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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Oh, if we're doing openings then: Mai-Otome OP 2 School Rumble Higurashi Haruhi (and from episode 00 :wink: )
  2. Here we go then: Honey & Clover Haruhi Mai-Hime (I couldn't find the actual ED video, but this is the singer singing it)
  3. I like the Haruhi and the Honey & Clover EDs. The Mai-HiME one is quite good as well.
  4. I'm going to need glasses when I'm older because I'm a bit long sighted, but I'd never want to wear contact lenses... I hate touching my eyes, or thinking about things being in them. Also, I don't stop feeling things that I'm wearing like other people do, so I'd probably feel them in my eyes all the time, which would be horrible.
  5. Higurashino naku koro ni. Word boundaries don't exist in Japanese, so I can put them where I like. :wink:
  6. That's true... neo-Darwinism is a bit extreme. He thinks that humans are a tool used by genes to propagate themselves.
  7. I have played Link's Awakening, it is a gameboy game. I thought it was the worst one. I never claimed to be a Zelda fan, and I don't see why I should play games I don't find interesting... If it isn't interesting enough to get to the good bits, that is the game's failure, not mine.
  8. I dunno, I think Dawkins puts more emphasis on life itself because of his belief in its brevity. Also, in The Blind Watchmaker, he had a nice argument that humans were the only intelligent life in the universe, giving him another reason to revere their existence.
  9. I don't think so. The main problem with cryogenics is that although flash freezing works for small organs (like a heart), if you put anything bigger in there (like a human body), then crystals form which destroy the tissue, as it's impossible to make everything cool at the same rate. So, ironically, the people who pay to have their body frozen are in fact ensuring that they can never come back to life. Well... I suppose it's more likely for them to be reawakened than a skeleton or a pile of ash...
  10. I'm really sorry to hear that... do you know the driver?
  11. Having played all the Zelda games except for the CD-I ones, here's what I think: The Legend of Zelda: Revolutionary for its time, and still provides a bit of enjoyment today... but obviously can't match the big players. I've got up to the last dungeon with all the heart pieces. Zelda II: I don't like this one much at all... it's clunky and boring. So I haven't played much of it. A link to the past: Brilliant, I think this is the epitome of 2D gaming. It's so fun, and there are loads of great bits. For this reason, I have done all there is to do. All the gameboy ones: I've never really got into these, but I can see the merit. I ought to play them more, as I own all of them apart from Link's awakening. Ocarina of time: Also excellent, this has so may little things in it that make it great. I've completed and got the Biggoron's sword, but haven't done many other sidequests. Majora's Mask: I should play this more. Every time I've tried it, I've got a bit bored and given up before it gets good... Wind Waker: Good, and introducing interesting ideas, but flawed overall. I neverthess completed it and enjoyed it. Twilight Princess: I'm playing this one at the moment, and I've just completed the Arbiter's grounds. It's a very good game, but doesn't match up to Ocarina. Four swords: Great fun, but not deep enough to be true contenders. But then they aren't supposed to be. So, overall, I think a link to the past wins it for me.
  12. How so? Not through biology, in my opinion, and philosophy generally doesn't come to conclusions about this sort of thing.
  13. Factorial, which is all the numbers up to that number inclusive multiplied together. eg. 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
  14. You can work it out easily. Just imagine the number one. Then you work out the two numbers beneath it by adding the two numbers directly above each number, using zero for when there is no number. Then you just do that all the way down the triangle, getting: _______1 ______1 1 _____1 2 1 ____1 3 3 1 ___1 4 6 4 1 _1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 etc. Alternatively, just use the nCr button on your calculator, which uses the formula for you.
  15. They're pretty evil, but I'm just doing them for fun... I'm actually going to do Natural Sciences.
  16. Yeah, that's what I meant. :wink: So you'd have to have lived for 72 years before you could drink...
  17. Go on then: Sn(x) = e^(x^3)(d^n)/(dx^n)(e^(-x^3)) Prove by induction on n that Sn(x) is a polynomial. That's STEP, you know you love it... anyway, I've already done the question.
  18. I don't get the whole spider hatred thing... I love spiders, they're so amazing and they have a good aura.
  19. When people do have a Birthday on a leap year, do they legally count as 5 when they're 20?
  20. Translated lyrics from the Higurashi OP: "Raindrops turn into blood and roll down my cheek." As for being scared... I dunno. There probably is something, but right now I can't think of much I'm actively frightened by...
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