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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Dot is quite boring, honestly. He can bore off at this point. I totally forgot he was in there. I do feel for Manrika and I hope she doesn't fall for Felix but at the same time, she needs to remember her homegirl, Tally! I can't believe Gemma is still there though!! Vithun or Syed are ace! I hope either one wins. Also, I can't be the only one wanting Hashu/Syed and Manrika to get together at the end of the show, right? #CircleRomance kissing emoji, love heart emoji, kisskiss, send
  2. I KNOW! I literally shouted "WHAT?!?!" when it happened as well! 😂 I'm actually not liking Felix at all anymore. It's one thing to have a friendly flirt but it's another to actually play with someone's emotions, especially considering how Felix was banging on about integrity to Gemma after the reveal!! Also, I'm feeling so sorry for Hashu/Syed right now. I truly think he should've gone in as himself, he's got a wicked personality. I actually like him over everyone now 😂
  3. I totally agree with all of it. I like the fact that Manrika is two-faced in the best way possible. She's stayed loyal to those who have shown her loyalty and has kept the ones she knew were using her close but truly knowing their intentions. I think Andy is pretty likeable but I get what you mean. I thought Billy didn't have much of a personality outside trainers so I'm hoping tonight, if Gemma gets voted out (she better!), we see more to him and he will pipe up! Syed is funny but again, I think he would definitely be class going in as himself. I think the only two I don't like are Gemma and Dot. Dot is playing it way too safe! I also think Gemma has a bland personality. He's playing the best worst catfish and he'll fail, just like Penny did if he's not careful and doesn't develop a personality outside of gossip bitch! Hopefully we will have the result we want tonight! #ByeGemma, Dancing emoji, bicep emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  4. Circle message: I really like Manrika and Tally but the #GeezerGirls thing is getting incredibly annoying now. My favourites are Andy, Manrika and Vithun. Syed is funny and I like him but I like the first three more. I do like the woman playing Felix as well and thought she should've gone in as herself. Gemma was quite dumb to do what she did last night because you can very easily cop her out in that lie about Billy!! I'm so glad I found another Circle fan! #CircleOfLife #CircleFans. Send.
  5. Circle message: I really like Manrika and Tally but the #GeezerGirls thing is getting incredibly annoying now. My favourites are Andy, Manrika and Vithun. Syed is funny and I like him but I like the first three more. I do like the woman playing Felix as well and thought she should've gone in as herself. Gemma was quite dumb to do what she did last night because you can very easily cop her out in that lie about Billy!! I'm so glad I found another Circle fan! #CircleOfLife #CircleFans. Send.
  6. I think I might give it a miss, honestly. I thought about it and right now, I'm satisfied with VII Remake. Anyway, it's not like it'll never be on sale again! I got X/X-2 Remastered for the Switch at Christmas but that's it.
  7. Okay, I'm in a bit of a pickle here because I'm in two minds. So I got the £15 voucher for the Switch and spent £6.50 on the new Battle Pass for Fortnite (don't judge but I really wanted Lara Croft, lmao). I have £10 left (I included my points) and I noticed that Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX are on sale right now, which are on my list. I have always wanted portable versions of these so it would be awesome. However, I have the original copies and I have them on PS4. At the time, I really wanted them but now that I have the money, I'm thinking otherwise. What would you guys think? Also, is there any clue of what's going on the sale next or is it pretty much a roulette?
  8. I couldn't recommend it enough that you have the injection. I wished I did it sooner. To be fair though, mine got to the point it hurt to walk or stand so I bit the bullet and done it. I think mine may have been done by too much running. I remember it starting when I was walking and I suddenly felt my foot go. It was horrible. From then on, it gradually got worse. I did the injection two weeks ago and near enough, it's completely healed. My heel is still sore but it's going down bit by bit.
  9. I've gained a lot of weight because I've been off of my feet due to my Plantar Fasciitis (which is nicely healing). I'm now 19st 9lb. I'm almost a stone away from being back to square one! I can't be having that! I've just bought myself Ring Fit Adventure (bloody amazing bit of kit, by the way) and I've just got my bike fixed up so I don't put too much weight on my foot. I've also started doing a bit of yoga too so hopefully I'll be able to lose some bloody weight!
  10. I don't know if I've already said it but WandaVision is awesome. I really enjoyed it. I'm also glad that The Flash: Season 7 is back as well. I'm watching The Circle and surprisingly, I'm really loving it. I miss Big Brother but this is the next best thing, I guess.
  11. I got my Plantar Fasciitis seen to a couple of weeks ago and my foot is now the best it's felt in over a year. I had an ultrasound-guided steroid injection put in to it. I was told the plantar fascia was over double the size it should be. It really affected my entire foot and now it's mostly gone apart from my heel. My heel is still in a little pain but it's going bit by bit. I was recommended to do yoga every morning for 15 minutes (surya namaskar) and it's really been helping a lot.
  12. I've just finished watching Master of the Universe after people were surprised I've never seen anything to do with He-Man. I have no idea what I just watched but I feel like it's something that would happen after a bad trip from taking drugs! I think some of the actors and actresses were lucky they still managed to get decent roles after that film, haha.
  13. I finally bought this and I WISHED I got it sooner! This is absolutely the best fitness game out there. It completely knocks it out of the park. I hope they come out with new and intense exercise games like this!
  14. We got you if you ever need us! ==== I don't know if I've ever shared this before but I have OCD. My OCD is basically checking and self-doubting and doing little "rituals" and stuff. It's been the worst it's ever been. It really takes a toll on my brain and it's been so bad the past couple of months. Everything worries me from the whole world to the tiniest of things that don't really matter. I used to do CBT and it worked 95% of the time but now, it's not even helping. I've heard doing journalling helps so I might give it a go but I have no idea where to start with something like that, honestly. I've also put on quite a bit of weight because of my Plantar Fasciitis (which is now healing after treatment) and I'm near enough where I first started (My heaviest was 20st 7lb and now I'm at 19st 9lb) so that didn't help matters. I'm aiming to try and get all of this sorted and I hope that maybe returning to normalcy in April will help with my OCD.
  15. BIIIIIITCH! YEEEEESSSS! I am here for this shit! I actually can't believe I didn't see this! I've been so obsessed with the adventure mode but I've had to give it a bit of a rest as I didn't want to push my foot recovery so I play one day and miss another and so on. I am here for the rhythm competition! Get ready for some scores...hopefully people still play this! I know it's £65 now but honestly, knowing what I know now, I wished I did this at Christmas. It's surprisingly so good and it really made me work and I had so much fun! I would've happily played it knowing that I'd have been doing this a lot. I opted for Fitness Boxing instead and, whilst that was good, there was only so many times I could hear the same phrases...and also it started becoming tedious. I'd highly recommend this and I really hope they do another Ring Fit Adventure game soon! I saw in the next post that you had Plantar Fasciitis, which is what I did have too. I had it seen to two weeks ago and had the ultrasound-guided needle in it (which I would very much recommend! My foot is near enough recovered but the very back of my heel is just a tad painful, which is expected and takes a bit longer to recover but is getting there day by day). I've just finished my two weeks recovery and slowly getting back into exercise and doing yoga every morning (which is what was recommended to me) and Ring Fit every other day. Whilst there is a mode for jogging on the spot for moving, I lay down my yoga mat and done the "Silent Mode", which is basically where you do mini-squats to move forward. This is something I'd recommend you do as it helped take the impact from my foot and I still got a good workout from it. Even if you didn't opt for Adventure Mode, there's single exercises and stuff you can do that won't affect your foot too much. How are you getting on? I absolutely love my Switch. It gets used pretty much every day! You should definitely pick it up, dude. If you like working out and gaming (especially turn-based RPGs), it's honestly perfect. I sat there and honestly thought "It's going to let me down like Wii Fit did" (well, Wii Fit is decent but it wasn't intense enough for my liking) but this literally eclipses it! I'm surprised at how much I love it, honestly. I love it that much that I'm actually praying my foot will be good for it tomorrow! Same, honestly! It's the first time that I've been so surprised by something. The Ring-Con itself is very tough. I am here for everything the game has to offer and I'm HOPING there's a sequel in the works or some other exercise game that would be this good! I appreciate it! I can't wait to play more of this with you all...hopefully you all still play it anyway!
  16. I'm sorry if there's already a thread dedicated to this absolute masterpiece of a game but I needed to give it the recognition it deserves. For so bloody long, I've always been an "active" gamer. From Dance Dance Revolution to the Switch, I love motion gaming. I find it an awesome and cool concept that brings a lot of fun and originality. However, apart from the likes of DDR and other dance games (Just Dance, The Experiences, etc), I could never really find exercise games that were challenging. Wii Fit wasn't much of a cardio challenge at all and Just Dance is great but after a while, it gets boring (although the Unlimited side of things keeps it fresh). I bought Ring Fit and it is exactly what I've always wanted. It's fun, it's energetic and it uses normal exercises and makes them fun and challenging! I am absolutely sold and in love with this. Does anyone else own this?
  17. I'm sorry to hear about this. My heart truly goes out to you! Like the others have said, we are always here for you when you need us!
  18. Oh, you can still do that? I thought it was all settled after he left! I think the weatherman deserves the job after that! He's spoken a lot of sense in the past and wasn't afraid to talk about the more difficult issues. I wonder what his name is and if there is something we can do about that! HA! There's actually a petition going on for him to be replaced by Alex Beresford (the weatherman)!
  19. I am so fucking happy this has happened! I want the weatherman to take his place. Absolutely brilliant. He went to show that you can respectfully disagree and cut straight to the point with no bullshit without shouting someone down. If there was some sort of petition to get him to replace Piers Morgan, I'd sign it! After his disgraceful behaviour towards Meghan Markle speaking out about mental health, I was left fuming! He's a liar and a bully. He claims he hardly spoke to Meghan and yet he apparently spoke to her quite a few times and went out for drinks with her too. Someone posted "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame as Piers singing about Meghan Markle and honestly, it fits.
  20. I watched every episode of WandaVision back-to-back yesterday. The first episode had me feeling unsure, although I did enjoy it. However, with every episode, I found myself more and more drawn in. I'm happy to see the return of a few characters too (one in particular had me feeling hyped up!). I'm looking forward to seeing the last episode. Also, The Flash is back in a few days so I'm excited for that! Sitting here now, I've realised I've seen so many TV shows these past couple of years. I used to just watch movies and a handful of shows but with nothing to do during lockdown, I've caught up on loads. My next show is probably going to be Shameless (US). I love the UK version (although the last few seasons sucked balls) but I've heard nothing but great things about the American version, which is sort of rare (the only exception being The Office. I tried watching US versions of Inbetweeners and The IT Crowd...not a fan).
  21. Yeah, it was crazy because there were about four faces that I recognised from the old series back when I was a kid that returned and I was like "okay, so effort went in to doing this", which I appreciated because it did pay off. Most of the people my age watched it as well. I'm thinking the pessimistic side of you is correct, honestly. It was just the absolute weirdest thing. There was no indication of how much time went past but it was literally like Tracy went on a date, snout ten minutes later she moves in with this dude and then ten minutes later, she gets engaged. The pace continued to be that throughout. Whether it was cut short due to the pandemic or something, I don't know, but I felt the series could've been longer and a bit more fleshed out.
  22. I've watched Wrong Turn (2021) expecting deformed cannibals to roam the woods and try to hunt the dumb-ass teens down but actually got something completely different. Surprisingly, I thought it was really good. I thought it was the best one. It really could've done without calling it Wrong Turn but you know, anything to make money, I guess. I've been watching all of the Karate Kid movies again and falling in love with them again. I got them on blu-ray recently and they look beautiful. I still don't understand why they rated the Karate Kid 15 and the others PG though. Still, great films to watch. I have The Next Karate Kid left to watch and then it's on to binge-watching Cobra Kai again for the fourth time (I love it so much!)
  23. Age is but a number. I was hyped two weeks ago because of My Mum Tracy Beaker. I grew up reading the books and watching the show so it was a proper nostalgia hit. The show had some decent parts in it but the timing and the pace was so fast. I also just finished watching every episode of Sons of Anarchy and to me, about 95% of their problems could've been avoided if it wasn't for Gemma. Seasons 1-4 were great but after Season 5, it steadily declined to the point that Seasons 6 and 7 was such a chore to watch. It felt really slow and it was a shame because the first four seasons, I watched them in more or less one day but the last 3 took me over two weeks. Great acting though and some of the songs were really good too! I thought I'd try and watch something I'd never usually watch as well. One of my friends ALWAYS bangs on about RuPaul's Drag Race UK so we both watched it together over WhatsApp. The one I watched was where they ripped off Blankety Blank and dressed as celebrities. The Katie Price one was really funny but other than that, I didn't find the others funny at all, personally. I didn't get the one-liner puns when they were on the runway either. I mean, I got it but I didn't find it as hilarious as they did. I also don't understand the lip-syncing either- is it to do with who remembers the most words from the song or who looks convincing singing it? Maybe I should've watched it from the first episode but I might be missing something? The two Scottish guys and the vegan were the only guys I liked. I thought the rest were really bitchy. Also, Gemma Collins...no thanks, lmao. Right now, I'm binging on Karate Kid/Cobra Kai. I'm going to watch the films and then the show. I've seen them before but I just got the Karate Kid Collection on bluray and I am hyped for it! Although the first Karate Kid is rated 15 and I really don't understand why.
  24. I hate them bloody snowmen!! 😂
  25. Saw the trailer to it so many times! I am so, so excited for it! --- I watched Wrong Turn (2021) last night and it was surprisingly very good. It was written by the same dude who wrote the 2003 one with the cannibals. I just thought it seemed a little cheap to use the name of a franchise to generate interest because honestly, this isn't really anything like the other Wrong Turns (except for the fact they just went to look at something different to what they planned to in the woods...is that even classed as a Wrong Turn? 😂). Anyway, film was really good but I think the original title, The Foundation, would've made a fuck-ton more sense.
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