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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Whats worse than a dead baby nailed to a tree? Ripping it off.
  2. Theres no way I'm going through 181 pages to find out who all has been posted. But my most listened to bands recently have been: Angels and Airwaves The Matches The Bravery
  3. I don't even really know who that is. Shows how much I pay attention to video games anymore haha.
  4. Hahaha, nooooo, I've been around the board but haven't really been posting. I really don't do video games much anymore so theres not too much for me to post about. But nice to see you guys again. : peace:
  5. I downloaded Season 2 and Season 3 in the summer after my friend lent me Season 1 on DVD. All I have to say is that I'm pumped for Thursday.
  6. I'm hoping for more Star Fox characters. Preferably Falco and Wolf. I could care less about Krystal. She just reminds me too much of a "furry" and people who get off to that shit disgust me. [/random thought]
  7. Damn, I'm still in need of a Wii. I need to hit the lottery or something.
  8. Looks like Travis is touching himself where he pees...
  9. I am completely pumped for this came. Definitely need to buy a Wii first though...
  10. Just actually played this game at Walmart. All I have to say is that it is amazing.
  11. I'm not too entirely sure how to feel about this. I had fun "making friends" with the animal characters and I also definitely had fun screwing with them. I think too many human players would detract from the game.
  12. Sadly, yes, they did. But I didn't really notice til after I came out of the theater.
  13. I saw Live Free or Die Hard last night and it was pretty damn sweet. Action scenes were brutal and funny. Next to Knocked Up its the best movie I've seen this summer.
  14. I wish my friend didn't lose my copy of Metroid Prime...
  15. Yet another game I want for a system that I don't have!
  16. I fell off a 20 foot cliff. And lived to tell about it.
  17. This may be the game that gets me to buy a Wii.
  18. 1. Its FOXNEWS. 2. Its Jack Thompson. Both suck.
  19. I finally got to complete it Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I felt like such a badass. Oh, and when you first meet Cole Train, he made this sound that was familiar to me. So I looked up something on YouTube, and sure enough, it was him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRkiouh5NEI
  20. Well, today definitely sucked.
  21. I like the water and color, but no border. Could definitely use a border. 8/10
  22. Two of my friends bought a Wii last night and I got to play and watch for about 3 or so hours. First was Zelda. It seems different but it's still good. Didn't get to see any fighting. Second was Wii Sports. This game is simply amazing. Thats all. Amazing. Its a blast to watch and to play. Third was Red Steel which is a huge disappointment to me. Controls just seemed too hard to play with and the sensitivity seemed ridiculous. Oh well...
  23. Damn, I'm not sure if I'll be buying this when it comes out now. May not have a ride...
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