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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. I believe I have 2 points aswell.
  2. 3.Bob Dylan: It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) Also, if you don't mind BF, to put me down to do a round in the future
  3. Holy shit, we just got hammered. Liverpool are in a bit of a slump in the premiership now (something like 6 draws and 1 win or something), and really need to get out of it. On the brightside, at least its only our 1st loss of the season, and we can always show Chelsea up in a few weeks at the champions league.
  4. Good point. I'll change it.
  5. Sony paid off Namco to make it an exclusive to PS2, but many predict its only a timed exclusive, so there's still hope for a GC release.
  6. To quote that mob guy in the simpsons; "Nah. For me, it's solar, or nothing"
  7. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle ^_^
  8. Yeah, happy Birthday, Bowser. Enjoy that webcam and all of yours.
  9. It's really popular at my school, and I've even played a game once or twice (even though I don't know what the hell I'm doing), but now it is a great offence to play poker or any card games in school now, even if it's not for money. Now, if you are caught playing cards, you and your parents will be called to the headmaster to discuss your future at the school. Daft, I say.
  10. Happy B-day and all, Odders.
  11. What was the last thing you did that you're proud of? Probably doing better than most of the class at some peice of English homework When was the last time you were embarassed? Oh, I'm too ashamed to say Do you have an ambition in life? Go to university and get a decent job What are you listening to right now? REM- Leaving New York What was the last DVD you bought? The Italian Job Quote of the day "Ayyyyyyyy" (The Fonz) What do you want people to remember you for? For being really intelligent Favourite Sport? Tennis If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be? No Top-up fees for students What's your poison? Beer, or scrumpy What SHOULD you be doing right now? Nowt, really What do you want to do as a job eventually? Psycologist, or forensic scientist. I don't know, to be honest where do you see yourself in 10 years? The future? And... Favourite Bob Marley song? Jammin'
  12. Aye up. Welcome back, and I'll put a tenner on 4 days until he's banned
  13. Actually, is 5. Patrick McGuiness, or something like that?
  14. 2. What's the Frequency, Kenneth? EDIT: Damn you Platty, you whore-child
  15. Not trying to influence anyone or anything, but there is a small idea about that that does make sense. Basically, you could say how the universe was created, but you could then go on to ask what caused that to create the universe, and then go on to ask what caused that to cause the the thing that created the universe, and so on until you come to an uncauseable cause, many say is God. I learned that in R.E., its something to do with science and religion living together or something.
  16. WTF? theres more than one, surely! anyway, I'll answer #7, which I believe is Blade Runner, am I right?
  17. Think about it. Say the immoveable object stops the unstoppable object, the unstoppable object cannot be unstoppable, as it has been stopped, and vice versa. One of them will have to give in.
  18. Couldn't we have just used the other thread for all this jazz. But to answer your question, I don't know, but I believe in God, anyway.
  19. The two cannot exist in the same universe, I believe.
  20. http://www.snopes.com/religion/einstein.asp But I don't really care who said it, really. It still is one of the best things I've read.
  21. The Joshua Tree is a fantastic album. Some gorgeous Melodies and hooks, and genious lyrics aswell. Definately a beautiful album.
  22. Not necessarily an album, but rather a song, but Fools Gold by the Stone Roses has a nice porn-movie melody to it. But basically, anything happy work, really.
  23. Will be watching. Scorsese directing aswell, but I doubt anyone will notice.
  24. Ah, you. Don't mention it.
  25. Basically, I think, everybody agrees 0.3333...=1/3, now multiply both sides by 3 1/3 x 3=1 0.3333... x 3=0.9999.... Therefore 0.9999...=1 Ah, I'm so clever
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