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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Pokemon and Sonic, that's a dream cross over right there. Just imagine the fan fiction that'd come out of that. Big The Cat and Machamp would make a cute couple.
  2. Of all the Shadow Pokemon I'd rather it be one that would be truly different as a shadow... Say... Shadow Jigglypuff.
  3. Whenever I read the title I always hear 'ULTRA FEAST' in my head in Kevin Malone's voice of the US Office. Really gives the game a different feel. I probably just watch that show too much. I also look intently at new screenshots now in the hope I see another faceless Toad.
  4. That's a massive plus for MM I must agree, the GamePad makes the game 100x better than it could be on any other console - which is why it's such a damn shame this wasn't a release title, or released a few months in, because it's one of the few games that makes fantastic use of the controller and the kinda thing people needed to see early on to 'get' the Wii U I think.
  5. I was torn between the N64 and GameCube but in the end... My vote went to the Cube. I LOVE the N64 and its what truly got me into gaming with the likes of Diddy Kong Racing, Mario 64 and Banjo but the GameCube was just so much more for me. The N64, whilst fantastic, felt a bit regimented to me. 3D platformers were all set in the Mario 64 mould and you knew what to expect from each Nintendo franchise, the GameCube however really just went crazy and I loved every second. Starting off, Melee. What a fucking game. Playing it for the first time I was in heaven, all of my favourite characters from the N64 looking FANTASTIC, in the same game together, with amazing remixes and awesome locations. And it grew into so much more than just a fighting game, teaching me about the vast and interesting history of Nintendo and turning me into the fan I am today. Sure I had an N64 over a PlayStation, but I was still pretty casual in the whole gaming scene, Smash Bros and the GC games to follow though, they're what made me the obsessive gamer I was up until a few years ago. Initially the GC suffered a MEGA blow in the loss of RARE, as 90% of why I loved Nintendo up to that point was Rare's output but Nintendo did a fantastcpic job of getting third-party support to match or in some cases surpass the gaps that Rare used to fill. The world of Nintendo was just so exciting back then, as I said, in the 64 days things seemed slightly regimented but it's like all rules went out the window and developers were allowed to go wild for the Cube. The fascinating world of Pikmin, with 100 little creatures running around you battling monsters was not only technically impressive but just looked so NEW and exciting. Bringing Luigi to the forefront in Luigi's Mansion with a totally different play style to the 3D platformers we'd been used to, METROID back from the dead and now a badass graphic powerhouse masterpiece, Zelda with a timeless artstyle and an entire WORLD to set sail in (to this day the sailing is my favourite part, it really is one of the few games that feels like an actual world and not a video game). Starfox was also just MAGICAL to me, I was genuinely shocked years later when I got internet savvy to see the negative reaction it got. The dinosaur planet was so LUSH and exciting to explore and the voice acting - my god, CINEMATIC SCENES AND VOICE ACTING - ON A NINTENDO CONSOLE. I couldn't believe it! And can you see Fox's fur, CAN YOU SEE THE FUR?! Good lord. Then as things got crazier I fell in love even more, the bongos are the best peripheral I've ever used (and believe me I've got a lot of plastic shit over the years) and to play a DONKEY KONG game full of Jackson 5 and Earth Wind & Fire music at that age for me was just mind blowing, I couldn't believe what I was seeing (I later went on to buy all 3 Konga games in English, US and JPN versions cause damn did I love that controller) Wario was suddenly a biker with the craziest minigames I could imagine AND some of the most inventive and fun multiplayer stuff I've experience to this day. Double Dash followed to crazy rule and made what is still the most unique Mario Kart to this day and has Birdo and Diddy Kong - creating the best character roster to date. Paper Mario 2 was also a masterpiece, the story in that game gave life to Mario characters that I never thought possible and it's still a tragedy that they were never able to match that story in later titles. All this and I haven't even started on the third party support but that's one of the reasons I love this console so much - it introduced me to SEGA and god damn, what an introduction. Sonic Adventure and Heroes truly made me fall in love with Sonic as I could never get on with the 2D titles. But... Monkey Ball. SEGA and the GameCube introduced me to one of my top 5 franchises of all time, which is crazy as I only consider the first 2 GameCube games real entries, but that's just how much I loved them - Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2. I can't begin to describe how much fun I has on those damn games, the amount of nights I rushed home from school to play the crap out of arcade mode over and over again to try and beat scores and the constant ass whooping I got on expert mode until one magical day after hours of sweaty palms, monkey squeals and heart palpitations I finally beat expert. Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, the DEFINITION of crazy ideas yet beautiful execution and exactly what I meant about breaking the N64 mould with 3D platformers and just letting developers do whatever the hell they want. Running around and hatching eggs dressed as a chicken boy is still one of my favourite memories from that era and is such a game of its time, a game that could only really get a physical release back then, could only really exist on a Nintendo console and could only really be conceived by SEGA. Then there's the non-SEGA stuff such a VIEWTIFUL JOE, another franchise that was born and died in this era yet I still hold as one of my all time favourite franchises. I'd never played a game with such style, the fantastic art, the over the top music, the MAD characters, the fantastic voice acting. It was a defining GameCube game, one of many defining games. There were so many more, I just can't get over the amount of innovative, quality, fresh and technically impressive games we got in that era, it's the one Nintendo console where I did (and still so) truly believe it was miles better than the competition and it's why I fell so in love with Nintendo. It was a perfect mix of the time in my life, the era in which developers could take more risks with retail games, a time when SEGA were at the top of their game and not afraid to release things other than Sonic and Football Manager - a time when TEAM VIEWTIFUL and AV existed. I'm just glad I was able to experience this awesome console as a teen, when I had hours are school every night to pour into these fantastic worlds, when I was first discovering the Internet and forums and finding people just like me to frantically talk about all these fantastic games and what could possibly be in store for us next. Man, I hope I made sense then, I went on an excited nostalgic ramble and I'm on my iPad so god knows if that's readable.
  6. I got Slenderman because I heard a lot about it previously and apparently it's really scary. It's a nice price, dirt cheap, but having not played the PC one I don't know what problems are exclusive to the Wii U game... The graphics look ok but a bit of an eye sore as there seems to be NO anti-aliasing. It also seems like a really unreliable port, the first time playing it froze two times on the 'new game' screen before it finally worked on the third (had to fully turn the Wii U off by holding down the power button for four seconds) - I haven't had problems like this with other games so I'm sure it's not my Wii U. Also, the Wii Remote controls /would/ be ok but the frame rate drops all over place are awkward and make your torch 'stick' for a second or so. The whole time it just feels like you're playing it on low graphical settings on a crappy PC which kinda takes you out of the experience.
  7. I've never played a Project Zero so decided to check out the demo, I'm not really that impressed and certainly won't be buying it. It seems ok but I don't find it scary, it's almost like it's trying too hard to be scary. I actually found some of the ghosts/demons or whatever they are to be quite comical. Also I've never been one for having to constantly change view points from TV to Gamepad (ZombiU was a bit frustrating in this sense and everyone loved that) so I hate the camera mechanic. And my god the controls are clunky.
  8. Before I start this thread, I just want to say that this isn't meant as troll bait and I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'm just making a judgement based on my opinions of recent releases. Do you think Nintendo has let the quality of their IP slip recently? There's no question that Nintendo still make great titles, Smash 4 and MK 8 are some of the best in their respective series, but some of the games I'm seeing recently seem to be questionable and I'd argue something that they wouldn't have out out in the past. It seems to me that with all that's going on, the restructure, struggle to move to HD development, trying to support both Wii U and 3DS with little third party support, Nintendo have let quality slip to release more titles. Take Triforce Heroes and Happy Home Designer, both games are ok but gimmicky side-games to their proper counterparts, using old assets and drawing people in with gimmicks (amiibo cards, three player online). Whilst spin-off's aren't always bad, these spin-off's are being treated as the biggest releases this holiday season... Because there's nothing else. Then there's the really questionable content, Animal Crossing Amiibo Party which seems like more of a quick cash grab than a lot of App Store games, but perhaps we should save judgement on that before its release. A beloved niche character, Chibi-robo, was given a new title this year, but instead of keeping the formala of the old games, they went for a 2D platformer, something the 3DS and WiiU arguably have too much of already, and as reviews have been saying, it's not even a good platformer, averaging scores of 5 to 6, yet still being pushed as a big 3DS release. I guess what I'm saying is, it's not the existence of these titles that's a bad thing, as arguably it's good to stir up existing franchises now and then, it's the fact that these seemingly side projects are the ONLY things we're getting right now, and it seems Nintendo's AAA output is lower than ever. Where are all the big games, especially at this important time of year? And as a industry veteran sitting on loads of cash, what's their excuse for starving us of quality content and giving us the odd side-project every month or so? I'm just concerned that as they keep expanding their outlets, Wii U and 3DS currently, to NX and mobile in the near future, are they spreading themselves too thin and possibly tarnishing their big names?
  9. Damn, that's a shame about the mis-translation but makes sense at the same time, I thought it'd be kinda crazy to announce and release a title within 2 months, and really if it's to promote Christmas, within a month. But then I also think, what's crazier... Announce and release a game within the month or have a Christmas where Mario Tennis is the biggest game. This has to be the weakest console Christmas for Nintendo that I can remember, so a 20 year low point for me. We can argue that X was delayed for Europe and US so at least we will be getting that but I think that's more of a niche title and Nintendo certainly don't seem to be pushing it much, considering the Wii title Xenoblade was new to the world of Nintendo it had much more buzz surrounding it than this one does.
  10. The Wii U has now out-sold the Dreamcast!
  11. That's great news! But I'm still hoping for slopes and more music options to really get me back into the game.
  12. I've been having a lot of fun on the N-E levels, certainly breathed some new life into the game I should have guessed already but RedShells levels are awesome. That new Zelda level is so good, I can't imagine how long that'd take to make. And @Guy - I loved your underwater level, the bullet bills chasing you throughout the level really adds to the tension! I'll be sure to check out some more the next time I'm on but it's certainly opened my eyes to a lot more design ideas.
  13. I think it's very unlikely it will come without a disc drive, I can see where you guys are coming from and it makes sense but there are a lot of people on shit Internet that will rely on discs for a long time yet. I don't see a console without discs being a mass market thing for another 10 years. And Nintendo's userbase isn't exactly tech savvy, if any console manufacturer were to make the move to no optical drive I imagine it would be Microsoft first. I honestly don't know what to think of the NX. I'm totally disregarding all rumours right now because who can you trust? And in 99% of cases rumours have turned out to be bullshit. The only time a rumour that I dismissed came to be true was the 'Nintendo's next console will have a controller with a 6-inch screen' because I was all 'a controller with a 6-inch screen, that's ridiculous'... And well, the Wii U happened so
  14. I've finally got around to adding most of you guys so I'll play through a bunch of your levels tonight! I only took so long because the thought of entering all those codes was so daunting (and took me back to the sorrowful days of friend codes) but my hatred for the lame Automatic Mario levels that have flooded the top trending levels finally outweighed my hatred for entering in a bunch of 16-digit codes :p I'll report back later when I've played through a bunch and thrown a few stars in N-Europes direction ;D Here's an ID for Wigglers World, it's version 3 of a level I've been tinkering with for a few weeks, it's easier and more fun than the original but if you wanna check that out it's labelled as Wiggler's Health & Safety Coaster. EB5E 0000 0098 B3EB There's one other level of mine called Bouncing Koopa Field you should check out. The rest are just experimental crap really that I wouldn't suggest playing :p
  15. Is there a reason it used to be called Wario World? I hope we get another year of Wii U, as much as I'd like a new console, I still think it's a bit early to abandon U without creating a Dreamcast sense of fear that they're releasing consoles too quickly. I also want them to have the OS and launch line up totally nailed before release. Remember the early days of Wii U when it would take like 20 seconds to switch apps :p EDIT: More leeks for you Canand!
  16. "Urgent mass recruitment drive" for this game... Isn't it already complete and just being localised? http://www.nintendo-insider.com/2015/10/16/monolith-soft-starts-urgent-mass-recruitment-drive/
  17. God damn this game looks so awesome, I can't wait! I hope we get the special edition over here!
  18. I was a bit heart broken as I spent my stars on one of those Mario Kart trophies thinking there would be nothing else... Then the coin and album arrived on the site about a day later :p ah well. It's been a good run for free goodies. How long do you guys typically wait? I'm still waiting for my trophy and it's been about a month
  19. I really don't know how they'll fit more on the 3DS screen :p but yes, exciting news! And I love the new levels, Mario Maker is one of the most fun and inventive since Melee. I love everything about Smash 4 but the one complaint I had is that none of the levels get quite as crazy as in the Melee days (Rainbow Ride, Poke Floats) possibly as a result of all these competitive smashers, so Mario Maker made a nice change
  20. I've found the option to attach the bowser or toad music to Mario so it plays through the whole level which is pretty neat, I just wish there were more songs to choose from because whilst I LOVE the editing music, constantly hearing that same original theme when actually playing is driving me insane.
  21. I just realised this swanky new forum we're on is 10 years old. Many a person joined Revo-Europe in September 10 years ago. I still remember mourning the C-E forums, where does the time go? What are some of your favourite forum moments from the last 10 years? Here's to another 10! (When I'll be in my mid-30's)
  22. I have been wishing for this at every e3 for as long as I can remember : peace: Instead they'll probably announce Pikmin 5 for 2017 :p
  23. I'm a bit late to the party with this news but what do you all make of the Starfox delay? Do you think it will change the course of Wii U much this Christmas? I'm bitterly disappointed. Whilst there's a mix of games for the holiday season, I feel Starfox was the mainstream one (in a Nintendo sense, I wouldn't say it appeals to the general gaming populas). Sure we have Xenoblade X that will be great but I think JRPG's are more niche than our Fox and Mario Tennis as good as it may be just isn't meaty enough to class as a big game, it's more of a fun side game you'd get along something else. For me it's the first Christmas holidays I'll have without a new Nintendo game. Then again in my current job I don't get much of a Christmas holiday so maybe it's the perfect year for this to happen :p
  24. Struggling with life in general but that doesn't make a change :p But honestly, geeeeez what a terrible year so far. Ever since I lost my niece in late March this year I've kinda just been walking around as a zombie. I've been suffering on and off with anxiety and depression for years but always managed to overcome it after the odd bad month. Seeing all my family change has been the weirdest. my mom who is always so strong and happy, seeing her so low is really strange and bizarre, my brother is totally destroyed by the situation (understandably as his first son) and just family in general is like ugh, this is so shit. So many mornings this year I've woken up and wished I was still dreaming, I just cba with life most of the time now. So many days I've just thought fuck it, I'm not ready for the world today and stayed in bed. If it wasn't for work I'd be such a shut in. Luckily I have some close friends who are amazing and I've still seen and hung out with them on a regular basis. I was starting to think I may be normal again though until this weekend. I used to love going out but haven't properly been out for ages. I went out this weekend and enjoyed it intially but just totally freaked out at one point and had to go home early. I felt bad because the way I left was pretty lame. I just said to the guys 'I need to get some air' and then ordered a taxi home. I text them later saying where I went off to and felt terrible but just couldnt handle being out in public all of a sudden. My line of work right now really isn't helping my mood either. I'm just constantly surrounded by death and I just can't deal with that right now. A mad man trying to console grieving families is not a recipe for success :p I am really considering quitting right now but keep putting myself off as I think being jobless with this state of mind may be worse than my current situation.
  25. The pedometer stuff looks really fun. The screenshots you guys are posting... that's the kinda quirky stuff you don't really get with phone apps. I've been playing a lot of Wii Fit Plus on my Wii lately as I'm back on a diet and exercise. Is this new game worth it? As I said, the Pedometer stuff looks really fun, but how many new exercises are there? Is it a full new Wii Fit or more of a Wii Fit plus plus?
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