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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. i have so many of those games lol out of about 20 games i play maybe 2 or 3 Resident Evil 4, SSBM, and SSX3 lol i try playing other games but for like Harvest moon AWL i play for like 6 hrs (game time) and ill get bored and do something else.
  2. nice holiday spirit... loser!
  3. Well i bought my case and a 480W power supply came with it but it wasnt powerful enough because it had only a 20-pin for the motherboard and i need a 24-pin. So Could somebody recommend me a power supply. THe specs are (or will be eventually once i get all the money... or christmas ) motherboard-Asus P5AD2-E premium Wifi Edition 24-pin Processor-P4 660 @3.6 GHz w/ HT Technology graphic card-nVidia 7800 GTX Hard Drives-74GB (10,000 RPM)X1 -500GBX2 Fans-120mmX1 -90mmX1 RAM-4 GB DDR2 Dual Channel (8GB) Drives-16x Dual Layer +/- DVD-RW (not sure on real name for the drives lol)X2 -Floppy DriveX1 -Fan ControllerX1 i think thats it lol i prolly forgot sumthin but could somebody recommend me a power supply thats powerful enough for theres specs thanx
  4. nothings cool about Alaska trust me i've lived there for 18 years nothings cool just dull...
  5. love this one http://www.rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=redneck&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.revo-europe.com%2Fforum
  6. ive eaten cereal every day of my life since i could lift a spoon
  7. pooring lots lots of sugar in cereal then eat big spoonfuls of it after the cereal mmmmmmmm:D
  8. nice find and i absolutely agree cept that Link should be first...
  9. If i buy a 74 GB 10,000 RPM hard drive first for my computer im building for the master drive where i install my OS and stuff like that. THen later i buy a 500GB 7200 RPM as the slave drive will that work? heres the 74 GB hard drive here the 500 GB Hard Drive
  10. $611!! thats crazy and a load of BS damn...
  11. before i had to eat (yah i already ate thanksgiving dinner) we had to say what we were thankful for...
  12. guess ill add my crappy laptop to the list... Intel Pentium M @ 1.6GHz Windows XP Pro sp2 60GB Hard Drive 1.25GB RAM [(1, 256mb) (1, 1GB)] 12.1" Display 64mb Shared Video Card (sux ass) yah thats my crappy laptop im building my own desktop but im not very far on it and nobody would believe me on the specs that its going to have so its not worth even posting even though its gonna cost around $2500-$3000.
  13. ive gotten exactly 5 since arriving to R-E and there not a bit interesting cept the Happy B-day ones:D
  14. holy crap http://search.ebay.com/Xbox-360_W0QQfrppZ50QQfsopZ1QQmaxrecordsreturnedZ300
  15. that was pretty funny the kids pic rox lol
  16. the future is like MIMO or something i read in it a magazine it transfers at about 240MB or so:) I use a D-Link 624 idk if its the best out there but it works great and can transfer at 108MB max so its pretty good.
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