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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I liked Planet Terror waaay better than Death Proof. I thought Death Proof was pretty crappy but Planet Terror rocks! Teeth Thought I'd watch this because it was a horror, and after watching it, I thought that it was alright. A very black comedy, as someone on here said but nonetheless, a decent horror. 6/10 White Chicks Watched it again for the eight millionth time and I still laugh at it. 9/10 DOA: Dead or Alive Hot Girls...fighting...LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! lol. Plus, it's from my favourite game and I thought that it was a wicked movie considering the amount of game movies that have came out wasn't very good (Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) 9/10
  2. I agree! So, she said a swear word or two, big deal. It shouldn't have had a massive reaction. She's a really funny woman and people need to realise that loads of people and comedians swear, so stop complaining and watch the show. If it offends you so much, then never watch TV again. Not even CBeebies, ROFL!: peace:
  3. I know what you mean (except for with BCFC obviously, lol). So that makes me happy when Birmingham City win a match. TV: Especially comedies or Heroes, lol. Oh, and I like sci-fi as well. Movies: They have to be either a comedy (white chicks and more...) a horror (way too many to name but Battle Royale) a fantasy (Harry Potter, Narnia and more...) or anime (Spirited Away, My neighbour Totoro, Nausicaa...) Books: Stephen King, J.K Rowling and Dan Brown are just brilliant books to me, lol Music: Anything at all apart from Amy Winehouse and McFly, rofl Gaming: Dead or Alive, Resi Evil, Mario Galaxy, lol...and I really want Guitar Hero (is it worth getting because I haven't played it but it looks awesome!)
  4. IMO, I'd have to say that Turn Left has to be one of the best episodes so far and next week looks so awesome so that might be the best! lol Will definitely be watching it!!! Did anyone else like Turn Left?
  5. That's just sick and twisted, why the heck are there people like this? As someone said before, these people deserve the electric chair or the same torture that they've put that person through!!!
  6. I started to hate Big Brother because of Alex. Me and my mates hated her, my mate literally said he'd smash his TV if she said 'member I told you' once more. I laughed but I understand where he's coming from. I want Katreya or Luke to win. They're both awesome and those are the only two in there that liven up the house.
  7. LOL, I take it there isn't many of us then , ROFL. I'm not one to talk a lot about football to be honest but, I do love my team, as I've said before, lol. And don't worry, people who talk about nothing but football annoys me too. I feel like telling them "There are more things to talk about!" but, hey, what can you do? lol. But anyways, not here for footie rivalry so...: peace:
  8. Music (I like any type of music, from classical to Heavy Metal to Pop to Rap and my friends think I'm weird for that, lol) Movies (Yet again, any type) DDR (I know it's a video game but I'm almost addicted to this game so this is a hobby of mine, lol)
  9. Villan, as you could probably tell, I am a BCFC supporter, lol. I like football but I'm not completely mad about it. But I do hate Villa supporters who think they're better than every football team on the planet, when they are not, lol. The reason why I say this is because some of my friends are Villa supporters and they do nothing but say how AVFC is the best in the world, lol. I love my team but I don't think they are the best team in the world, lol. But still, whether we win or lose, I will always stand by my team no matter what, : peace:
  10. I would love to see Resident Evil 2 + 3 on DS and Wii (but the Wii version would have to be how they did Resi Evil remake) and Power Stone on Wii. That would be awesome!
  11. Hmmm...things that make me angry...Nothing really makes me angry except for: -Chavs -Two faced people -People who judge others -Aston Villa -People who make arguments about pathetic things -Newspapers blaming video games for crimes
  12. I thought the episode was brilliant of this fantastic series. The next episode, I think, will be awesome and I can't wait to watch it.
  13. I have been tempted to say that too, just to see what reaction I would get, rofl. :awesome:
  14. So true, I remember that Never again!!! Two games have really made me mad because of something: Manhunt 2 on insane mode Resident Evil Code Veronica But I still play RE:CV all the time
  15. Them graphics look awesome! I'm gonna get this game when it comes out!!!
  16. I'm not 100% but didn't The Oracle say that? EDIT: BTW, never cheated, I don't believe in that! It's just not fun
  17. Sorry, should've been more specific. It was the guy who was in the auditions with the wacky blondish hair-do.
  18. I'm glad George won. I reckon he was great. Signature were too but they promised a 'surprise on the next dance' at the end of every dance and, when the next dance came up, there were no surprises, just dancing. I still liked them though but not as much as their first dance. I wanted George or the dog to win The comedian kid and the musical guy (from the first semi-final show) should have been in the final IMO.
  19. I play the keyboard and I really want to learn to play guitar (wished I did when I was younger, lol)
  20. I love Resident Evil. I own every single one of 'em (including RE Raiden on the GBC) Best one: Code Veronica Worst one: Gun Survivor (if you don't count Gun Survivor then None) I would love JUST RE2 and RE3 only to be released on the Nintendo DS, that would be just awesome. I'm still playing Code Veronica for the Dreamcast and RE1 for DS. Would anyone play RE2 or RE3 for DS if it came out? I certainly would!!! =D
  21. I hope it does come to the Wii, I think it'd be awesome but don't use the nunchuk and remote controls like they did in MK Armageddon (didn't like that at all)
  22. Watched This is England last night. Loved it, everything about it was brilliant. No wonder it won awards. 9/10
  23. People who say 'You should be publicly lynched' should be publicly lynched, rofl, jk. I said I say it sometimes which is once in a while, I probs say it when I don't find something that funny but everyone else does. Dunno why, but anyway, I suppose everyone has something weird they do.
  24. I peel the banana upside-down too. I dunno why, I just do, rofl. I tend to say 'lol' or 'lmao' sometimes randomly. I can do the eye thing with my right eye but not my left. I can also do a disgusting thing and actually pick my nose with my tongue and touch the bottom part of my chin with my tongue. I can move my ears, smiling or not. I can wink with both eyes separately and fast or slow. Ermmm...I can't think of anything else at the moment, lol
  25. DEFINITELY Charlie's Angels! That was so crap! lol
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