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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Well the mario is cute, and its nice wishing people happy christmas. But I don't really like South Park that much and it could use a border. (And its too long ) 7/10
  2. For my gf for christmas, out of stock everywhere ended up having to buy a brand new one off eBay for $140... But whatever shes worth it, now I just have to hope it gets here before the 20th.
  3. Masterpiece. Only thing that lets me down is not long ago I got like some super-special edition set of all three, and now I have no reason to buy it whenever it comes out on hd dvd or blu-ray...
  4. Tbh I don't know, I just buy the milk I've been buying for years. The milk that comes in a liquid state. I'm assuming thats Dairy.
  5. So has anyone got the new slim PSP yet? Is there a noticeable/worth getting difference between the old and the new one?
  6. I haven't read the discuscion yet about this game, but I just read the article in the new Nintendo Power, and all I can say is, FINALLY! A game for the Wii that actually looks good, I know I will be picking this one up for sure!
  7. Wow just yesterday I was thinking to myself "CoD5 is going to be most likely complete shit" and if the same team that did CoD3 are doing it, then it will be shit. I hate being right...
  8. I never really do anything that involves large heights so maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
  9. Real trees, because they smell good and so the needles make a mess in the house:p
  10. Theres a new thread now for all online ID's for those of you I have not added yet, I am PMing Platty right now (lol im slow i know) and I will add you guys to the new thread asap.
  11. Right well problem fixed, thanks Ashmat for helping me with the automerge doublepost thing!
  12. I agree, the ps3, ps3, and psp need to become one thread. I think the online ID's should become all one thread too. Maybe starting a whole new thread? I could post the first 4 posts, i could grab all of the xbl gamertags for the first two posts, then the 3rd post could have PSN ID's and then the 4th post could have XFire tags. Yeah... barely anybody goes to online gaming...
  13. You look way different than last time I saw you... May of been the kick-ass glasses you had last time.
  14. Spent most of the afternoon trying to track down a copy of Guitar Hero 3 for my girlfriend for christmas... Still haven't found one, may end up paying $50 more for one... But shes awesome so its worth it:) (any gf thats extremely beautiful and would love a video game for christmas is just awesome)
  15. *Walks up to the wife of the deceased* "So we still on for tonight?"
  16. *Walks up to woman and starts to breathe heavily while staring at said breast*
  17. Dang you guys are getting robbed:heh: By then I'll have 1000/1000:awesome:
  18. No loading screens is awesome. And the aftertouch thing seems really cool, plus i have no games on the ps3 atm... The ps3 controller is not bad, its way lighter than the 360 controller actually. But overall the 360 controller is more comfortable...
  19. Daaamn nice setup! I love the clean desk and the light behind really make its look nice. And of course the dual 24" monitors make it look brilliant! (Makes my single 24" monitor look so lonely:( )
  20. Stef already won this one! Nice one. My attempt: You: "Soo what are you guys going to do tonight?" Doctor and Nurse: "Work, you?" You: "Have unprotected sex with my boyfriend."
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