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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. Not if you're all digital.
  2. Anyone up for playing this obey the next couple of nights? Join me and @dazzybee.
  3. @khilafah unless I've missed something, Switch uses USB 3 Type C which is widely available. All charger should deliver power to the Switch, but some will be better than others. Nintendo's price is similar to those on the Google Store.
  4. Not entirely sure what's happened, my 3DS seems to have lost a few things after a repair. Everything looked fine to start, but some weird changes/missing data (thankfully games and saves are ok). New freind code though. 2037-1960-3092
  5. Does anyone know what all theses accounts and IDs are actually for? It's getting a bit messy.
  6. Yup �� It works in the long term too, one all grey, one all blue, one all red, one red/blue combo. No confusion. Just gotta hope there's someway of sharing digital purchases.... Has anyone seen a carry case with a strap or similar?
  7. This is true. Mine (grey) and a "family one" (Neon) for everyone else. Should we, somehow, be able to share purchases we are likely to end up with one each by Christmas. I've little doubt it'll be part of the paid online service.
  8. You're holding it wrong.
  9. @dazzybee just creamed himself.
  10. The spec sheets show that the Joy-cons connect via Bluetooth 3.0. However, the Switch console is capable of supporting Bluetooth 4.1 in TV mode only? Can we expect some special kind of TV-mode peripheral? What could that be?
  11. You can. You absolutely can. Click cancel, it takes you to a screen where you can choose to cancel part of your order or the entire order. For heaven's sake choose 'cancel part of my order'.
  12. I don't see any connectors on the Switch console or Joy-cons which would lead me to think it's a physical connection to charge. I have only seen these as gold connectors, maybe I'm wrong... Still think wireless charging of the joy-cons, always on Bluetooth.
  13. It looks to me as if they charge wirelessly. I can't see any connectors on the rails. Why would it be wasteful? Rather than implementing a physical connection used only when the Joy-cons are attached, why not use Bluetooth? One solution fits all. How does this make a difference to anyone!?
  14. Question for those who went to the play events: were you able to check in via My Nintendo and, if so, what was the reward for doing so?
  15. Yeah.. and I hear that you actually have to dial a number too get through. #Voicechat80sStyle
  16. Yeah, but cloud saves were rumoured for Wii U too IIRC
  17. All dogs should be muted. And their ass holes fitted with location-actived valve so they can only crap on their retarded owners lawn. Maybe the French Bulldog has genetic deformaties caused by the selective breeding of it's ancestry and dies of severe breathing difficulties at the end? So, has promise.
  18. To a Google Pixel. So when Super Mario Run does eventually release on Android, you won't have to worry about weak signal
  19. I'd rather not pay an upgrade fee, but if they're putting the work in with improved emulators is it such a bad thing? Free is always preferable but couple of quid to upgrade to the latest version, that's not too bad - lets face it, it could be much, much worse.
  20. Mario & Rabbids First screen?
  21. From a business perspective, if it's all there day one doesn't that risk people buying a few titles day one and then forgetting about the rest day two onwards? Everything that is available on Wii U should be on Switch day one, but for the rest i'd accept a title or two weekly.
  22. I think this is absurdly good for 2017, and there's surely lots more to come too. We don't know about the big Christmas games, a bunch of third parties are missing. It's an amazing line up for those who never jumped into Wii U, maybe the faithful can see this as a bit heavy on remasters (but they're superb games, and hopefully Wii U owners get them discounted/free?).
  23. But who would ask about the supposed decline in quality at the staff canteen?
  24. You don't need to learn Japanese, just nod your head.
  25. The OS's on these consoles use hhalf their RAM, right? If Nintendo can develop a super slim OS requiring very little RAM, they could get to a comparable level. Do people still use GAME? The only time i'll entertain the idea of buying from them is when I can get a good deal on a trade in. That's all their good for (and even that's debateable, as it's not unheard of for the manager at the Shhrewsbury store to refuse to pricematch because he won't be able to sell it at a profit). I'll probably get my Switches from Nintendo UK Official Store - I think that's the only place to offer the two year warranty.
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