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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You guys will be amazed by the bands I've seen:
  2. Rep tends to be generally a bit rubbish, anyway.
  3. Well, overall I sort of liked that, although it was shaky in parts.
  4. Hmm, I love second hand bookshops, I got a book on Chomsky, a book on descriptive linguistic theory, and a book on computer science all for a tenner. I'm going to a Nintendo 64 party tonight, which should be awesome, for obvious reasons.
  5. Nope, this is it. I suppose there's a chance they'll animate Tomoyo After, a sequel game to Clannad that continued Tomoyo's arc. Anyway, I'm pretty sure of what will happen in episodes 21 and 22, and 24 will presumably be an alternate timeline Kyou/Ryou arc. I have no idea what 23 will be, however, although there are various interesting things they could do. Arcs we'll probably never get: Sanae, Akio, Kappei. Everything else has been done, although Yoshino and especially Koumura were covered extremely briefly. And while it may be possible to work out the end of Clannad from this point, it's not nearly as straightforward as you might think.
  6. But what is going to happen next? :wink: I'd say there's just enough evidence for you to take a fair guess about the content of the remaining episodes. Which I of course shan't comment on. Incidentally, it's looking more likely that there'll be a DVD only OVA for episode 24, which will probably be the Kyou/Ryou arc. Which is a nice arc, so that will be good.
  7. Woke up at half 10, stayed in bed and read a paper on Japanese metrical phonology until about 1. Good times. Now to do some reading/get some books for a syntax essay.
  8. Yes, as I just said, there's a music thread. [locked]
  9. Yep, we have a music thread for such discussions. [locked]
  10. Well yes. I'd be more interested to see if you can deduce what will happen in episode 22.
  11. Lol, I just told my parents for the last one: "Bye, I'm off to meet some internet people." "Oh okay then, will you be back this evening?" It's funny, my Mum's usually insanely protective. Though thankfully less so since I've been to university.
  12. Sadly not so intriguing - my edit was of Jay's post early this morning. He got a plural incorrect! Each volume took me maybe around 20 minutes. A) Try using some Sinex and it should go away. B) Are you sure it wasn't your own hair? If so, it could either be an ingrown hair and/or some form of Keratosis Pilaris. Otherwise, I suppose just a result of weird chance. You want the [noparse][noparse][/noparse][/noparse] tag.
  13. Lol, I think the Latin plural is penii, but of course ancient language rules don't really apply to English all that much any more. If they did, the plural of octopus would be octopodes. (and some people claim this, but meh, why should they be able to decide? ) Did you get any further with blue eyes?
  14. It's awesome, once you get into it you should be gripped until the end.
  15. Clannad 20 wasn't even that sad, but still made me feel upset. Nice episode though. The characters look so old now (Ushio excluded of course), which is a good thing. The next episode is entitled:
  16. Refresh the page, it tends to fool it. It's only a bug that it stops you before 72 minutes, anyway.
  17. Lolz, unfortunately my laptop is normally further from the tissues than that. They're in the centre of the room for all to share.
  18. There's something we play permanently here called pennying - basically if you throw a penny in someone's drink, they have to down it to stop the queen drowning. Two guys pennied Stephen Hawking a few years ago and got a fine and a lifetime ban from his college. Other games: There's one I've played a year or so ago, which we may or may not have made up, which involves taking it in turns to think of questions with two possible answers (e.g. yes/no, would you rather this/that etc.), and then people answer and everyone in the minority group has to drink. We were playing this with only three people, it might be worse with more. And there's another one called 13 that I played the other night - basically you have to take it in turns to count up to 13, and when you get to the top you say a set phrase (e.g. congratulations, ladies and gentlemen), then make up a rule to substitute one of the numbers - for instance, you might have to drink from the glass of the person next to you instead of saying 6, and so on. If anyone makes an error, you start again at 1, and of course they have to drink. Other than that, we mostly tend to play I have never.
  19. My desk, which I don't use all that much: Where I actually do most of my work:
  20. Lol, Strike Witches is such a joke of a show. The odd episodes I've seen were amusing though.
  21. You're crazy Ashley, where'd you learn those? 継続は力なり literally means something like "continuation bestows strength" i.e. "perseverance makes you stronger" or "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." 見ぬが花 is more idiomatic and thus more fun, (very) literally meaning "not seeing is flowers," (note the verb is conjugated in an archaic form, which is common in crystallized idioms of any language) but slightly less literally "that which you don't see is the best" (が花 commonly having this kind of meaning). Hence you get the ultimate meaning "that which you may recieve is often better than what you already have," or to use a less wordy form wwwjdic gives the gloss "prospect is often better than possession." There are similar が花 based idioms, also using the archaic -ぬ negative verbal suffix, like the lovely 言わぬが花 - "some things are best left unsaid / silence is golden." (wwwjdic glosses again)
  22. Well no, you know that 日 is pronounced ni in that context, and it actually means sun there rather than day. Language is perhaps a more accurate general gloss for 語 than word. そうだ。でもいつもあきらめない。特に、分かれる語をぼくたちがしゃべらないwwwww まあね、もしかしたらあいつらがウィーアブーを聞こえるってこと知るよね。
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