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About Josh64

  • Birthday 07/05/1991

Personal Information

  • Real Name
    Joshua Phillips
  • Location
    Burger Cube
  • Interests
    Gaming, art, arcades
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, Gameboy Color, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, DS, Wii, 3DS, Wii U and Switch
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, 360, PS3, Vita, PS4, XBOX One
  • Favourite Game?
    Super Mario 64... No, Donkey Kong Country 2! Wait... Super Mario Galaxy 2! Oh, I can't decide.
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Diddy Kong, Aiai or VIEWTIFUL JOE.
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  • Nintendo Network ID
  • Wii Console Number
    1129 8607 1913 5523
  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKDS: 0730-7737-1559
    ACWW: 4768-0985-6608
    DKR: 2019-6408-2889
    Tetris: 4022-0189-4081
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  1. Lol that Zelda tote bag is so hideous I kind of want it
  2. I know, it breaks my heart. At this point I have come to accept it for my own sanity, but lord knows if I still drank I would be spewing hateful tweets into the ether for months to follow lol. That aside, I also agree on the hope that the eShop gets massively overhauled. I remember years ago reading how Apple were updating their app store, and reviewed thousands of apps, with those they deemed no longer up to scratch requiring an update within 30 days or face removal. I hope Nintendo think of something similar, and also move forward with a new outline of rules. I would say it'd be a good idea to limit the amount of releases a publisher can make (to avoid Epic Clock - 50th edition, or whatever they're called), but I know Nintendo tried limiting releases in the NES era which led to other issues. I also wonder how Nintendo will fix leaks? This is the first time ever that I have seen leaks ahead of time and they've actually been completely true. I saw images of the Switch 2 about a week ago, assumed it was some mock-up but no, it's exactly as was shown in the reveal video!
  3. The pain I have felt over the years as a childhood Rare fan will never end lol. I will change my sig to 'no longer believes'. I just have to find an even more agonised render of him.
  4. Why God, why?! Hasn't DK suffered enough?
  5. Very odd and doesn't give me much hope for the future of the brand outside of the upcoming remake. I guess the rides announced are generic enough for the whole franchise that if a new title does release it won't be too hard to throw in some new enemy statues/costumes to go with the newer game
  6. Lol that's sweet, it kinda reminds me of those polyphonic ringtones you could used to get on your mobile!
  7. https://youtu.be/Wz0d2acCBG8?si=PC6NvholJ-6qS4zK
  8. 1 is worth it for a bit of dumb fun! I doubt 2 has had any patches but will check when I'm next on my switch, if it hasn't then I really can't recommend it because it's just too broken. I also have a soft spot for 1 as it was the first game I could buy physically again after the first COVID lockdown. Freedom and Cobra Kai!
  9. I've just seen footage of trump bleeding from the ear and crouching to the floor, a shooter just missed him. One audience member and the shooter are dead. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1d31jeyzlo
  10. I love Karate Kid and Cobra Kai so Im looking forward to this, it also seems like a sensible style to take the videogame series in. I tried the first Cobra Kai game, a side-scrolling 2.5d beat em up, and while rough around the edges I enjoyed it! The sequel, Cobra Kai 2, was fully 3D, more janky, and the performance was awful. I'm not picky when it comes to performance, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet isn't great but I can deal with it, but Cobra Kai 2 was another level, the screen frequently either freezes and/or the FPS drops to 1 frame a second, there's so many bugs, and the graphics look ridiculously bad. The gameplay and passion is there, but the games have always been let down on a technical level, hopefully the 2D sprites will rectify that!
  11. This Turtles game launches in October! Trailer here: https://www.n-europe.com/news/teenage-mutants-ninja-turtles-mutants-unleashed-announcement-trailer/ Seems to be a 3D adventure from what I can see in the trailer, but the official description is pretty vague. I also tried to summarise the Turtles titles on the Switch right now, as we suddenly have quite a lot! I'm out of touch with kids media outside of Nintendo, but I can only guess that the Turtles are as huge again as they were back in the 90s, because this many games seems absurd lol. There I was thinking it was risky to release Shredder's Revenge and the Cowabunga Collection around the same time, in fear of saturating the market
  12. Sadness for Switch 2 sizzle reel! Followed by years of delays, and a follow up article by another Phillips
  13. The N-Europe Sadness interview: https://www.n-europe.com/news/feature-nibris-the-full-interview/
  14. Basketball launches tomorrow! Sooner than expected: https://www.n-europe.com/news/basketball-launches-today-on-nintendo-switch-sports/ And I just noticed my previous post lol, I did get the game about a year ago! I really love football with the leg strap and had a lot of fun playing tennis online, I haven't played for ages though so maybe this will draw me back in.
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