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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I had a nice couple of days. Playing Resident Evil 2, in the dark with headphones on the new telly and I've never jumped so much! I'm about an hour in the game. On top of the TV and Resident Evil 2, I also got £70, a black Nintendo Wii and a huge bottle of JD from my one manager, I got a Galaxy selection box from my other manager, a JD tumbler and miniature gift set from my Secret Santa, a JD hip flask and miniature from my best friend and a £10 Primark gift card from my mate. All in all, not bad going!
  2. Merry Christmas, N-E! I know it's early but I'm feeling pretty fucking Christmassy and I wanted to share the love. I already know what I've got for Christmas and honestly, I'm just too excited. I've been dying to create my own 'cinema room' out of my bedroom and I was toying with getting a projector or a TV. I went with a TV and my parents have very kindly given me some money to pay for some of it. I'm massively upgrading. I've gone from a 32" HD TV to a 49" 4K TV. I also got Resident Evil 2 on the PS4 to play as well as some new running shoes ready for my annual run on Christmas Day. I really want to watch 4K Blu-Rays (yeah, it begins BUT I'm DEFINITELY only getting a select few on 4K- my favourite Disney movies and Ghostbusters spring to mind but I need to know it's worth it before I do it). The TV will look pretty bloody big in my room, which is what I want and I'm going to be covering the walls with movie posters. It's going to look pretty epic once I'm done with it. Okay, enough about what I'm getting because what I got is something incredible. My mom loves to read (as do I) but I've jumped on the Kindle train and she hasn't. Until the 25th. I've got her her own Kindle and have bought her favourite books on it. I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction because she really isn't expecting it. I've led her on a false trail. I've bought her the latest installment from her favourite book series, which always releases near Christmas-time. I've also downloaded the book on the Kindle as well. My Dad hasn't decided what he wanted and he's always a bugger to buy for because he'll only like it if he can use it in his life. He doesn't like novelty stuff so I'm giving him money. He'll be happy with that. My manager has got a Liverpool scarf because although I know he likes games, he owns a shop full of them so it's not exactly like I can say "here's something you already have 10 copies of", pmsl. He loves Liverpool though so I got the official scarf. I got my friend Raging Bull on blu-ray and some chocolates for his family and my other friend I got a Cinderella Latte mug. Her brother, who I've been training and teaching how to box, has a Rick and Morty POP figure. I wanted to get him something to say well done for sticking to it. So yeah, MERRY CHRISTMAS SLAGS!
  3. Being totally honest here, speaking to the Tory voters today, every single one of them had said they voted Conservatives because they want a Brexit with a hard no-deal, they don't want "no more immigrants ruining the country" and because they hate Corbyn. What surprises me more is that these people are working-class, struggling to make ends meet but they overrule that because they want to "Get Brexit Done". What's more ridiculous is that there's people out there who were also saying they would be happy to pay more tax and leave the minimum wage as it is. I was met with so much nonsense today that I actually grew tired and was drained of any energy trying to even listen to the bullshit and responding to what may as well have been a brick wall. Like @Fierce_LiNk, I also said we would pay for this choice when the Brexit vote happened (worst Birthday present ever) and we have and we will. Dirty lies and dirty tactics have led to this and it hasn't stopped since.
  4. I am speechless. Very scared now. Friday the 13th is in effect for the next five years, it seems. I am truly devastated. Another five years of this shit. Everything has been worse since they were in power and if we think that it's bad now, I'm terrified what the future will bring.
  5. I am...speechless...and scared. I'm actually scared. Boris Johnson will fuck this country up, I just know it. I can't believe there's working class out there voting for Tories. It's crazy! Guys, buckle up, the next five years is going to be something!
  6. Just watched it again with my friend and I noticed the symmetrical book stacking! Man, I'm seriously excited for this!
  7. I loved it so much. HATED 2016 for numerous reasons but for me, as a massive fan of Ghostbusters, this really hit the mark and got me excited. Love the fact that that could be Egon's granddaughter and how she has the same kind of hairstyle and glasses. How she finds his collection of spores, moulds and funguses and the suit...guys, the SUIT! The proton pack and Shandor was mentioned briefly too. Paul Rudd with the ghost trap and the ECTO-1...just so much YES that I can't contain my excitement! I'm also wondering if the house in the trailer is actually Ray's childhood home that he mentioned in 1984 when Venkman tells him everybody has three mortgages. Maybe they bought it back? Also, the leg of the terror dog on Paul Rudd's car and Egon's granddaughter (as she will now be called until proof) using the PKE meter. I felt like it was kind of keeping the tone of the originals but also had the feeling that it was paying respects more than saying "hey guys, here's a reboot to make money". I think people actually listened. Looking at it as well, it looks like it can even follow on after the Video Game (which I still call Ghostbusters 3). I'm just happy that they didn't link the monstrosity of 2016 to it. SUMMER 2020 needs to be here NOW!
  8. Sharing that on Twitter! Finally, someone who's actually captured what I've been telling everybody all along WITH ACTUAL EVIDENCE. But still, sadly, people will allow themselves to be manipulated. Hopefully they will see through the lies. ....I really hope...
  9. I really don't understand how the Tories got in in the first place. And if they get in again, well, the mind boggles. Speaking to the people I know who do vote Tory are saying they want Brexit done. What did they think? Did they think it was only going to take a week? Pack up a suitcase and just fuck off? They want to vote Labour now but they don't trust Corbyn. Whether or not you trust Corbyn, all I know is you can DEFINITELY NEVER TRUST JOHNSON. My main point was always that the Brexit campaign was dirty and full of lies. Even after, the Tories had said a lot of shit would happen and they've either been lying through their teeth or it ends in disasters. Fact of the matter is is that we have all had a glimpse of a future under Tory rule. Lies, bullshit and hypocrisy. I'm just not looking forward to my future at all if Johnson runs again. He's like Trump 2.0 and I honestly think they will fuck this country right up. Especially for the working class. I just hope the youth get the fingers out of their arses and vote and I hope the working class who vote Tory realise they're being played, that they're not actually part of the rich and they're being screwed over.
  10. From the time I started this thread to now, I now have 440 blu-rays, including Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie, Space Jam, Game of Thrones S1-4, Wolf Creek, Aladdin trilogy (I FINALLY GOT THE BLOODY SEQUELS) and Mulan 2 (I ACTUALLY GOT THE SEQUEL). My main grabs would be movies from my childhood, Game of Thrones and Disney sequels. Movies from my childhood actually has a rule to it. You'll think I'm a hoarder but I swear I'm not but I've kept all of my VHS tapes. They actually fit in a box under my bed and I couldn't bear to get rid of them. I actually have the original Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Tarzan, Hercules and Aladdin. I've managed to get a few such as Pagemaster and Space Jam but the one I'd love is The Little Vampire and the Borrowers. I also want Matilda, The Witches and Muppet Treasure Island. Game of Thrones is going to just go right up in price from December so I've been collecting them as I go along. So far, from 1-4, I'm very shocked to say that this only cost me a tenner due to a pricing error. Bonus. I'm one of the few fans that thought the end was satisfactory. It wasn't amazing but it was what I expected (but that's for another thread...I feel the judgment already, lmao) Disney sequels are becoming a bit of a bitch to find. Luckily for me, I've been collecting them from the start. They're starting to become rare. All I need is Bambi 2, Return to Neverland, Little Mermaid 2 and 3, (possibly) Tarzan 2, Tarzan and Jane and Planes: Fire and Rescue. There are some sequels that haven't been released on blu-ray, which is annoying. I still need to get the Ralph Breaks the Internet o-ring sleeve. It was released two weeks ago but it would mean me travelling for about an hour to just buy it. I plan on getting it in a couple of weeks. Anyone have updates on their collections?
  11. What is it about Corbyn that you don't trust? Genuinely just wondering. I find him to be okay and much better than the idiot we have now. I never vote Tory anyway. I just really want Brexit to go now. I think it was a huge mistake from the start and I still do today. My mind hasn't changed or swayed one bit. Hated the idea from the start and I hate it even more now. I see it as something completely pointless and was built literally on lies from the start. I also still find it very unfair that people voted based on those lies and considering the vote was extremely close, they should've either had another vote with better knowledge and truth or just abolish it altogether. If it was up to me, I'd scrap the idea completely.
  12. I love this loads! Everything about this is great BUT...BUT...I'm not feeling the clip of Elsa's song, "Into the Unknown". Anna's song sounds way better. Regardless, I'm getting no epic song vibes from this but hopefully, I'll be wrong. Aladdin pleasantly surprised me with "Speechless", which I still think should have had much more recognition than it did. That song was unbelievable!
  13. Technically, it's an adaptation. This one doesn't look like a remake from Eddie Murphy but seems to follow the original source material, judging by the timeline in the trailer. I read the series as a kid and I can vaguely remember him sailing in a boat. I know the books were released in the 1910s or 1920s or something. This seems to follow it closer. I'm actually excited!
  14. I really need to see this film again. It's seriously stayed with me so much. On another note, I watched Metallica S&M2 and it was stunning! Beautiful! Sensational! I'm so glad I got to watch it but the audience was just sitting there doing nothing. Me and my friend and a handful of others were singing, rocking out in our seats and applauding. I'd definitely watch it again if I could. Hearing The Unforgiven Part 3 and All Within My Hands was epic!
  15. Oh yeah, I know it is but I can honestly say I forgot it was about the Joker. It felt like a completely separate movie away from the actual DC universe, which I loved. Don't get me wrong, I love superhero movies but right now, I'm actually sick of them. It seems like they're released every five minutes. I loved everything about the movie. How it was shot, the performances, the story, the character himself and in some scenes, I really felt emotional. I felt sad, angry, hurt and even shocked. I can't believe it actually stayed with me for this long. @Ronnie, if you get a chance to watch it, do so. I'm not really into DC but I thoroughly enjoyed this and I have some random stranger to thank for giving me a free ticket to see it!
  16. I watched Joker a few days ago and it's definitely one of the best films I've ever seen. I know people say this quite lightly but this is one of the few films that has stayed with me over the last few days and one of the films I'm eager to watch again. Reviews on it has been particularly harsh and the RT score is ridiculously low. I can't actually think of a bad thing to say about it. I also love the fact that it's not another superhero/villain/whatever film.
  17. I know! I was saying to my mate that I never saw that! I was gutted but ugh, the movie was superb on the big screen. I'm even tempted to go again on Halloween! I even missed a few little things even though I've seen this movie an awful lot. Like when Venkman was talking to Peck, I didn't actually see Janine slowly peering from her desk to listen in. That made me laugh. I really hope they release the second one or do a double-bill of it. Actually, thinking about it, Ghostbusters II came out in 1989! Couldn't they have done a 30th anniversary of that too! That would be so awesome! ...and we can forget 2016 ever happened. I still want the Real Ghostbusters boxset and the Remastered copy of the game.
  18. Yeah it is. I hope they do the second one but my God, it was stunning! I absolutely loved it! I'm so chuffed I got to see it! I love that cinemas are starting to do 80s films more now. I'd love to catch A Nightmare on Elm Street, Back to the Future, Labyrinth, The Breakfast Club, The Lost Boys, Gremlins and Top Gun.
  19. Ghostbusters 1984 is rereleased in the cinemas tomorrow for its 35th Anniversary. I am so excited. Its one of my favourite films ever and I have always wanted to see it on the big screen! It's going to be such an experience!
  20. I do love them all (not Seed) equally but I liked Cult because they actually brought back the original Andy and Kyle from the second one and Tiffany from the later ones, which I thought added a nice touch of nostalgia for me since I've been following these movies since I was a kid. I also loved Curse for its creepier tone rather than black comedy. Bride is always a great blend of both horror and comedy and 1 and 3 are wicked but 2 always has a soft spot for me. It's the first time Chucky shows more personality as well as a funny but sadistic side to him. The photocopier kill always creeped me out when I was a kid.
  21. Chucky is awesome. Child's Play 2 is the best one followed by Cult, Curse, 1, 3, Bride and then Seed, Can't wait to know what you think of them. So I saw IT: Chapter Two finally and, after everybody's been telling me it was average, I think everyone is crazy. It was awesome and I absolutely loved it. When I walked out of the cinema, I first thought "great film" but then the more time went on, the more I realised how much I loved it. Much more creepier than the first, the timings were just right, character development was great, the acting was awesome and the last 40 minutes was epic. Epic enough for me to try and find other people to watch it with me again. If not, I'm just going to watch it myself again next week. The casting was absolutely spot on, I couldn't fault it. Pennywise was awesome. Loved it so much. "IIIII KNOW YOUR SEEEECREEEET"/10 (song is now stuck in my head, lmao) I also attempted to watch Reservoir Dogs as well. It's so weird but I've seen it so many times and I really felt like watching it. 45 minutes in, I had to take a break from it and I never went back to it. Maybe I was tired but even now, I don't have a desire to watch the rest. So I stuck on The Godfather instead. Classic.
  22. Every Saturday, I go to CEX and buy blu-rays of movies I watch more than once. As you all probably know, I love my movies and I love nothing more than Disney movies. That's not to say I don't like other movies but Disney films never fail to make me feel happy (except for the original Alice in Wonderland...just no). As it stands, as of last night, after buying Creed II and Mary Poppins Returns, I now own over 410 blu-rays. I keep track on an app called Bluray.com. I started through collecting Disney Classic blu-rays. After getting all of them (with o-ring shiny sleeves- oh yeah, I'm well hot!), I went on to live-actions and sequels. Apparently, the only ones I'm missing now are the Tinkerbell films but they don't interest me in the slightest...BUT it would mean I have every single Disney blu-ray released in the UK (although I don't have the Muppets boxset but that's a grey area...I still want it though). So a few questions is something I have for you all: -Do you collect anything? -What do you collect? -Would you buy something you're not a massive fan of just to complete a collection (like my example above)? -Have you got a complete collection of anything? If you can think of any more to add, put it in here.
  23. Beast


    The show died two seasons ago for me. It's a shame because it started out brilliant but they should've ended it a while back. Try Wentworth if you get the chance. I've seen them all now and it's amazing. I'm halfway through When They See Us. Absolutely gripping. I started tearing up at one stage. Highly recommend it.
  24. It's the first time I've picked this up purely because a customer told me you can get Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers, Jigsaw, Leatherface and Ghostface in it and I needed something new to play. The game is simple enough. As a survivor, you need to fix generators and get them running to open the door and escape. As a killer, you kill the survivors. It's not a bad game but it can be frustrating. Does anybody here play it? If you play it on PS4, add me.
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