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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I did one of these last time round: I'll try another when I have the time, this is fun.
  2. Oh god, shut up people. [locked] (also, hi there NotAshley)
  3. Man, I'm tired and have some chemistry questions and two essays to do for tomorrow.
  4. Hmm, I think this belongs more in creative.
  5. I thought he was talking about the style of characters in Lucky Star, which is odd, because they're fairly generic (albeit with good animation and sakuga quality), just as the style of Eva is fairly generic for old anime.
  6. It's a 24 episode series. In before "doesn't change the fact there are only 5 laughs." [noparse];-)[/noparse]
  7. Hmm, I thought it was an orange, not a pumpkin. Either way, happy birthday whether or not your avatar is of the citrus orientation. (and happy birthday to Tim)
  8. First time round I didn't take screenshots, but I drew a diagram of a synapse and got something back that must have been forgettable as I can't remember what it was. This time, I drew: And recieved: No idea of the significance, but it looks somewhat cool, and at least they actually tried.
  9. I think this thread is a little pointless, what with there being a multitude of threads for reviews of specific things, and also because reviews are often too lengthy for a post, so I'm going to lock it. In answer to your second question: If by ZP you mean Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, then you aren't going to get any better than his own reviews.
  10. Yeah, I mean: 6.(i) Life means suffering. (ii) The origin of suffering is attachment. (iii) The cessation of suffering is attainable. (iv) The eightfold path leads to the cessation of suffering.
  11. 4.(i) Life means suffering. (ii) The origin of suffering is attachment. (iii) The cessation of suffering is attainable. (iv) The eightfold path leads to the cessation of suffering.
  12. Leaderboard after round 14 18 - jayseven 16 - The fish 15 - killthenet 13 - Cube 13 - Supergrunch 12 - Eddage 10 - MoogleViper 10 - Noodleman 7 - Platty 7 - Mundi 6 - Haggis 6 - Nintendohnut 5 - EEVILMURRAY 5 - Tom 5 - Strider 4 - Monopolyman 4 - The Villan 3 - Shorty 3 - Ellmeister 2 - The Bard 2 - Welsh Gamer 2 - GMAC 2 - Fierce Link 2 - DomJcg 3 - EchoDesiato 3 - Dyson 1 - Stefkov 1 - rokhed00 1 - McMad 1 - Dan Dare 1 - Aalborg 1 - Dante 1 - Ashley 1 - Coolness Bears
  13. Yeah, fair enough, but jayseven knew the answer and wasn't answering... I assume that's why.
  14. Moogle, you answered 3 questions - is this or isn't this against the rules? (jayseven seemed to think it is)
  15. Yep, and now we're all done. Sorry, was pissing about for all of Saturday night and playing go today.
  16. It's true, an awful lot of anime is like that. I tend to like stuff that deals with emotions in a more complex way. (I'm aware that my avatar isn't really helping my case, but the show it's from is actually one of the latter types)
  17. Okay: 3. Tickets required for loud disapproval of royal skating display. (7,6) "Tickets required" is literally related to the answer. "loud disapproval of royal skating display" is related to a phrase which you can join up to make the answer. The first word is 7 letters, the second 6.
  18. I didn't make it up actually, I think it's a really old one. It's brilliant though, so I decided to use it.
  19. Well yes, I think the key components are excellent characters, dialogue, themes, and imagery, but like you say, these things are never the crux of the play. To be honest, I can't really remember the facial animation of any of the characters, so it can't have been that good. If you want something with clear, simple characters, and a story to match, complemented by some of the best animation ever, try something by Makoto Shinkai, like The Place Promised in our Early Days or 5cm/s. Howl's Moving Castle (by Miyazaki) is another example of great animation, this time with a more complex story. Kyoto Animation also do this sort of thing well, especially in CLANNAD and The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, despite the fact these are (somewhat) more mainstream anime shows. Actually, I'm interested in seeing Persepolis - the style, content and language appeal to me.
  20. Yep, water bears = tardigrades. Right people, 1 more left: 3. Tickets required for loud disapproval of royal skating display. (7,6)
  21. I'll check with some English students, but I'm pretty sure that it's general academic opinion that the comedies and tragedies were just that - the comedies focusing on humour, and the tragedies on terrible events. It's hard to argue that, say, A Midsummer Night's Dream is anything other than a farce, and this is because jokes are given priority over a sensible story, and though we may not find them as funny now, at the time they were considered hilarious. (and indeed, if performed in the right way, they still can be) Ironically, the play that today most people find one of his most amusing was actually intended to be the most tragic of tragedies - Titus Andronicus. Regarding Steamboy - I have this on DVD, and was extremely annoyed to find that my copy had no Japanese soundtrack at all. I watched some of it, and though in places the animation was brilliant (especically where lots of CG was involved), I didn't feel there was much else going for it.
  22. I was about to say, it sounds like an episode of Azumanga Daioh mixed with part of the Nagisa arc of the CLANNAD game.
  23. I'm sorry to say I didn't vote anywhere, because I was way too busy, but it seems the independent councilor of my ward in Cambridge was re-elected. Which is good, he sent round a manifesto saying that he was going to try and remove traffic from the EVIL ROAD OF DEATH that runs through my college.
  24. If I said "How do people speak Hindi?", then "They don't, they only speak English" isn't an acceptable answer, even if it is true for you, or any other person/group of people. This question's analagous.
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