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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Why, just because he laughed at you? Who thinks he'll call me a knob now? ;p
  2. Happy birthday... Yes, happy birthday.
  3. I have to admit, the second series of American Dad is awesome. However, I think the two shows are going for a slightly different style- American Dad is very "with it" and political, whereas Family Guy is just utterly mental. And I've always been a fan of surreality.
  4. Life's Other Secret is more about biology than maths... it's about how underlying physical laws control life more than we think. Stewart thinks that in the future, a form of maths will do for biology what calculus did for physics. I wish it were so, but I find it highly unlikely.
  5. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. So many horrible occurences this year...
  6. Ian Stewart = win. Have you read Life's Other Secret? That God thing was originally known as Pascal's wager, but yes, it was in Discworld. You rephrased it in such a mathematical way that I didn't recognise it... :wink:
  7. First one: x + y = 3 xy = 2 y = 2/x (rearrange second equation) x + (2/x) = 3 (substitute into first) ((x^2)/x) + (2/x) = 3 (multiply top and bottom of first fraction by x) (x^2) + 2 = 3x (multiply through by x) Solve this quadratic for x, substitute the value you get back into one of the original equations for y. Second one: x - y = 3 xy + 10x + y = 150 y = x - 3 (rearrange first equation) x(x - 3) + 10x + (x - 3) = 150 (substitute into second equation) Solve this quadratic for x, substitute the value you get back into one of the original equations for y.
  8. No, not when I'm into a book. It gradually becomes like watching a film, that my head produces. Something similar happens with manga- the pictures start to move.
  9. I don't talk to myself out loud or in my head... most of the time I don't think in words. However, occasionally when I am all alone in the house I say "I am talking to myself. I am doing this because I am able to, and nobody will know I'm doing it and it will be of no benefit to me whatsoever. But I am nevertheless doing so."
  10. That's like saying "I don't know why America doesn't interest me all that much, because I like American films."
  11. Only from a mathematician... :wink: I think that fails because people aren't happy to bet that there is a god. They want to be faithful.
  12. Brilliant. It's the best "comedy American cartoon" in my opinion, if that's even a genre.
  13. Yes, but it isn't an argument, which is what I was getting at.
  14. If someone tries to leave, Flinky will ban them. We don't like that sort of quitter.
  15. From the OED: "A superhuman person who is worshipped as having power over nature and the fortunes of mankind; a deity." Doesn't exclude an evil god. Some might consider you a messiah...
  16. What if he creates us so he can get pleasure from watching us suffer?
  17. Those spoilers are for the movies. The manga and anime have a different ending.
  18. Silence! This is philosophy. It isn't supposed to get anywhere.
  19. I think The3rdChildren should lay off himself or he's going to get banned. :wink:
  20. Yeah, I think we're talking about the same thing. Do you know the ending of the films? That's better in a way, but more cliched and predictable.
  21. I'm not trying to claim that THE ganondorf has good arguments, but you should perhaps lay off him a bit- it's obvious you're offending him, even if it may seem like a joke to you. Also, he interprets what you are saying as laughing at his religion (even if you aren't).
  22. If I were to laugh at everything you believe (or don't believe) in, would I be justified in saying "religion and atheism do not mix" if you didn't find it funny?
  23. Wasn't Einstein's quote merely a semi-joke, to show that he didn't believe in quantum mechanics? A little like a less extreme version of Schroedinger's cat... Anyway, I disagree with vitalism. I think life is an emergent property of chemical laws, one so emergent that it takes on bizzare, sometimes undefinable, characteristics of its own.
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