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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. I'm not keen on the mech designs (they look a bit too chunky for my taste) but that's nitpciking for sure and obviously limited by the hardware. Maybe they'll slim them down a bit just for me (is that "fattist"?). I think the overall design looks great for 3DS. I'm concerned by the one posted by @Retro_Link it's pretty sparce, hoping that's an early turotial style of level. Granted, we've not seen many levels but you'd imagine they'd want to show the core crowd some more complex levels and gameplay. Anyone else actually a bit disappointed that they've shoehorned Samus in (though, we don't know how, it maight make perfect sense..). Samus' battles against the Space Pirates can only be a snapshot of the wider story, I feel they could a larger universe with these characters; Marvel it up somewhat. Maybe the way to go with this was to drop the Metroid name totally but link it to the wider universe? My fear is that, once again, this will live or die by Nintendo's online policies and infrastructure; the (cenceptually brilliant) online mode in Luigi's Mansion was fluffed by needing to preplan sessions, not enabling dropin/drop out gameplay and i'm not convinced NLG have the clout to convince it's Japanese partners to do anything else (or they'd have done it for Luigi, surely..?).
  2. New details. First park coming to Universal Studios Japan (Osaka) in 2020. Linky.
  3. Did Nintendo give a specific date for Miitomo, I can't remember..?
  4. I'd definitely be up for some Luigi fun. @dazzybee and I usually end up playing with each other; it's fun but wouldn't mind a couple more involved.
  5. I'm not sure they'd promote cloud saves until they're ready with updated firmware for consoles?
  6. I think the best version of Android is pure, stock Android..
  7. And giving shareholders this level of detail in private would drive share prices up and down on a whim. Just guessing here but I suspect it'd be illegal to let select people have knowledge that would affect their purchase or sale of shares.
  8. @Serebii is absolutely right, investors might get a very vague outline of NX in a throwaway document but the grander vision will be presented to the public. Though, how that public announcement is made is up for debate but, personally speaking, I think they need to take everything they've done before to create some massive hype; a big press conference at E3, detailing the system, services and overview of upcoming games, followed throughout the week by regular game-specific Directs and Treehouse Live content and then, closer to launch a global - well, events in Tokyo, New York and London - Spaceworld Events in September revealing firm plans for release, public play times etc. Relaunching Spaceworld as a public play event for NX would be awesome and would likely gain wider publicity; footage of queues of fans lining up on the news, soundbites etc... in my opinion, that'd be a great thing for publicity and lead right up to launch.
  9. This was clear to most back in June.
  10. A Windows Phone? What's one of those? In all seriousness, Windows Phone is actually pretty neat. Microsoft just can't get traction in the market.
  11. Am I missing something? Could have sworn I had Isabelle.
  12. I'm guessing they were unhappy with the fans' response ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. They can't keep flogging a dead horse, nor attempt to rescusitate it by making the "USP" portable; it won't work; people will just see Wii U and be immediately put off. So they'd be flogging two very similar dead horses until 2018. Not going to happen, they've got to show their investors profit. NX starts this year, 2016 a while new platform/ecosystem not some daft spin on Wii U.
  14. Have you thought of not using amiibo in the game?
  15. Difficult to keep track of what's been said in this thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned earlier. Stumbled across some old info which may shed some light on the no disk drive patent we saw some time back. Way back in 2008 seems that Nintendo entered a joint reseach agreement with a company called iPhase and applied for patent covering hologram storage. Hologram Storage cards were said to be cheap, super cheap, and capable of holding vast amounts of data;; nearly a decade ago it was expoected that Holographic storage cards - about the size of a credit card - could hold 30Gb whilst having a read speeed 3x that of bluray. Specifications will doubtless have improved since then. The hold back - again, a decade ago - was the expensive readers. Perfectly feasible to consider these readers can be produced at cost comparable to a BD drive nowadays. One of the arguments against a hybrid console has been the type of storage Nintendo would use; here's a possibility - holographic cards. Has the portability required for a handheld but a decent amount of data can be held. It's protectable, should vastly reduce piracy. Bit of info here: http://mobile.eweek.com/c/a/Data-Storage/Nintendo-Reviving-Holographic-Storage
  16. Named Nintendo Flow Home System; Nintendo Flow Personal System; Nintendo Flow GX Advance (an upgrade/add-on). Graphics to be comparable to Xbox One; however, graphics are boosted to 1080p 60fps using the (costly) GX Advance upgrade add on. Flow Personal comparable to Vita, also sees some boost from being connected to GX add on. Developers are encouraged to develop base level game and GX Advance level game. Controller style: Flow Portable acts as the home console controller but also available seperately. Has a large 6inch capacitive touchscreen; potentially with pressure sensing and some heptic feed back for 'feeling' virtual buttons. Camera will unlock the Portable for users by facial recognition. The concept/gimmick is Your Nintendo Everywhere, all your services, freinds, "streetpass" contacts synced across all your devices. Though, not all games work on both. Saves stats etc always available to your Flow Personal System and seemlessly sync to nearby Home consoles (you don't loose progress, your earn stats etc if you're playing on a mates machine). Hard drive size: Flow Home has a 128Gb SSD drive, Flow Home has 32Gb SSD storage. Both are expandable. Cloud back up of 1Gb available to all. Launch lineup consists of a Mario party platformer - much like NSMB and Zelda "Wii U", has an exclusive FPS which is a new IP. Mario Kart Flow is launch window. 20ish games, including multiplatform from third parties. Nintendo aims to release one first party title every month in the the first year; though not all are big guns. No. of Bundles available at launch: Flow Home bundled with Flow Personal; Flow Personal available seperately. Price:Flow Home with one Flow Personal £279.99; solo Personal £129.99 Release date:Q4 2016.
  17. I've little more to go on than the Smash Bros controller app for 3DS but I am convinced that NX handheld will be able to function as a controller for NX home console; i expect both would be entirely indendent machines but you'd be able to easily hop into your freinds NX home console and play using your own handheld. You could, with a looser definition of 'hybrid' see people referring to it as a hybrid console. That leads me on to what I feel the concept, or at least part of it, could be: Your Nintendo Everywhere. Mobile easily fits into this theme, and from what they've discussed so far with My Nintendo/NNID/Nintendo Account that also seems to fit with the idea that you'd be taking your Nintendo services with you (being rewarded for theme park visits, concerts). So, i'm imagining a world where a handheld could become your 'portable ID' so, for example, if you're playing at a mates house your save data is available to your freinds home NX via your handheld with new data written to it will sync across your account to your home NX. And after you've finished playing and on the way home your handheld simply acts as a normal handheld device. I'd also argue that this personalises the portable console, so there's a bit more encouragement for families to buy handhelds for each member (not that my household needs any further encouragement in this area :p) and could go some way to explaining some of Nintendo's sales projections. It also fits with some of the rumours of a home console and handheld budled together (no body has said the handeld component won't be available seperately). Of course, the initial bundle of both handheld and home console raises the issue of price (especially when you consider some of the rumours of 'industry-leading chips', etc)... But you'd be getting a decent spec home console and portable console, the value is there and pricing a handheld console for £100-150 seems reasonably successful.
  18. @Tellyn Not the full game, demos.
  19. Any word on the upgrade discounts for those who own Wii versions? I assume they'll still do that?
  20. Virtual buttons. Fuck off.
  21. Should I go digital with this? Understand that data packs are for disk only, does this mean the disk version is bought up to speed with digital or will the digital version end up being slower to load?
  22. Count me in for all three! 2030 GMT
  23. My understanding is that pulling data from the physical media AND hard drive provides the best experience, that's how you avoid some of these issues on other consoles. It's rare for it to be an issue on Nintendo platforms.
  24. Surely there's some evidence of what's best by now.. I've been generally getting everything digital but with Xenoblade I'm concerned this may come at some load times, graphic glitches.
  25. Apart from GAME where else sells digital dowloads for Nintendo?
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