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Here is my Disney collection (excluding VHS). I've been collecting the shiny o-rings over the years and I'm happy to say I only have one left to get, which is Chicken Little. It's such a bitch to find! I'm definitely not collecting Pixar o-rings. It's a pain to collect the Classics and I think getting Pixar would push me over the edge, haha. The bottom row consists of all Classics, including Dinosaur. I'll be trying to get the classics released in the US as well but because they're not released in the UK, I'll have to buy them online or something. On top of them are the sequels to the classics to live-action classic remakes to 3D to Pixar to Star Wars to DVD (what I will never get in Blu-ray but then Hocus Pocus was just found so...) and on the edge are Marvel films. It's not complete though. The ones I need to complete are the sequels, 2 Star Wars and I'm really not sure with Marvel, lmao Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Okay, the first one is weird but then it's kind of nice they were concerned? Maybe they're imaging how they would be? I don't know. As for the second one, if that's a date you were supposed to be going on, HELL TO THE NAW! I'd firstly make that point of her not answering back, providing screenshots of the messages, and then say "sorry, don't do irrational, aggressive (and not in the good way) clinginess. Laters"...but then I'm single and this is possibly why [emoji23] Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I'm still absolutely beaming over this gem. Spotted in HMV a few days ago- Hocus Pocus 25th Anniversary Edition on Blu-ray. It comes with an awesome book about the movie, a digital copy and the Blu-ray itself. Definitely worth the upgrade. I own it on VHS, DVD and now Blu-ray. From DVD to Blu-ray, there's a huge difference. The picture is a lot more crisp and the sound is amazing. I actually compared the two and the DVD version looks a tad grainy. So yeah, it sits very nicely on my Disney shelf along with my other movies. I have a gap in Pixar waiting for Incredibles 2 in November. I'm in two worlds though- do I complete the collection and get the rest of the missing films (The Three Callaberos, Black Cauldron, etc) on DVD or do I still wait it out and hope for a Blu-ray release? Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Ah, that's good. Also, near the end of Season 6. I completely forgot about River Song's past! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I've been watching this for the last month. I'm on season six now. Donna is definitely my favourite companion by far. Catherine Tate and David Tennant had such an awesome chemistry on-screen and I loved every second of that season but I was very sad seeing how it ended. Matt Smith is a great Doctor. I'm tempted to watch the new episode but then I don't know how the Doctor regenerated so I'm not going to. However, I do want to leave my opinion on the whole gender change thing: As far as I've seen, from Season 4 onwards, the Doctor has always said that it was a possibility. In Season Six, when they visit the planet where House was eating Tardises left, right and centre and luring Timelords with those voice boxes asking for help, he did say there was a timelord that has changed from male to female numerous times and even said "she was a naughty girl". So this isn't, at all, an issue for me. The only thing I don't really like is the whole "It's about time" thing and the glass ceiling thing. I get the wordplay and it's clever but I don't want the show to be hung up on the fact the Doctor is a woman. Like someone on here said before, mention it once and then move on. I think the show could really progress doing it like that. The other thing I thought about was the balancing. The Doctor has this reckless side to him, a dangerous side that could potentially make him lose his humane side and his companions, usuaully female, kept him level-headed. Like with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper in "Dalek". The Doctor wanted to harm the Dalek, Rose reached out to him and said he's defenceless and vulnerable. Another example was David Tennant and Catherine Tate in The Christmas Bride when the Doctor wouldn't stop drowing the huge Spider-alien and Donna told him he can stop. Or even in the Pompeii episode where Donna asks the Doctor to save someone. Also, no forced quirkiness. I liked the show when they wasn't sure what type of personality he was going to have. I hope they've done that this time too.
My knee is fucking killing me! I got it near enough better and bearable and being my clumsy, twatty self, I tripped over on Sunday and I'm in constant pain. I had an x-ray on it three weeks ago and the results still hasn't got to my doctors. Not only that but I've just had to pay £20 for a sick letter to state to the shoe shop that I'm entitled to pay from the first day to the last day of the days I've had off at the place because for some reason, the third week is missing and the last few days as well. @martinist Sorry to hear that, dude. I hope you get well soon!
I am genuinely alive for this reason. My GOD! Each trailer has me too excited. As a huge fan of both Kingdom Hearts and Disney, my levels of excitement are through the roof! I feel 12 years old again! I need this game in my life! I may actually book a week off for this release! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I'm re-watching Doctor Who again and my opinion of it has completely changed (well almost). I've just finished Season 4 and I adored Donna. She's still my favourite companion over Martha and Rose. I love Donna but the ending to that season was the worst! When I was younger, I couldn't get into Season 3 much because for some reason, I couldn't stand Martha but I actually like her now. The whole thing of her having a crush was kind of annoying but she was the only one who got shit done in her finale and I loved that. Rose is okay. I liked her but she's a bit of a bitch to Mickey and it's annoying. I'm watching the specials now. Tennant's final days. I stopped watching when Capaldi was made Doctor. Love the actor but he just wasn't the Doctor to me. Maybe my mind has changed. Also, did anyone else notice how a lot of people who were characters scattered in Doctor Who turned out to have regular roles later on? The biggest one was in the Pompeii episode where you see Peter Capaldi and Karen Gillan. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Thanks[mention=3619]Grazza[/mention]. I used to think it was normal. I promised I'd share when I had time. I just got the time so here we go. Job #1 The weird thing was that after a while, it started to feel like I'd always have things like this. I never left my first job but it was the first time I faced some sort of racial discrimination. It was back during the time the UK had riots all over the country. Well, the shopping park where I worked was targetted with everyone shutting up shops, evacuating customers to safety and what not. My supervisor, who didn't really take a liking to me, which I just accepted, said to me "this is all your fault, your lot can't even act human. It's no wonder you all haven't evolved". I was shocked more than anything but it kind of stuck with me. Like, it was the first time I couldn't let go of something like I usually could. It made me angry but then made me upset because I couldn't do anything about it as the management were so far up his arse. It got worse after that. Bit of a backstory before I go into this- you had to do 12 months before earning a permanent contract there so you were on probation for a year. Nobody ever made it past the 11th month. Back to the problem, there was a huge case made against me stating that I wrongly refunded over a thousand pounds worth of goods and apparently it had my signature on it. In a round-about way, they were accusing me of stealing the money. I can honestly say that some of the refunds I did (not stealing the money but the refunds were legit) but a lot of the refunds I genuinely never recalled. The woman was such a bitter cunt over it and added so much unneeded pressure. She asked why I did it and how I felt. I said "Right now, I feel intimidated" and they quickly jumped up and said "don't say that, you make us sound like we're bullying you when we're not!" and, being naive and not the gobby bloke I am today, I said "Okay, sorry" and they asked if it was because I was rejected by a girl I asked out. (This was another sales assistant. She was nice and I thought we hit it off but she never saw me that way and I accepted it and we both moved on). I asked what that had to do with anything and apparently, she was saying I was harrassing her about it (which wasn't the case at all as I asked her afterwards and she said "no way!" and even tried to have it out with her. I felt really bad and constantly asked her and apologised endlessly but she assured me I did nothing wrong. We still speak from time-to-time even now so I believe her, lmao). In the end, they dismissed me. I was left feeling so down, depressed, horrible thoughts ran through my head, I comfort ate but then I found Job #2. Job #2 To be honest, Job #2 was okay. I was tougher and took no shit this time round. I made that promise to myself. I said that nobody would ever make me feel that bad ever again. You get customers who are arsy but that comes with the territory and I had the odd comment but I could handle it. I had the whole sexuality thing where people tried to "out me" and told me I'm convincing nobody. I always answered back the same thing I always say which is "It's not my fault you're jealous that I'm this comfortable and secure in myself and you're having to live an insecure life just so you don't lose your 'man card'". It was happening for a fair bit but it wore off eventually. It's a bit annoying because it still happens now but not so much. However, the main thing that never helped me mentally was this next bit. I constantly had a woman coming in who I knew to be my real mother's friend. I don't speak to my real mom at all. We haven't done for 12 years last week and honestly, I'm happy with that. I never will want to talk to her again and she feels the same about me. I don't really call her my mom but I refer to my step-mom as my mom....well, this will explain why. So this woman constantly came in and tried showing me photos of my mom all of the time. I said "I wasn't interested", kept it strictly business and asked if she needed shoes (this was the first shoe shop, by the way, lmao). She came in a few times and I'd go out back until she left. One day, I was sorting out the shoes on the shelf near the back of the shop when I saw, in the corner of my eye, a face looking in from the window. She just stared at me. I pretended I didn't notice and walked near the front to get a look. I blatantly turned to find it was my mom. At this point now, I hadn't seen her in 5 years. I was shocked but she looked at me with the worst look, like she stepped in dog shit, shook her head and walked off. At this point, I felt the emotions from the last job happen again. I was angry, hurt, upset, betrayed and I had all of these emotions I didn't know how to deal with. My mom's friend marched in the shop and started rowing on me out of nowhere. She said "If you only knew how much you hurt her! You have totally destroyed her life" and I asked "How? I was the child! Do you even know what happened or are you following the tune she plays?" but she just carried on. I wanted to tell her everything but then I thought why should I? It's my life and not this random woman I know nothing about. So I told her to sling her hook. My manager asked me "why did that woman in the window hate you so much?" and when I said "that's my real mom. I haven't seen her in 5 years and that's how she sees me now". My manager hugged me and told me to go out back and get my thoughts together. Funny thing is, I genuinely done nothing wrong. It just started out of nowhere. We got her friend banned from the shop and from coming near me in the shopping centre. Fun fact- even though I'm not there anymore, it still stands! Her picture is on the security wall, haha. It played on my mind for ages though. Why did she look at me like that? With such hate? I'll never forget that look forever and it's something I've thought about. Job #3 I've touched on this a little bit but this one is the one I seriously remember clear as day. Basically, I had this assistant manager who was a closet racist. The only reason why I know is because he's only told a very select few his true self. One of them being me. He told me horrible stuff and what I'm about to say was happening over roughly two years on and off. What I'm about to say are purely quotes and nothing more but if it's too much for here, message me and I'll edit asap. He nicknamed me Sandy, which I constantly told him not to numerous times in a very calm and collected manner. He said some racial slurs which I doubt I can repeat here. He said all black people were ugly to which I said "Oh, shut the fuck up, you ignorant cunt" and walked away. It was this last bit that got me riled up to the point of no return. We didn't always see eye-to-eye and we got along for the sake of the job because at the end of the day, it's a small shop, a small team and to put it in a way, the manager was fucking abysmal. She would always support anybody management which was clear when I had a problem with a supervisor. She chose what she wanted to see. So me and the assistant manager were out back just doing delivery when the conversation got on to me being mixed race. From the start, I said "Stop because this is going to be uncomfortable really fast" but he didn't. He proceeded to say "I think black people and white people getting together is disgusting. It's an abomination" to which I said "Okay, you've really gone there. I can't believe you've just said that and you're dumb enough to do it in front of a mixed race lad" and he said "It's true. Black people and white people should never have sex, it's disgusting and their babies are an abomination. They make very cute babies but it's still an abomination". I questioned if anybody else in the place knows his views on everything he's said and he said "One or two- including you". He carried on with being just vile and disgusting. I got mad but I calmed down and said "I'm going to lunch". I ate and went back to work. I went out back to see the manager and the assistant manager in the office looking at CCTV and heard the manager say "Ah, it's that black kid robbing again" (which I don't have a problem with), the assistant manager then said "It's always THEM lot". I RAGED, it was like everything that was happening just overloaded in my head so knocked on the door and asked if he could help me lift something heavy in the delivery room, which everyone knew wasn't CCTV'd. He followed me there when I closed the door, asked if he had a problem with me, he said yeah and said some stuff so I grabbed him in a headlock and said "Shut your vile fucking mouth up. You're a disgusting, weasly little cunt. If I ever hear you say anything remotely racist, we can take this outside and have it out. Now do you have a fucking problem with my skin colour?". He said "No, it was only a joke" and I said "it's not funny and you know it isn't. I've told you time and time again". I let him go and we had a bit of a heated conversation, I called him pathetic and said "I'll be civil to you because I need this job right now and I don't want the whole drama in this place but rest assured, I fucking hate your guts". Walked out the room but stayed in the job for another 3 months. Admittedly it wasn't my proudest moment that he got me to that point but we both dropped it. Probably because he knew he'd be in the shit a LOT more than I would. He tried to befriend me to which I just accepted his 'niceness' but it was that job I was exposed to proper racism. It fucked with my mind massively. I know what I did was wrong but my mind just snapped after months of it. I used to be happy-go-lucky, a laugh a minute and always seeing the bright side to a bad situation. Experiencing all of that just fucked me up. Thinking of it now makes me so mad. At that time, I couldn't express my anger and it got to the point where it was so frustrating, I'd randomly cry. I know this post is long and possibly everyone reading this may think "how have you not realised the world can be nasty?" but these were the first three jobs I ever had. I got better and now I'm mentally okay. Obviously I had a huge setback when my Grandad passed away and all that family drama- that can mess me up a little. It's always around this time of year too. From September to December. It makes me a bit anxious and upset at times but I guess it comes with the territory. I just think he'd want me to be the best person I can be and he'd want me to achieve what I want to achieve in life, "As long as you love what you do, you'll never work". I guess I made this post because I want people to know that there's always light even in the darkest of times It's done no favours to my mental health. I have OCD (and no, it's not me having the need to clean every 10 seconds like most people love telling me it is -_-) but with me, it's over-checking and doing rituals. I'm a lot better now but it has been known for me to not leave the house or leave the shop. Luckily, I've got a couple of people who know how to deal with me and I've done CBT which has helped loads. The darkness never lasts forever and there's always a choice of climbing out of that darkness. I promised myself I'd never put myself in that situation again nor would I ever put up with anything like that for anyone or any job. I want my life filled with love and laughter. Like I said[mention=4083]Goafer[/mention], you were so right leaving when you did. I'm happier now than ever but with my knee, I feel worried and anxious because I hope it's not permanent. Sorry for the long post but thank you if you've read it.
That was extremely brave of you to share and horrible because I really can relate. I've faced that too in a few of my jobs. I thought it was me but when my co-workers also said "I've noticed it too", that was when I went. Over three jobs, I've had bullying due to my education (apparently I was "too thick" to ever be promoted from nothing more than a sales assistant. Also, something I've never said I don't think, I have needed extra help in most classes because sometimes I don't understand what people say when they explain things. They never knew but when I was constantly called 'thick', it brings back a lot), my sexuality (I'm straight but apparently, "I'm fooling nobody and it's embarrassing"), my body size (this was when I was about 19st with a binge eating problem when I was upset and stressed, which someone caught on and used against me) and, the worst one, my race (I'm mixed race and apparently "it's an abomination"- there's more incidents of this and it ended with me getting my assistant manager in a room I knew that never had cameras and putting him in a headlock...yes, it was my assistant manager. He never done it again but it always stuck with me). I joke about the amount of jobs I have now and I share the stories I have openly but back then, it was horrendous and I'm not trying to act like the Hulk but it was either leave or punch them. My anger and upset started to show in my personal life, it probably even did here to be honest. This was my only place to release my problems. The only place where people listened and never said "that's normal, quit your whingeing". It wasn't normal and I knew it so I leave these jobs because my health is far more important than a wage. There's thousands of jobs out there but there's only one of you and I understand there's bills and mortgages to pay but jobs are out there. Now I lie about my jobs but it's given me experience, which I'm grateful for. You done the right thing leaving that job! I promise you I'll talk about mine but I haven't got time but I just wanted you to know you weren't alone in sharing. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
The Freddy Krueger jump-rope song. Funnily enough, Freddy himself didn't scare me at all but there's something about that song I hated. I'm cool with it now but when I was a kid, it petrified me. Also, I'm arachnophobic. I can watch movies about stupidly sized spiders because...well...unrealistic...but do NOT put on Arachnophobia anywhere near me! That film is the only film I will never watch! Not even the trailer, you can fuck right off! haha. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
EEVIL, I'm going to say the immortal words: I'm leaving the shoe shop!...well, I will be. However, unlike the majority of my jobs, it won't be on bad terms. My knee is consistently hurting all of the time and going up and down three flights of stairs has finally taken its toll on me. Also, the customers are just extremely rude. Not just that but working 6 days a week is a bit of a pain. It's doable but working 12 hours on the one day fucks me up for the rest of the week. My knee hurts and I'm tired and then when I start to feel better, I do the shift again and it goes dodgy. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow about my knee. I hope I can get to the root of the problem. It's been a problem anyway because the days constantly change under me and it's annoying. I have three other job offers all willing to work with the hours of my other job. Speaking of... In the game shop, it's just amazing. I'm really enjoying it and not just because it's games and movies but because I get on well with the manager too. He trusts me to make displays and also let's me do my own thing. Also, it's just so nice to actively upsell or even recommend something. I've always found it easy to do and I've not had one complaint about my recommendations. Oh, and I've had positive reviews so I'm buzzing. I'm hoping to get my hours increased (fingers crossed) so who knows. I'm in a better mindset but the job needs to go. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Just watched Coco again! It's definitely my favourite Pixar film. I love Toy Story but there's something about this film that I just love!
That's so true. We done some exciting matches and I learned how to edit too! Not as good as you but enough to make a door! haha. I like our little strategy we have! We need more games! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
A Bugs Life is beautiful on Blu-ray! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
This actually made my heart happy. You can tell it was like a dream come true for that guy singing. He has a great voice too! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Isn't it always? Don't you always love it though? haha. It's better than Eastenders! It should win a soap award! Thanks dude. Thanks. I watched England destroy Panama so that cheered me up and I watched my new Blu-rays as well (Power Rangers and Cars 3- both surprisingly great and very enjoyable). Just hate having the stomach pains. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
LOOOOOL! I wonder how they're going to re-create the crows... Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
So I'm feeling a little crap today... I normally always have this week off because it's my birthday week, it's nice weather and I normally cram a lot of stuff into this one week because it's a rarity that I get time off and it's actually nice weather. Normally go on holiday and then on the weekend, go to Alton Towers and then bowling and cinemas. So at the very start of the week, I went to Weston-Super-Mare with the family and went to a restaurant, ate a meal (which was the only thing I ate bar bran flakes) and on the night, ended up re-enacting Linda Blair from The Exorcist and throwing up like crazy. I mean full-on projectile, stomach pains and dizziness. Next day, went on the beach a little but got dizzy a couple of times so I went back to bed. In the end, everyone just said let's go home because the weather wasn't as great. It wasn't sunny but the weather was okay enough. I said I was fine but they insisted it wasn't the same if I wasn't enjoying it (which hit me in the feels a little, not going to lie). So all week long, I've been eating tiny meals because normal meals make me feel like I can throw up at any moment. I've gone dairy-free now because milk still makes me feel nauseous and to cap it off, today is my birthday and I was going to go to the cinemas and nobody can make it/has responded back. I'm not going to lie, I feel crap, lmao. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Yeah but we used to always do that. Like, go to a carvery or something. Now it's just different. I spoke to her last night about this. She's changed it from that to "she wanted to make memories with Husband". I also told her straight and said I don't know if I bought it and I wasn't sure if he likes me, which is fine if he don't because you can't force people to like you but she insists he does. I don't really know what to believe. I've had her family say to me that he's jealous of me, for some unknown reason. I'm just hoping she's not stuck in a place where she's being told what to do and who she can talk to and stuff. Maybe I'm overreacting... Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Okay, I don't really know where to post this but it's kind of related to love and relationships... Before I start this story, I need to give you a bit of information about us. She's one of my best friends (I'm talking 23 years and it's totally like a brother/sister friendship) and we've always had loads in common. We've been to Drayton Manor before, eaten out and stuff and we've had fun. She's been together with this guy for 5 years, married for 3. Husband and I kind of get along. He's a bit of a knob but she loves him and he loves her and treats her okay (as far as I know). Last year, I asked her if she wanted to go and she said no and refused to tell me why, which is odd because genuinely, we tell each other everything. I pressed on and she just said she had no money because of different events happening, which I knew she lied about but accepted it. She can't lie. She's bad at it. Anyway, fast-forward to now and I wanted to go to Alton Towers this Sunday for my birthday. I spoke to her about it and she said no again. This time, I just flat-out said "cards on the table, don't tell me you're skint because you know I'd give you the ticket. Just tell me because you were all for it for ages". Turns out that she won't go with me because she's married and I'm a man. I said "do you fancy me or something?" and teased and laughed and she said "No! I'm married!" and I said "And I don't fancy you whatsoever so what's the problem" and she said "Being married now, it's different. I can't go out with other men" and I said "I'm not other men, I'm your best friend. So you're never going to go anywhere with me again?" and she said "yeah but not to big places like that". I said "right but promise me this: this is YOUR decision? This isn't him saying this, is it? It's out-of-character for you" and she said its her decision. But I don't buy it. She never was a good liar. Anyway, I guess my question is is what she say correct? Is this marriage? Is anybody here who's in a relationship like this? I don't know why but I feel a bit like I've lost my mate of 20-odd years. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Could it be a possibility that KH 1&2 could be released on Xbox One? I don't get why it hasn't... Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk