helps that. Playing as "Link" just doesn't feel right at all to me...
  6. You guys actually name him Link? I never do that...
  7. Well, you could always just have a Majora's Mask type alternative world game where the sexes have been reversed, and see what comes of it. Link: teenage girl Zelda: Prince of Hyrule Ganondorf: Queen of Gerudos, which are all men (worrying dynamic) Navi / whatever annoying sidekick: boy fairy / spirit etc Might actually be interesting!
  8. Well if you watch the videos in this thread, isn't the American silhuette exactly the same as the Japanese one even when the socket isn't? Plus all the other silhuettes are just about the outline shape, not what's in it, so it might not be that much of a problem...
  9. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Yep, Friday and store. The Way It Is Meant To Be Done™.
  10. @RedShell @M_rock I thought there was something wrong with the picture and there is, it is actually a Japanese plug (works in North America too). Europlugs look like this:
  11. Maybe it launches everywhere in Europe but the UK! #problemsolved
  12. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Wario Colosseum = awesome.
  13. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    I see one Finnish site had "shipping starts on 26th" listed as well, I wonder if that actually happened...
  14. Game looks great, but I don't think the backstory makes a shred of sense. Just think about it: 1) Relationship, what relationship? Link has been so friendzoned all these years that he's basically a eunuch now, how can you possibly get jealous of that? 2) Shia herself is a total minx with some huge dodongos, yet Link doesn't even look at her? Wuuut? Conclusion: Link is so gay.
  15. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Well you have to take into consideration the demographic that posts on these forums too. Most of the people here are gaming veterans who have seen the best of Nintendo and also the other consoles, so of course there is going to be comparing, whining and complaining. The perspective is much wider than with young people who are just getting into Nintendo, so you'd think the discussions are quite different on whatever (Nintendo) forums they do frequent these days... Bottomline: I think we should change the site name to Cranky Geezers With Nintendos -Europe.
  16. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    I think we should put up a voice chat group to discuss this particular voice chat situation via, you guessed it, voice chat! To voice chat or not to voice chat, o' that is the question... Did I mention voice chat yet?
  17. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    It's just a bit puzzling that why are Nintendo not putting full voice chat into their games when the system, as designed by themselves, does have a voice chat function built right into it? Also, based on my experience with MH3U, it works pretty damn well! Anyway, I agree with Peeps, have you guys tried a skype / ventrilo / other separate voice chat group for Mario Kart or other games? I think that would be worth a shot, also then we could finally end the speculation and experience first-hand how voice chat really works with a game like Mario Kart. Maybe it is too chaotic, maybe it works just fine.
  18. It's probably common in other fighting games too.
  19. Yeah it's a bit weird, suddenly most of the roster is ambidextrous...
  20. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Nah, I agree that it's good that they're marketing it, plus it's basically free press since it's the reviewers and early copy people doing it! Still, wtf, release the goddamn game already!
  21. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    @Serebii Well not necessarily. You can have a quality game and still release the reviews on the same day or the day before that. Like I said, it boosts the launch itself...plus you can go get the game immediately if you decide to buy it! Anyway, like HoT said it's all about the balance. I think the embargo's ending date date was a good one if you think about the overall marketing timing (MK direct etc), but the game's launch date is a week too late for that. I'd say that a week would be an ideal time for review promoing...maybe even 5 days. For example: reviews are out on Monday, you have the whole week to hype up the game, and everyone can go buy it on Friday. Sounds pretty good to me!
  22. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    I think it's just their way of getting free advertisement. It does work in a way, but a two-week gap is too long in my opinion. I mean some review embargos are only lifted on the day before or even the same day a game launches, which has the benefit of boosting the launch day excitement and getting people to buy the game right then. Now it feels like there was a separate early launch for all the press people and several other parties, which kind of mellows out the excitement for everyone else, especially when every little thing is being spoiled in the videos etc.
  23. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Probably gonna get NSMBU or Pikmin 3, not sure which one though...
  24. Ville

    Mario Kart 8

    Yeah it seems like they only want to do it their way and that's it. Why not give players the flexibility to choose what features to implement or not? If you have voice chat, have to option to turn it off; if you have a map on the screen, make it possible to display that on the gamepad or not at all etc. I mean it's not exactly brain surgery...plus different people have different preferences. In Monster Hunter for example you can choose what to display on the screen and what on the gamepad, lots of different combinations. I chose to display everything on the screen, and appreciated the flexibility very much. Simple as that...
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