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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. nah i dont have much cash i just been saving for big computer stuff and now im blowing it. its gonna be at least until you buy ur dual core laptop till i get my 30in monitor and i would be using the 15in monitor after i got the 30in for my linux computer.
  2. theres actually 4 usb :wink: and i got a quick question about monitors. Well ive made up my mind imma get the 30incher but yah im a bit short- actually $1600- so should i get a small 15in flat panel monitor because i need a new monitor real bad, and i wont have $1600 for a while. So i could spend like $100-$150 on a small dell 15in monitor to tide me over until i get the big beast.
  3. 8/10 its nice but its like to busy or something... edit* NEW SIG wow twice in one week im on a role lol
  4. cant believe its out of stock been looking at this game for ages never bought it...
  5. So i know there is a whole bunch of "Tales" games. Coming out and already released. But is there any plans for a direct sequal to Tales of Symphonia going to come out or has already come out?
  6. gamecube just because it seems like ive had it a long time and its been really enjoyable with all the good titles for it...
  7. i have the xbox version is it worth it to buy it for xbox 360?
  8. as sexy as that girl is her having a snes doesnt have a lot to do with the revolution but if you replaced that ness with the itty bitty revolution it would make the girl look hotter and it would actually advertise the revolution.
  9. i personally dont like the name Revolution i think that they could come up with sumthin better
  10. specially if you wait a while then get em on ebay:D plus i like the USB ports and card reader on the 30" monitor!
  11. THe background is very nice, the letters and heart blend and look good. BUt why is the "S" way over to the right? and it looks like his head is floating....
  12. heres a link to them http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=555&l=en&oc=MLB1678&s=biz http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=555&l=en&oc=MLB1678&s=biz
  13. once i saw who it was posted by i knew... NOT TO CLICK!
  14. With the new dual core laptops and This beast dell is now on my good list again! i cant wait to get it hopefully *fingers crossed*
  15. my decorations went down arond the 27th, 28th?
  16. lol that sites pretty funny and the girls hot too:D edit" i found the nintendo DS on there! http://nintendo-ds.istheshit.net/
  17. maybe they dont know what their missing so their content on how they live
  18. hmm wait a second... they dont ship to the US!
  19. wow thats a beast just when i bought a whole bunch of desktop parts too...
  20. this bit really made me lol and btw this thing is umm very interesting lol didnt expect it for sure lol
  21. its disgusting, ugly, retarded and will never happen
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