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Everything posted by gARYgREATIE*

  1. is it the exorcist?
  2. So many people like jim carrey, I'm kinda shocked, he really isn't that funny. He has been in so many stinkers and people still forgive him. Man on the Moon is a good film, credit to him but everything else is kinda unbearable nowadays, except for the first Ace Ventura and The Mask oh and Me Myself & Irene. As for comedians I'd want to meet I'd much rather meet Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, Tracey Morgan, pre-"So I Married an Axe Murderer" Mike Myers etc etc. The list goes on, just not Jim Carrey. "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and go fuck yourself Jim Carrey." Hmm, reading it back only two people have mentioned Jim Carrey, 2 is not quite so many people. Still, my opinion is valid. He's a big fat analbeard.
  3. Just slop it on there... thats the stuff.
  4. I must commend you on your beautifully preserved Vagina.
  5. I just found a sword in my pants.
  6. Ah man, I just had a FullMetalAlchemist binge over the last few days and read all of the manga online. Now I've got as far as they've got and I have to wait for it to be translated and scanned etc. ARGH! I can't cope, I've become obsessed. I loved the anime but the manga is unreal, it's awesome
  7. I queued behind Dave Grohl in a tesco in London once, was a tad surreal but I wouldn't say it counts as meeting him. Owen Wilson. We'd have mega fun. Phil Lynott RIP. One of the greatest songwriters ever. Adam and Joe. It'd just be a hoot to hang out with them.
  8. after outsourcing their animation to japan, nickelodeon soon realised something had been lost in translation.
  9. ah it's good to have channel four back. Big Brother is such a cop out as far as programming goes. "Lets fill a 3rd of the year with twats in a room." I'd much rather watch Wanking For Coins.
  10. Oh you want to fuck with me?! You're a fucking choirboy compared to me! a Chooiirrr Boooyy!!
  11. Hoi bell end, try get me a wii game, you owe me big time for helping you get rid of that body.
  12. Probs cos the gods wanted me to exercise my pernickety streak. I wouldn't worry about it.
  13. shnope, 10^-15 and 10^-18, otherwise it's reaallly biiiggg.
  14. story of my love life. My neighbour's dog weed on my feet today when I went over there, was quite funny in a way but I'm glad I was wearing socks.
  15. Agreed x10. He looks like a wet run of the mill american teen drama dickface. For some reason every time I look at the screens I just imagine this film to be just like Warriors of Virtue, or on a par in lameness.
  16. I'll bear that in mind should the situation ever arise.
  17. I've been on a Pearl Jam binge for the last week or so. Ten is an amazing album, I recommend to all. Not really fussed about the new Metallica album, there's no coming back after load, re-load and garage inc. (I'd include St. Anger but I find the title track genuinely hilarious and that drum sound is unbelievable).
  18. C'mon, there are so many worse places to live then london road. Live in Broomhill tho, tis the the best area ever.
  19. By only giving it 8 shabbas out of 10 you realise you've left enough room for my fist, BECAUSE I'M GONNA RAM IT INTO YOUR STOMACH AND BREAK YOUR GODDAMN SPIIINNE!!
  20. hahah, I missed the bish boat so i have to make myself feel better by pointing out faults in others's bishes. I'm sorry.
  21. well why bother even writing them a letter of complaint if you don't care if they'll take it on board? If it was a really funny timewaster-esque letter it might make sense to do it for just fun but sadly it's not (see "FREAKING GRINDS MY BALLS").
  22. Stepbrothers 6 or 7/10 Not quite as clever as some of the other will ferrell films and judd apatows stuff, but we were pretty drunk in the cinema and some bits were fucking hilarious. Worth it just for the fart scene.
  23. Halp! My foots stuck!
  24. Shorty even, thats actually a mandolin brother.
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