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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I remember watching this a while back and thought it was disgusting then. It annoys me that cunts like this exist, it truly does. How fucking entitled and thuggish they are just makes my piss boil. I've never understood this in the first place though. Why are people so bothered about skin colour? I'm being serious. It's pigmentation. I mean, will they avoid the sun in case they get a tan and be mistaken to have brown skin? I honestly get truly depressed when I see shit like this and it kind of triggers me. I don't actually mean trigger as in crying but as in fucking angry. The worst part of it is it's happening more and more now. 2020, so far, has been truly awful for racism. The thing that pisses me off is when I put on some rock music and they always say "I would've thought you'd like grime or rap"...I always get that. When I ask why, I always either get "Well, you all normally like that sort of stuff" or the more blatant "usually black people do". Or they get shocked when I don't understand today's slang which, honestly, is fucking dreadful anyway.
  2. I can bet one of them wasn't Happy! 😂
  3. Honestly, it's great. I enjoyed it a lot. I was a bit worried with Will Smith being the Genie and trying to be Robin Williams but he really made the character his own. Also, Jasmine's solo song, Speechless, is brilliant too. If you were to watch Disney live-actions, I would say Aladdin and Mulan. Beauty and the Beast is great too and I think it got far too much criticism on Emma Watson's part as I thought she did Belle justice. The Lion King was just extremely soulless and missed a lot of the heart that the animation had. Beyonce didn't help matters at all and they ruined Be Prepared, which is in my top 3 favourite Disney villain songs and was something I was looking forward to seeing in the film. I was looking forward to the Little Mermaid until I heard Melissa McCarthy is playing Ursula. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Queen Latifah was born for that role and she proved that in the recorded stage show.
  4. I'm not sure. I think it was last month. It was on my list of movies to absolutely watch straight away. I'm glad it was released out of cinemas because although I really miss the cinema, I'm not really comfortable in going back just yet. I watched it again and just loved how stunning it looked. People need to embrace the changes it made. I thought they were good changes myself. I've liked pretty much every Disney live-action remake so far apart from The Lion King. It looked stunning but it lost its heart and spark and Beyonce didn't sound like a teenage lioness at all! She sounded like she should've voiced Sarabi more than Nala and I couldn't get past her warbling over Donald Glover! Aladdin is so far the best out of them all with Mulan being a close second and The Lion King being absolutely last.
  5. You're right. This seems weird to even vote me without asking me any questions...and his name suggests evil...makes sense! Change Vote: EEVILMURRAY
  6. I'm being sent books to review before they are released. They're called ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) and you can have them for free if you write an honest review about them. You get a time limit to read them by and you have to finish it by the end and write a review of it. The time limit I have on this book is three months so it's not bad at all.
  7. I've finally watched Mulan (2020) and thought it was brilliant. I had originally planned to see this in the cinemas but that little shit, Covid, ruined that for me. Its got favourable reviews on Rotten Tomatoes but there's people out there not liking it but I think it's because there's no singing or no Mushu. Honestly, this didn't need it and strangely enough, although I loved Mushu, I didn't miss him at all. I loved the use of the score using the songs from the animated version as a little nod to the material too. The 'magical' elements were okay BUT I feel the movie could've done without it and still been just as brilliant. I hope this comes out on bluray as there's no chance of me getting Lady and the Tramp for a full Disney live-action set (which annoys me to the core) but it would be brilliant to own this physically! 9/10
  8. Oh my God! This is mad! All of the members are coming home! 😂
  9. This sounds suspicious to me. I feel like something has been prepared because no Mafia game is simple. I put it to you...that you are lying! Vote: Sméagol
  10. I've started watching The Flash after a friend of mine being obsessed with it so I thought I'd give it a try. Started it two days ago, I'm now on episode 12 and understanding why he is. This show is bloody great so far. I've really enjoyed it. I'm not normally a DC person but I've been trying to give it a go and so far, this is the best thing out of it. I was also recommended Arrow, who's appeared in the show a couple of times, so I'll give that a go too.
  11. Oh my God, that video! That was quite clever! For me, personally, I didn't necessarily see a problem with Hank Azaria playing Apu nor do I see a problem with Mike Henry being the voice of Cleveland in Family Guy. I never did see the issue. Honestly, I didn't actually know they were White until I looked it up. I think it depends entirely on how it's done. If it's meant as a demeaning portrayal then okay, I see it, but I don't think it did. It's like the White guy on America's Got Talent impersonating Snoop Dogg as a rapper being problematic or something. Maybe I've missed the point completely? I don't know but I think it's fine and I personally am not offended at all. If anything, I think it's a very minor issue compared to other things happening. As for the question itself, I think anything can be joked about in the right light. Like the video above, for instance.
  12. Nah, I don't anymore. There's nobody. They skulk around but everyone's been telling them to move on away. I was told not to say anything in case but everyone else was telling them. Yesterday, they were there but they never stopped like usual. They walked up and down for half an hour and then went elsewhere. I went on my lunch to find they're hanging outside the chippy now. What is it with kids doing that? Why would you want to hang outside shops? It's well weird!
  13. YAAAAY! I missed you! The forums are pretty hard to navigate on a mobile, to be honest. I can't quote people or reply on them unless I refresh it a thousand times otherwise I'd be more active. I have no room on my phone for Tapatalk anymore either.
  14. I think you'd be okay to still stay and discuss. We all have different opinions and I think it's interesting to hear them all, personally. For the past few days, at one of my work places, we've had these gang of kids hang outside the shop (which I hate in the first place because have you not got anything better to do). On the first day, three kids were walking past the store and one of the kids who was White (which is important to the story) ran in the shop and shouted "Curry! Got curry? Curry!" at me in an Indian accent. It was at me because I was the only one in the shop. So I said "Wrong race, you thick bastard!". His two mates were like "Ooooo, he owned you! He got you!" and laughed. With that, he said something else which I genuinely can't remember so I basically told him to get out of the shop. About a day or two later, he came back with, no joke, about 8 other lads (three of which were Black) and I had myself and two Indian customers (a dad and his 14 year old son). They were hanging out the shop and I heard them shout "Oh look, it's the Taliban, blud!" and laughed. I wasn't sure if it was aimed at me again, the two customers or all of the above but I didn't want them to get harassed. I don't think they heard them but I told my manager who was in that day and said they'd probably listen to him over me and I kept the customers busy to ensure they didn't feel bad or get any shit if they left and never told them. My manager got them to leave the front of the shop and basically told them politely to hang around somewhere else. When the customers left, I watched them to make sure they were okay and they left in their car. After that, me and the manager spoke about it. I kind of had the vibe that he's never really been around racism before or anything so we had a chat about it, which was nice. At first, he was a bit like "Are you sure it was made because of your colour?" (before anyone says anything, he wasn't saying it offensively, which a couple of people said he was being which I find bullshit) and I said "Well, yeah. I mean, do you honestly think they'd say it to you?" and he didn't say anything to that. I assured him that the comments weren't really bad. I mean, their intent probably was but I've been called much worse and have had worse shit attempted at me. We spoke a little about my experiences and stuff and I just said "Honestly, it's the world we live in. I've had it in the past from school throughout my life but they're just stupid twats. The thing is, shit like this happens and sometimes, you'll have to expect it. It's sad to think that but it's true. Sometimes, it'll happen and I have to be careful to either not lose my shit or say the wrong thing or be at the wrong place" and we were having a good talk. He reminded me of the security protocols and told me to phone the police if it got worse. He told me to phone him if I ever needed another person in if I felt unsafe, which was nice. It's good to have that support.
  15. My friend wears a Spider-Man mask to his office and they've accepted it. I suppose it's still effective. The pictures and videos he sent of his work place's reactions to it are funny. They've let him wear it as well. It's good to see some work places have a bit of humour. My shoe shop told me I had to wear a black mask so...I wore my smiling Joker one instead. They laughed. I got told about wearing a black one, asked them to point it out in the rulebook where it says it had to be black, they were stumped and laughed about it and let me carry on wearing it, lmao. The thing is, everybody loves it and I get comments on it so I think that's why they're okay with it. In the shoe shop, most of the staff don't wear one. Out of the 12 people working there, only 3 (including me) wears one. I prefer them, personally.
  16. Honestly, so far, it's the best one out of the series. I'm with you on the whole "moreish but trash" thing. It's like Fifty Shades. It's completely crap and I knew it was but I wanted to know what happened. It's crazy how a story can have that effect. Twilight isn't complete trash and it's not as bad as people make out but it isn't the "greatest paranormal romance" either.
  17. It's ironic because everybody loves This is Me but I think Never Enough is far superior and should have a lot more air-time than it did. Obviously, This is Me is an anthem but there's just something about Never Enough that gives me goosebumps.
  18. So a huge thing everybody seems to be talking about is Beyonce's "Black is King". Some are okay with the title but then there are some who say the title is racist. There are those who would say things like "If a white man made a film called White is King, everyone would scream racism". What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree with the title? Do you think she could've changed it? Do you think she should change it? Honestly, I see their point. I've not watched the film even though I've gone off Beyonce a little bit but I understand the point of where people are coming from. I know roughly what it's about and to me, it seems like a feature-length music video based on the side-album she released for The Lion King...with the story sounding quite similar to The Lion King as well.
  19. Nah, just call it "retro chic" 😂
  20. I was thinking of reading that but I think I might stay away. Speaking of the author having a strange addiction to "forbidden romance"... I bought this for my Kindle yesterday and read 8% of it so far. It's pretty good. The Twilight Saga was always a funny one for me because I enjoyed the stories and most of the characters but I wasn't a massive fan of the way she wrote. If I remember correctly, I found it off-putting because the conversations became somewhat repetitive. However, so far, this has actually been good and it's been interesting. This is basically Edward's version of events in Twilight. So far, it really is like reading a whole new story and with a fresh perspective on something that's already been told, it's interesting. In fact, it's more menacing than anything. Bella's version was more "Oh my God, that boy keeps staring. I'm infatuated" and Edward's so far is "Look at all these humans walking about, they're pathetic. I could have their blood anytime". So far, so good but I think she'd be better doing New Moon considering Edward was gone for most of the time in that. Maybe she'll do a whole Edward series?
  21. I bought the eBook version for my Kindle. I'm going to buy it in hardback next week just to complete the collection.
  22. You should show her the cartoon. I used to love that as a kid.
  23. I really want to watch this. I'm going to get Disney+ next weekend to do it! I can't wait. I've been wanting to see this since my American friends have been talking about it. It sounds really good!
  24. I have that edition too. I thought it was awesome. Have you looked at Kingsglaive? I enjoyed that too but then I'm in the minority where I adored FFXV and anything about it. I have bought loads and have had a nice gift from one of my friends in the form of Breaking Bad: Complete Collection on blu-ray! I'm very happy about that! Today, I bought The Little Mermaid Collection purely because I only needed the second and third movie to complete a collection and they never seem to be around. It made a difference of a quid if I bought it individually so thought I may as well. I also found Purple Rain, which I've never seen released on blu-ray so it was a no-brainer for me. I also found a Pixar Shorts: Volume 2. I haven't got many Disney blu-rays left to get now. I just need: Peter Pan: Return to Neverland, Brother Bear 2, Planes: Fire and Rescue, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, Incredibles 2, Frozen II, Pete's Dragon (original and remake) and Bedknobs and Broomsticks. It's annoying that Disney never released the blu-ray edition of some of them in the UK but have done in the US. It sucks because I'd have liked The Black Cauldron.
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