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Everything posted by FalcoLombardi

  1. Because...
  2. I liked it.
  3. Woooohoooo!
  4. I really wish there was more info or videos out.
  5. Last night's episode was GREAT!
  6. By the way, my post was exaggerated. I thought it was a good episode, but not "the best of the series" as I've read on other boards.
  7. Oh man. The newest episode will blow all of your minds away. Doesn't even compare to anything earlier this season. I have a boner.
  8. Weren't we supposed to get gameplay footage sometime this week?
  9. You mean to tell me that the guy who said something like "Lets go next door," said it deliberately that poorly and monotone? Or are you just saying that Samus's voice is meant to show few emotions?
  10. Just re-completed Metroid Prime and am now playing Prime 2 for the first time.
  11. Fierce Link looks like someone I know. Do I know you FL?
  12. The voice acting is much better in that trailer. And who the hell gives a thumbs down like that?
  13. So wait, how did someone notice the possible MM Moon in TP?
  14. I may be one of the very few Americans that are happy it was Crosby who scored (my favorite team is the Penguins). Crosby was hated before by a ton of people, but now is hated much less from Canadians and alot more from Americans.
  15. Haha, they're definitely not as white as they appear in that picture.
  16. I was upset the US lost, but atleast it was Crosby who scored in OT.
  17. Speaking of Chozo, I hope we get to play in flashbacks when they're training her. And maybe play a level as her father.
  18. Obviously, the voice acting could use some work, but I won't be upset if it stays the same as in the demo. "Let's go next door," is horribly done though.
  19. Oh man, I'm definitely more excited today than I was 2 days ago.
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