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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I don't know, I quite like it. It's either very surreal, or mostly composed of kennings, or both. Either way, you've earned two points.
  2. Hmm, I think I'll deem this game not to be acceptable, mainly because it seems a bit pointless, but also because it just involves people posting numbers, and the whole Nintendo theme is really just a gimmick. [locked]
  3. Nope. Yep, only in syllable-intial position.
  4. Correct, but the point is for a rule saying where it occurs.
  5. And the full Shakespearean thing, for comparison: J: My pardon; did I break thy concentration? Continue! Ah, but now thy tongue is still. Allow me then to offer a response. Describe Marsellus Wallace to me, pray. B: What? J: What country dost thou hail from? B: What? J: How passing strange, for I have traveled far, And never have I heard tell of this What. What language speak they in the land of What? B: What? J: The Queen’s own English, base knave, dost thou speak it? B: Aye! J: Then hearken to my words and answer them! Describe to me Marsellus Wallace! B: What? JULES presses his knife to BRETT’s throat J: Speak ‘What’ again! Thou cur, cry ‘What’ again! I dare thee utter ‘What’ again but once! I dare thee twice and spit upon thy name! Now, paint for me a portraiture in words, If thou hast any in thy head but ‘What’, Of Marsellus Wallace! B: He is dark. J: Aye, and what more? B: His head is shaven bald. J: Has he the semblance of a harlot? B: What? JULES strikes and BRETT cries out J: Has he the semblance of a harlot? B: Nay! J: Then why didst thou attempt to bed him thus? B: I did not! J: Aye, thou didst! O, aye, thou didst! Thou hoped to rape him like a chattel whore, And sooth, Lord Wallace is displeased to bed With anyone but she to whom he wed.
  6. Yep, pretty much. It can be useful to know. Sorry, pipped to the post by Eddage. Indeed!
  7. I get to bump this because I'm the quizmaster for this round, and I have the quiz: 1. Write me a villanelle in a specific metre of your choice. (2 points) jayse'en gives us tetrameter. 2. When is p aspirated in English? Nintendohnut provides a maximally simple and predictive formal rule. 3. Tickets required for loud disapproval of royal skating display. (7,6) Moogleviper concludes the round. 4. Describe a method for testing the freshness of eggs without breaking their shell, and explain why it works. Eddage knows his eggs. 5. How do wolves ensure polyandry? Moogleviper just about gets there in the end. 6. What language is the following passage in? Noodleman es correcte. "On denomina Evolution Chimic le studio del processos que haberea permitite al elementos chimic que compone le organismos attinger le grado de organization structural e funccional que characterisa le materia vivente. Le facto que iste processos require conditions determinate, que solo pote ocorrer in locos specific del universo, conecta le studio del origine del vita al astrobiologia. Le modelos proposite per le origine del vita es tentativas de recrear le historia de iste evolution e il es importante accentuar que non existe, in le majoritate del etapas de iste processo, nulle consenso inter le scientistas." 7. Which chemical was used in roadside drink driving tests prior to the debut of the Lion Alcometer? Moogleviper changes in oxidation state. 8. The following passage is from a well known scene converted into Shakespearean English. What is the original scene from? The fish speaks English, motherfucker. A presses his knife to B’s throat A: Speak ‘What’ again! Thou cur, cry ‘What’ again! I dare thee utter ‘What’ again but once! I dare thee twice and spit upon thy name! Now, paint for me a portraiture in words, If thou hast any in thy head but ‘What’, Of ______! B: He is dark. A: Aye, and what more? B: His head is shaven bald. A: Has he the semblance of a harlot? B: What? A strikes and B cries out A: Has he the semblance of a harlot? B: Nay! A: Then why didst thou attempt to bed him thus? B: I did not! A: Aye, thou didst! O, aye, thou didst! Thou hoped to rape him like a chattel whore, And sooth, Lord ______ is displeased to bed With anyone but she to whom he wed. 9. Where does the name Supergrunch come from? jayseven confirms the derivativelessness (oh yes ) of my name. 10. Which book on my bookshelf contains information about water bears? killthenet, the fine chordate that he is, identifies the work of Colin Tudge. No bonus question because you've all been very naughty. (or, I can't think of a decent one)
  8. Well yeah, but we were supposed to think he was intelligent.
  9. I think I came a little when the doctor corrected that prodigous guy's grammar.
  10. So, assuming you haven't all taken the above advice, I imagine a fair few of you need motivation of some kind or another, most likely as a result of upcoming exams, but I'm sure there are other reasons. Anyway, I thought perhaps a thread can help, where people explain why they need to motivate themselves and try and set goals of some sort or another, so that they face not only mental anguish but also flagellation from fellow forumites if they are so unwise as to procrastinate rather than to meet their targets. Anyway, I have exams this summer, and need to get a 2:1 to be able to switch to linguistics, and so must revise and do all the work I'm set... so far I'm sort of managing this, but I'm sure I could do better. I hereby resolve to try my utmost at this task. Now you have a go.
  11. Do you actually hate it? It's so legendary, I've got to try it this summer. People seem to either love it or hate it, depending on whether they're Japanese or English respectively.
  12. Erm, when I get a chance to write the questions... sometime this week, hopefully early on.
  13. I have decided to snatch the next round away from the clutching fingers of other potential quizmasters.
  14. Well, you need to understand the definition of a logarithm, which is the following: If a^x = y, then loga(y) = x. This takes a bit of getting used to, but it helps to think of logging as the opposite of raising to a power, much as division is the opposite of multiplication. You can also express loga(y) in words, it means "what power do you raise a to to get y?" This definition has a few important consequences, whatever the base (but providing all logs are of the same base), which are: log(x^y) = y*log(x) log(x) + log(y) = log(xy) log(x) - log(y) = log(x/y) Also, implicit in the definition is: logx(x) = 1 Logarithms of zero and negative numbers are undefined. I'm not sure what you mean by "add together two log functions as you would other stuff", but the rules you'll need are above. Anyway, the question was: loga(a^2) - 4loga(1/a) = 2loga(a) + 4loga(a) = 2 + 4 = 6
  15. All I can say about that is that Yakitate!! Japan is and always will be awesome.
  16. Yeah, I just got hand outs for stats, 'twas annoying. 4, 2, 1,... is a geometric series with first term, a, of 4 and a common difference, r, or 1/2, or 2^(-1). The nth term is given by a*r^(n-1), making the 20th term: 4*(2^(-1))^19 = (2^2)*(2^(-19)) = 2^(-17) And the sum to infinity is given by a/(1-r) = 4/(1-(1/2)) = 8. For the second: loga(a^2) - 4loga(1/a) By loga you mean log to the base a right? If so, this simplifies to: 2 - 4(-1) = 6
  17. Hmm, you've got me interested now... interested enough to look like a prat. 7. Here.
  18. Just think about them logically, and you'll know whether you're right or wrong. 1. A = 4(pi)r^2 = 1380 r^2 = 345/(pi) r = sqrt{345/(pi)} V = 4/3(pi)r^3 = 460sqrt{345/(pi)} = 4820 cm^3 (3sf) 2. Needs to be clearer in terms of notation. If you mean: 3/(y+7) - 1/(y+6) = 1/2 {3(y+6)-y-7}/((y+6)(y+7)) = 1/2 (y+6)(y+7) = 2{3(y+6)-y-7} y^2 + 13y + 42 = 4y + 22 y^2 + 9y + 20 = 0 (y+4)(y+5) = 0 y = -4, -5
  19. Wow, one of our lecturer talked about primate mating systems at ridiculous speeds this morning. "Andtherearemalekin/femalenon-kinfemalekin/malenon-kinmalenon-kin/femalenonkinmalekin/femalekinandsoonandmanyothercombinationsandthisoneforinstanceleadsto... *waits for arrows to move on powerpoint* Polygyny!" None of this was in our notes, either... Also: there are way too many tourists today, there's a sea of them outside. And the guy in subway started putting lettuce in my sub before I asked, I said "no lettuce thanks", he nodded and continued to put it in, so I enunciated more clearly a couple of times, and he carried on putting it in, so I had to shout "Could I have no lettuce please?" and then he looked up as if from a dream and blearily said "what...?" I repeated myself and then he finally took it out, but there were little bits left everywhere. It annoys me when they do that, but not enough to ask for them to make it again or something. [/rant]
  20. For a second I thought you were going to ask members in Prague to convey a message to your family... :wink: Anyway, problem resolved.
  21. Incidentally, there's an error that means you're not always informed when you get a message, so it may just be that Turkey hasn't seen what you've written. Anyway, this means it's worth checking the messages from all countries regularly to ensure you haven't missed anything. (I found something old in the first game that I never got to see)
  22. I assume when you say linguistic brawl you don't mean like me in this thread of the xkcd fora. Anyway, old people pop back occasionally, even now. Ah well, I just need to assassinate a few people and I'll have been here for the longest.
  23. Yet despite the large PW objection sign, you fail to see that my post was also a joke. :wink:
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