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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I have a friend who got a first in maths at Cambridge, and went on to do the optional 4th year, but then when into programming, and now says he barely remembers how to do A-level further maths like eigenvectors, let alone degree level stuff. For some reason maths is so much easier to forget than anything else...
  2. I'd do that, although I'm a theoretical linguist rather than a psycholinguist. The lexicon is pretty much a mystery, however. Hmm, I've forgotten a lot of my binomial type stuff so won't be much help. Odwin may well be decent at that, what with being a statistician and all.
  3. Chair's method for the win I think, if he wanted girls it'd get him them. :wink:
  4. Neither did I, but other people did complain. I don't care about your posting of Ophelia either, but constantly using picture memes or whatever tends to irritate people. And it's not the same thing as a sig or avatar as that's not part of the content of a post (though they can also annoy people if they're big or epilepsy-inducing flashing gifs or something). Basically, it's the consistent use of an image as a substitute for a linguistic sign that can get under peoples' noses, even if it's used for rhetorical effect or whatever, perhaps partly because it brings to mind places like /b/.
  5. There's nothing wrong with Millais' Ophelia, it's just a bit odd that it keeps getting posted, even if you do like it. Compare it to the winking picture that Dyson and Gizmo are (or were) always posting. People would be equally annoyed if I incessantly posted a picture of Chomsky or something.
  6. This is obviously in the wrong place, but also has no clear explanation (aside from being related to Animal Crossing), so I'm going to lock rather than move.
  7. Re: Stoic, people tell me I am born a stoic, without needing to do any of the difficult philosophical distancing and disregarding of emotions and so forth. Also, I have an essay for Monday and another for Tuesday. Fun fun...
  8. I like this idea, will probably read the other things people have written and submit one of my own later on. I started a villanelle, but it was crap, so back to the drawing board.
  9. Depends how complex you want the pun to be. Given the way Japanese names works, there are tons of names that could be used, the simplest of which is just juu (十). Note that 10 is juu, not ju, so jun is unrelated however you spell it, and you can also have other readings of 十 that aren't anything like juu, such as to - for example, akito (昭十) which is bright+ten. There are countless others on top of these - what kind of thing are you looking for?

  10. Cambridge has the highest proportion of gay students of any UK university I think, and Oxford may well be similar. Note that factors other than intelligence could be involved however, such as ancient universities being more appealing on average to gay students or somesuch. It's not an entirely unscientific hypothesis though, even if it's founded on slightly annecdotal evidence.
  11. Happy birthday Coolness! I hope your reply to this thread will reach the levels of happiness I have come to expect from you.
  12. Lol, that's what someone said last time. They're actually there because that desk's the only place I sit at in the room, and is thus the logical place for tissues.
  13. Yay, the first draft of my dissertation is all finished. Other than that, went to a lecture on grammaticalisation, and now have various things to read. Fun times.
  14. As do I, apparently. And my dissertation currently has a reference to this xkcd. And Hamlet.
  15. Happy brithday chap. Edit: s. Hellfire too.
  16. Because of his lack of subjects? It's perfectly acceptable in that context.
  17. Well, she's a formal semanticist rather than a formal syntactician, but she has some pretty impressive accomplishments. Hell, she practically co-invented Montague grammar. Also, Rizzi = awesome Italian linguist. And Richard Hudson is trying to set up a proper linguistics A-level I believe.
  18. That saying about guys only ever being interested in one thing isn't true; I'm interested in at least two things, the other being linguistics. Seriously though, I am fairly obsessed with linguistics, especially formal Chomskyan stuff. And I'm possibly addicted to caffeine, though probably not.
  19. Yeah, 'tis in SH1, and it made me think of it too. I'm pretty sure that Krebs is dead - checking Wikipedia it seems he died in 1981. Must be a different Krebs. Edit: It's his son.
  20. I went to my local wine shop earlier: "Do you have any mead?" "Yes, we have this one [explains flavour]" "How much is it?" "£6.75" "Do you do student discounts?" "Yes, we have a basic 5% discount, but you can also choose to gamble and answer a trivial pursuit question. If you get it right, you'll get a 10% discount, but if you get it wrong, you'll have to pay full price." "Alright, I'll gamble." *gets out trivial pursuit card from behind the desk* "You have a choice of Geography, Arts and Literature, Science and Nature, or Entertainment." "Science and Nature." "In which compass direction is the Sahara desert expanding?" "South." "Correct, that'll be £6.08." Apparently this is shop policy, my girlfriend says when she went she got a question about Superman wrong and had to pay full price.
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