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Everything posted by gARYgREATIE*

  1. TEH HUGZ FOR EVREYRBONDY!! Joking, well maybe not cos everyone needs a hug from time to time, but the flippant nature of my comment was purely in jest. It's odd the way you carve out new social groups as you get older but its great when you've got an old mate you can see after aages and it's always normal (Dan Dare take a bow). Since I've moved away from Sheffield (Steel City whoop!) it's been quite interesting seeing how I've interacted with people at my new college and which of my old mates I still feel close too. Dunno if this has gone all a bit tangential to what you lot were on about. Its cheesy but I always think if you try and be happy you'll always be happy, and people normally pick up on that. Also Daft you should get a dog, they love you forever regardless. Well, unless you kick them. Don't kick your new dog.
  2. woah thats not what you said. 1/x(1+sqrtx)^2 that implies 1/x multiplied by (1+sqrtx)^2 not 1/[x(1+sqrtx)^2] sorry to be arsey but thats pretty different. bad fish man
  3. Niice, Konfucius is teh Winzordz. Your go...
  4. hmm both very informative. I get what a Skrull is now but I think I'd have to read the comix (I did just do that) you were all talking about to have the faintest clue of what the fuck you're on about. Wolverine a Skrull? Spiderman sells his Soul? What's this world coming to.
  5. hahaha that was edward's 'The Troubadors of British Folk Vol 1'. It had a truely amazing cover.
  6. I may be lynched for saying this but what's a Skrull? I apologise in advance for my naivety
  7. hmm, maybe theres a hole in my logic. still....
  8. hmm, also another country with all the vowels The Democratic Republic of the Congo
  9. D on the run! D on the run! D on the run run run! I heart SB2. btw, Emasher I am only messing about I appreciate what you mean. Still, Brutal Deluxe is the best name for a Deathsport team ever. Fishman, can I say Gaywad? Actually I was gonna show you some photos from our civil partnership ceremony.
  10. sweet as a nut. Jerkwads Unite!
  11. fair enough, it was an entirely tongue in cheek post but I'll refrain from using said expletive. Can i say Jerkwad instead?
  12. Man, first you hate on my Speedball II Signature and then you accuse me of being a banned member. Whats with all the hate? I've known dan dare for about 15 years. He can prove it if you want. P.s. you're sigs gaaaaaayyy lol
  13. Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince - Summertime Say no more.
  14. Indisputably? That's a big call. I really like Primus and all things Claypool but there are so many other amazing players out there aswell. Michael Manring springs to mind, that guy is taking things to a ridiculous levels. And don't forget that without Jaco you (well, potentially) wouldn't have anything. I really don't know how the Chili Peppers are so huge, I find all of it incredibly dull. In fairness the first few albums were pretty cool but they fell off so quick. They just sound like a pretty bland funk group but with an arsehole singing bullshit over the top. Check out Big Chief, Parliament, Frank Zappa, Tower Of Power, Prince, thats the real shit right there.
  15. Played a gig last night, it went alright but the promoter booked us to play at essentially a gastropub, it didn't go down too well with the clientele. Wen't home and watched The Naked Gun which is always amazing.
  16. I've never actually got my mitts on an Iron Man comic but I always thought the cartoon was lame, stark was so fucking obnoxious. Saying this I saw the film and loved it. The storyline was patchy in places but Downey held it together amazingly. He was mad awesome. He's no Bale tho. Role on Dark Knight. 4.5/5 P.s. Gwyneth was looking fiine.
  17. This one's for Dan Dare: "Kevin how's the coffee? Yep." Not funniest moment in my life (that was probably when Jack Carrington farted) but it was damn funny.
  18. Neat vodka from a mug, thats how I roll.
  19. Donnie Darko 2: Judgement Day
  20. Please please please be true.
  21. sweet! is it my go then? boom. By the way, don't go there immediately, if possible.
  22. deep. I love trains, but I hate them when I have to sit opposite kids eating smelly egg and tuna sandwiches on a hot day. Damn them to hell
  23. Leeds Fest is sort of a holiday. The kind of holiday where you hold your poo in for 4 days.
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