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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I am stupidly addicted to this!! I'm not exaggerating! I was already addicted to Pac-man but this has really taken it to new levels. The only thing is that I wish it was easy to understand the power-ups and stuff but I guess that will come with time. Has anybody become the Pac-One yet?
  2. It's so weird because when they said about Manrika, I thought it was dumb about what they said regarding Gemma. I'd have said something like "It's so obvious Manrika is a snake" as she has crossed a few people in the Circle and it wouldn't exactly have given them a timeframe. She could also have doubted Andy by thinking he held a grudge, Felix with playing with her emotions all along or even Syed. I do not like Alice. I don't know what it is but I just feel he's trying too hard to stir shit up and whilst that's a good tactic, it's far too late to do in the game and has focused on that rather than focus on personality. I also thought the priest could've held a lot of potential- especially given the fact they found out about Manrika but they just entirely wasted that opportunity. I think Snakerika has won it, personally. She's played a good game, I'll give her that, but I just hated her commentary. It was way too cut-throat and I did feel bad that Natalya played with her emotions at the start but now, I really don't. It could all be fake but it just didn't go down too well with me. It was nice to see a little bit of her feel guilty for playing everybody when she apologised to Andy but it's far too late. I wouldn't want to be her friend in real life if she behaves the way she does in The Circle and according to her, she used to be "manipulative and nasty"...maybe she hasn't changed too much. I would like Andy or Syed to win. I've been fans of them from the start and they seem like nice, genuine guys and Syed switching accents to get into character made me laugh. WHAT THE BLOODY!
  3. I am a massive Pac-Man fan. I clocked about 150 hours on Pac-Man 256! This is something I could absolutely rot on for hours! I need to update my Nintendo Online when it comes out!
  4. I know, right?! I'm glad Lurker Mode exists though and I'm in love that Femi and Pippa can finally see Snakerika for who she really is! Neither can I! This is crazy! I would've said Andy would be safe but after Billy and Tally...it's so unknown! I'm hoping it's Dot, honestly. I like Andy and even though I'd have wanted Felix gone, I doubt it'll happen.
  5. You have just made my night!! I just finished watching the Chucky collection the other night. I'm so fucking hyped for this! Any release dates??? 😭
  6. I agree with everything here. Regarding Syed, I'm starting to think that maybe this whole debacle has planted a seed in his head about Manrika...well, I hope it has!
  7. I think that as well. I think it's a bit of a crap twist though considering it was already done two weeks ago. I'd rather them fight for their place in the Circle or something. The Assassin concept was quite an interesting twist as was the Tale of Two Tallys but this just seems cheap at this stage in the game. I think it's possibly because they're two newbies and I can't seem to get away from the fact they would have done this anyway. A good pairing for the Vicar would have probably been Felix and Dot ironically. I think they would have got it in the bag.
  8. I love my horrors. My collection is in genre order because its the only way to maintain a bit of order and find the movies I want. I still need to put them in alphabetical order. Overall, I have 585 blurays (I've got rid of some I didn't want) and scanned them in the Bluray app to keep track. I have most Disney blurays (bar 5 and this does include Disney animation, Disney Pixar, Disney Channel Original Movies and Disney Direct-to-DVD but I'm only going on what's available in the UK and its scarce compared to the US). The genres I'm going through are horrors, boxing, crime/gangster, drama, romance/romcom, Christmas, action, family, comedy, fantasy/sci-fi, music/Musicals, Disney, Star Wars and Superheroes (Marvel and DC). Actually, a question if anybody knows as I'm not massively familiar with them but want to be: There's a watch order of how to view the MCU films but is there one of the newer DC films?
  9. SO MUCH AWESOMENESS! Space Jam was one of my most watched movies as a kid. I feel like I owe it to my 90s self to watch this!
  10. Same. I absolutely loved it. The Next Karate Kid isn't too bad. It's just cheesy and feels a lot like a direct-to-video movie sequel that has one of the stars from a successful franchise in but tries to do something different. Hilary Swank was bad in it but it's just 90s cheese and nothing more. The Karate Kid Part III is also my favourite as well. It felt like Daniel had grown up, they successfully branched away from the romance routine but still remained faithful to the series and its formula of good people vs. arseholes, which is why I love Cobra Kai so much. I've set myself a challenge to watch my entire blu-ray collection this year (not counting TV series but just movies). So here's what I've seen so far... Scream- 8/10 (a classic horror for me) Scream 2- 9/10 (best one for me) Scream 3- 5/10 (worst one for me) Scream 4- 7/10 (when I have a kid, I'm going to tell them this was Scream 3) Prometheus- 5/10 (some great scenes but why does almost every character have zero common sense?) Alien: Covenant- 7/10 (surprisingly really good and had a lot of fun with this) Alien- 7/10 (a classic sci-fi with a great tense atmosphere) Aliens- 9/10 (thoroughly enjoyed this one) Alien3- 6/10 (it's a good end to a great trilogy) Alien: Resurrection- 1/10 (like I said...a great end...to a great...trilogy...) Alien vs. Predator- 7/10 (a lot of fun and just enjoyable) AVPR: Alien vs. Predator Requiem- 0/10 (ew! why is it so bloody dark?!) Predator- 6/10 (I know people love this but apart from the last 35 minutes...it was a bit bland with no tension) Predator 2- 6/10 (I just felt like I jumped in the middle of the story but a great thrill ride nonetheless) The Predator- 7/10 (I was very surprised at how good this was after the last two. Very enjoyable and definitely the best of the Predator series) Predators- 6/10 (It was a good concept and I enjoyed the 'game') Child's Play (1988)- 6/10 (I love the practical effects used in this and the Chucky revelation scene) Child's Play 2- 8/10 (I just love me some Chucky and this has always been my favourite one) Child's Play 3- 6/10 (Has a few good kills and one-liners but Andy was quite boring) Bride of Chucky- 7/10 (A lot of fun and Tiffany makes a great addition to the series) Seed of Chucky- 4/10 (Glen/Glenda is okay but I think it would've been better if he wanted to kill but didn't know why or how to stop or something) Curse of Chucky- 7/10 (Iconic return to the series and definitely turned up the gore as well as adding an interesting backstory) Cult of Chucky- 8/10 (Very close second favourite because of returning characters from the original series as well as the gory kills and interesting twist to the story) Child's Play (2019)- 7/10 (I think a lot of people were way too harsh with this) The Lost Boys- 8/10 (CRRRRYYYYYY LITTLE SISTER!) The Lost Boys: The Tribe- 3/10 (ew! The vampires looked way too weird...it reminded me of a cross between the Buffy vamps and 30 Days of Night vamps) The Lost Boys: The Thirst- 6/10 (a great end to the series with some flaws) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)- 9/10 (a near enough perfect horror film for me) A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge- 5/10 (It lost it's scariness for me but it's also not a terrible film?) A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors- 8/10 (Love this and it's the best out of the sequels) A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master- 6/10 (not bad, not good...it just exists) A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: Dream Child- 1/10 (not even worth the view) Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare- 1/10 (ew!) Wes Craven's The New Nightmare- 9/10 (my favourite of the lot. It's very unique and very dark) Freddy vs. Jason- 7/10 (Just a lot of fun) A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)- 5/10 (I liked the new Freddy. Unpopular opinion but he felt more realistic) IT (1990)- 6/10 (I loved Tim Curry as Pennywise but the constant flashbacks were a little annoying even though they were needed) IT (2017)- 8/10 (I love the book and I loved this. I love the characters and Pennywise was absolutely brilliant) IT: Chapter Two- 7/10 (Although it's not as strong as the last one, I still loved it nonetheless and I loved the finale) The Conjuring- 8/10 (great scares, great story and just an overall different feel to the usual 'haunted house' shit we seem to always get) The Conjuring 2- 7/10 (A strong sequel that gives me hope for the third) Annabelle- 3/10 (No) Annabelle: Creation- 5/10 (It's alright) Annabelle Comes Home- 5/10 (What is it with characters having no common sense?!) The Nun- 5/10 (I expected better, honestly. She was great in The Conjuring 2 but this felt off the mark) The Evil Dead (1981)- 7/10 (I love practical effects but everything else was lacking. It felt more like a showcase of talents over anything) Evil Dead 2- 8/10 (I appreciate the effects more in this and the humour is definitely in this more but again, it lacked everything...maybe I missed the point?) I'm now on Army of Darkness so I'll probably update this next Sunday and go from there! haha. The quest continues!
  11. I kind of understand that, to be honest. It just felt like Vithun wasn't there for the money but more there to make friends. I wouldn't believe that about anyone else but him. I was sad to see Billy go but unfortunately he did the same thing. I never understood the Billy thing when Gemma bullshitted about Billy making blunders about football? Like, why didn't Andy or Syed ask him footie questions before the Ratings?! Femi is the worst. He comes off as the type of guy who would be angry at everything and wouldn't be able to take constructive criticism and tonight's task with the bitchy book had shown a very ugly side to him. However it was made better when he still thought that Manrika would be on his side. She's quite annoying now that you guys have pointed it out! Damn you both, haha! crying laughing emoji. I didn't mind Geezer Gals or Circle Siblings but it was the fact that it's obviously Manrika's way to lull them into a false sense of loyalty to then just turn on them. None of the Geezer Gals are now there and now she's after the only 'Circle Sibling' and now she's got a new Triple Threat. However, I did love the sweat-on they got when Andy done that hashtag! The twist is a bit stupid at this point in the series now but I'm wondering if Manrika will question the #TripleThreat hashtag as they eliminated them. Either she may be thinking Andy has got to the others or someone has spoken to Andy. It will be interesting to see if they tell Manrika but we all know that she will only use this as leverage to Block them.
  12. I'm so looking forward to tonight's episode! I get what you're saying, @EEVILMURRAY regarding Vithun. He was quite quiet but I guess that could happen because of the big characters in the game. I think even the Tory dad/daughter combo (Penny) was a bit more outspoken even if they were bloody bland! I don't mind the quick quips but like you and @Josh64 have pointed out, it's the parts where she shouts! "TONIIIIIGHT!"...bitch, no need to hype me up this way, I'm already living for the next episode! haha. I just really hope Snakerika doesn't win!!! I really hope Andy and the others realise quick!
  13. Hell YES! I need my Circle fix. It's the only thing that's helped me this lockdown, honestly! 😂
  14. "Circle, please take me to Newbie Chat" Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Welcome to the #NECircleChat! We are all Circle Siblings here and we have your back! 😂🗡 I think @Josh64 and I kind of dominated the TV thread for days talking about The Circle, haha. Snakerika is nasty but it was satisfying to see Hunter throw down like that! @Josh64 linked a video of an interview with Hunter about the Circle and its interesting because he spills about what goes on behind the scenes and stuff. It might be something to consider if you apply (which is something I've considered). As I said in the TV thread, it's not so much Snakerika's chats with the contestants but it's what she says "offline" that puts me right off. Like you say, I can't wait for the Felix reveal! As well as Manrika, I don't like Femi either. He seems too aggressive over the most mundane things. Pippa seems like a chilled out Tally but like Tally, she's getting caught up with the wrong people. I really want Syed or Andy to win. Josh and I were big Vithun fans and felt he got totally played! I get he was quiet but Manrika voting him off because "he snaked her" genuinely had me laughing after all the shady shit she pulled. Also, has anybody noticed that she's now gunned after her "geezer girls" and now her "circle siblings". She's making groups, gains their trust and then annihilates them. It's well shady! The Circle US is on its second season. The first season was in the same building as our one but I think its in a different location for its second season.
  15. No way! That's mad! See, it's crazy because he wasn't surprised when it come to his reaction to Felix! Also, me to Andy now Manrika is snaking him: https://ibb.co/nm2xvhk EDIT: The picture won't show for some reason
  16. Same here, honestly. I really highly doubted I'd find someone else who likes it! 😂 It's been quite nice!
  17. Circle, message: Oh my Gosh, Snakerika is at it again and now she's targeting Andy, who was supposed to be her "circle sibling"??? Notice how she's given Femi and Pippa the death kiss with "got your back 100%" message? 😂 I think Syed will be in her crosshairs too after the whole strategic comment. Also, I don't like Femi either. He's very angry over the smallest things. How's Snakerika gonna sit there and say Vithun snaked her when she drew a snake for Gemma AND snaked Tally??? I swear these people have short memories! At this point, I don't mind who wins as long as its not Femi or Manrika. Also, I need to see that video! I saw the start of it and was absolutely shocked! I wonder if he was treated that way because he was a catfish?... Also, did you know after this series finishes, the US version starts on Netflix?! #CircleAddict! I'll chat soon with you when you have caught up! Grin emoji, clap emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  18. "Circle, take me to private chat with @Josh64 please?" I've just caught up this morning and what a whirlwind! The Gemma vs. Manrika showdown was awesome. I have to be honest, I really don't like Manrika anymore. I respected the fact she told Gemma face-to-face as opposed to just telling her in the Circle though but it made me laugh when Hunter was talking about honesty and integrity and he was a catfish pretending to be a NHS nurse (despite his reasons). I am absolutely surprised and gutted about last night's Blocking and is the reason why Manrika has been placed last in the ratings with me. However I think Felix is going way too far with this game. It's one thing to be friends with people but I think it's another to try and get romantically involved. Manrika reminds me of a Brummy Regina George! In this scenario, Pippa or Syed would be our Cady! I was cringing at that date! haha. I'm looking forward to seeing who the Blocked person will see tomorrow. I don't know if you saw it so I'm not going to spoil it! Have fun #CircleBitchesForLife xoxo, send.
  19. CIRCLE, PLEASE ACCEPT @Josh64's GROUP CHAT! Circle message: Good evening, bab! I'm all good thanks, I hope you're well! I loved Tally's response and I also thought highly of Manrika for just admitting to it there and then. That took a lot of guts to do that so fair play to her. I respect her for that. I thought the same with her and Felix/Natalya as well! "Felix" is starting to annoy me a little bit now as I feel they're coasting through purely on looks and a flirty personality. We've hardly got to know Felix or Dot in the game at all, really. I also think highly of Gemma/Hunter now for admitting it to Andy and you're completely right, Andy's sent two real people home so he shouldn't be thinking too highly of himself, honestly. I think it'll definitely be interesting from here on out. I think Hunter realised that shit will hit the fan at the next blocking so he had to do something. Now it's time to see if Andy will help her or shit on her from a great height. I like the woman, I think she seems fun, but the dude is a bit...I don't know yet. He just seems like he will use people to get what he wants but then I could be wrong. YES! MORE VITHUN AND MORE SYED AND JUSTICE FOR BILLY! Punch emoji, bicep emoji, kiss kiss, send!
  20. We're on about the new reality show, The Circle. It came out a year ago and it's on its second season. Basically they all individually live in an apartment connected to a Facebook-like app called The Circle, where they've either gone in as themselves or catfish as someone else. They have to play the game to become the most popular through forming friendships or just basically snaking about. It's very good. It's on All4 if you wanted to have a watch, I'd recommend it. I still need to catch up on Superstore. I love that show! @Josh64, I can't believe this cliffhanger! I'm bursting to see who she went to visit! I need to know noooow! Angry emoji, laughing emoji, kiss kiss, send!
  21. Manrika was so bad for that! I can't believe I have to wait for two whole days! When the announcer said that, I was like "NO! DON'T TOY WITH ME WITH THOSE CLIFFHANGERS!" 😂 I do want her to go and see Syed or Andy but I'd love for her to see Manrika to see if Manrika does have a conscience and tells her the truth or not. It'll be very interesting to see!! popcorn emoji, crying laughing emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  22. So true! My opinion of Manrika is slowly changing and not for the better! I can't believe she's starting to doubt Tally the way she has! Like, Felix has been in for near four days, surely a man can't totally persuade you that quick? Syed is wicked and I want him or Vithun to win now! Gemma is definitely ruthless but I'm not sure if I like that or not! I mean, he's playing the game, I guess! #UncleSyedToWin praying hands emoji, kiss kiss, send. - - - Noooo! I can't! I just can't! #CockroachesSurviveEverything snake emoji, kiss kiss, send.
  23. Highly would recommend this!! It's definitely a workout! It takes a lot for me to get tired after a workout but in 40 minutes, I am absolutely sweaty and shattered!
  24. I've done the first boss battle and I dropped to the floor! haha. The knee-to-chest exercise is a byatch! I have (fl)abs so it was killing me having to hold it in to power up and then kick out! I'm on World 2 and done the robot mini-game now. I think I'm one level away from another boss battle. I'm seriously loving this game so much! Can someone tell me how multi-task mode works? Like, how does the RingCon know how many reps you done? I find it amazing!
  25. It's really weird because I can see why Manrika rated Tally the way she did but to rate her that low was a bit much. I am pretty sure Dot will probably go unless he really pulls something out of the hat last-minute. Tally is too sweet for this game though, she's been catfished left, right and centre. I thought it was spot-on what she said about Syed though, so that's good. I laughed so hard at her portrait too but she spotted it was a boy's drawing a mile-off. Manrika's drawing was brilliant because it was something I thought anyway. I like Hunter from Gladiators but he's really playing the game at this moment. I'm actually hoping Dot goes and then Gemma but who knows! Shrug emoji, praying hands emoji, kiss kiss, send!
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