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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Yeah, after reading that Hands-On I'm kind of skeptical. Also, why does Samus always have to run? I really need to see video of this.
  2. No video?
  3. Squeeeeeee! I'm excited!!!
  4. It "only" paralyzed her. But I get where you're coming from.
  5. Avatar: 9/10 Simple, yet detailed. Love the tape and shape. Sig: 8/10 Not too sure what the graphic is supposed to be, but its not overwhelming which is good. Bonus point for the text under it.
  6. Back tracking was a con because the only other Metroid I played at that point in time was the one on the NES and I hated that. Now, I still find the back tracking in Prime to be a bit tedious and annoying. Loved everything about Super Metroid though.
  7. I finally got my games back to college (aka university) so I've been playing Metroid Prime for the past two days. I think I actually like it more now than the first time around. And I actually reviewed it for cube-europe haha. http://n-europe.com/review.php?rid=20 Wow, my writing style has changed drastically, its kind of embarrassing to read that. Gamerankings actually used my review for the aggregate scoring, that's awesome!
  8. Kind of funny how drastically the weather can change with just an elevator ride.
  9. Just completed MadWorld. That was fun.
  10. Hate to break your water but its possibly from this: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=112527 Edit: Which happens to have gotten their info from your post. Haha, sorry about that.
  11. Could it [it meaning the dead body] be Armstrong Houston? http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Armstrong_Houston
  12. Re: the "Remember me?" guy. I'm probably wrong, but it'd be sweet if he was somehow the "dead" body outside of Kraid's lair in Super Metroid.
  13. I quit on the first Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox. And I'm not a quitter.
  14. I'm hoping that Team Ninja doesn't make the game ridiculously hard like the Ninja Gaiden series.
  15. This is GameTrailers most anticipated game of 2010.
  16. I know what I said.
  17. Hm, almost bought Excitebots: Trick Racing yesterday. Pulled out at the last minute though.
  18. I was hoping someone would catch what I said. I'm about an hour into the first Prime and I'm still getting used to the controls. Goddamn the Mecha Bee Hive took forever...
  19. Don't worry, I'm about to stick it in for the first time real soon.
  20. Haven't even popped it into the Wii yet.
  21. Just bought the Trilogy less than an hour ago. I have absolutely no idea when I'm going to have time to play it though haha.
  22. Is anyone else reminded of Super Metroid when they play at Bowser's Castle?
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