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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Akira the anime makes little sense, but the manga is good. Also, Princess Mononoke is indeed great.
  2. And, unbelievably, it is also Spanish for ham...
  3. For the purposes of recommendation, anime shows I like more than death note: Mai-HiME Welcome to the NHK Higurashi Honey and Clover II Can't think of much else, it is pretty good.
  4. True, I like those Spanish J's... Jaime! I'm going with Jam-ber though.
  5. What a lovely present. :wink:
  6. No, everyone should aspire to be a grammar Nazi. :wink:
  7. I think less than 100 posts is a bit harsh... some people may just want to say the odd thing. However, I think it's fair to delete all the people who've been here for a while and have no posts at all.
  8. A quick google suggests Murakami does have an editor, or at least has had one at some point. He must have at least spent ages polishing After Dark, given it's complex yet functional narative structure, and this polishing is something that Rowling doesn't appear to do. And are you trying to say not being edited makes fiction better? Sure, it becomes partially a collaboration, but ultimately, a good editor should just give suggestions which result in a better finished product. And as for dead writers... well, despite his acute analysis of social situtions, I think Dostoyevsky could have used an editor.
  9. I hardly ever play games nowadays... I would like to play them more actually, but anyway... I only come here for general chit-chat.
  10. By the way, I'm here from the interesting fact brigade to tell you that it's only English speakers that refer to stuff as hentai. Though hentai means pervert in Japanese, most "hentai" anime are just called poruno, and the "hentai" games are called eroge or garuge. And now I will shut up.
  11. Er, so which modern writers do you believe aren't edited? It's not a case of upholding the establishment, it's just good sense. And how is Harry Potter anything other than "pre-established literature"? It's hardly the most original book on the market...
  12. Salters OCR chemistry synoptic? That was my last exam.
  13. Yes, I'd imagine well over 50% of the script of hentai is "IYAAA! YADA!"...
  14. He got laid. It's true, he came back to tell us. He had left before that, can't remember why.
  15. I think this is only "inspired" by the book, and it's set in the present day I believe, so the only similarity is the whole Jekyll/Hyde split personality thing.
  16. The here come the drums thing was hilarious, I thought they were intentionally taking the piss.
  17. Damn, I intended to watch both episode one and two of this and forgot both times... is it on youtube or something? *goes to check* Edit: I can only find clips...
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