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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. It looks a bit fuzzy/ I do like the frills going off on the sides. But the picture itself is kind of squarish, rounding out the edges and a border would be nice. 6/10
  2. Well I thought I was gaining weight... But when I put a fresh pair of pants on this morning they practically fell to my ankles. So I guess that's a good thing.
  3. It would be nice if you could bring it back. Since you did say it would be back... At least bring it back with a lock on it. The MPT was like the backbone of N-E for the active members, you can't just take it away and keep it for yourselves. For James: 1. Just people's clans/groups stuff. 2. No, its been a bad week(s).
  4. Well I apologize if you are truly not 12... or 13... or 14... I just assumed "New Member" and "Immature Posts", sounds like a 12 year old Nintendo Fanboy hitting puberty. Immature Posts are very funny sometimes. I hope you enjoy your stay here in N-E.
  5. I do think your 12. From the immature posts I've seen so far, the fact that your profile lists no age, and you can't spell male in your profile.
  6. *Asking a Question* When's the MPT joining the public again?
  7. I personally think "Brian Mcoy" is the_GANONDORF.
  8. Just got home and scanned the last few pages... UK WAS THEGANONDORF!!! ZOMG!!! He wins in my book now. Wow props to him. And props to who found him out. That is all...
  9. Age of Empires 1, and the Rise of Rome expansion pack wins life.
  10. Yes! I'm excited! And I started playing this game today... Again! I love this game.
  11. Before I fry my elite or something maybe you guys can help me. I take my elite with me everywhere and it starts to get to be a pain to get all cords from behind the TV and reach to get the power etc. etc. So can I use my old 360 power cord to power my elite? I know it seems like a real silly stupid question but the power cord is different on the elite then it is with my old xbox power cord so I'm just making sure. This way I could take the regular av cords and old power cable with me when I go places, and I could leave the hdmi and elite power cable hooked up to my tv, which would save me a lot of time.
  12. Added you fex. And I was going to make your name blue but Adam seems to have beat me to it... And for people with forums names starting with A-M... I am out of space for pictures yet again... I will PM Platty sometime and ask for more. I can't believe we filled all 50... Stop getting XBL people! Kidding.
  13. That's really good Haggis! +1 imaginary rep point.
  14. Didn't we have one like that, and it went horribly wrong? We know why people were banned for the most part, why bring it up again and stir up more trouble? I'm going to miss motion greatly. He was one of the greatest. ONLY because he hated Twilight Princess as much as me. :meh:
  15. Can't believe that thats still in my photobucket... Good times though!
  16. First post should be fully updated. Thanks Shorty for locking the other one.
  17. Wow! That looks amazing! I can't wait!
  18. People are helping you, and making the actual cards is probably 10x harder. But I suppose you could get some recognition too.
  19. No. Your still up top. Whats up with you and your picture? You never said you were:heh: Everybody needs to post the pic here! I don't want to look in the Image gallery, Fresh is being kind of enough to do this, he doesn't need to waste his time by looking, so everybody that posted without a picture needs to post one here. And maybe if you actually say Thank you Fresh will make your card. Remember he takes time out of his life to make these cards for you guys, the least you can do is say please and thanks. I will update the first post fully when I get home. Cheers!
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