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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Hmm interesting, what on earth are Nibris playing at then? I guess its just a small wannabe developer that are fans of Nintendo and have no idea how the industry works. If so, I feel bad, but not fully, because Sadness is sounding fake.
  2. Good point Fierce. Looking at it again, we should of realised something was up when a brand new developer claims to be making AAA titles for Nintendo systems. Developers dont decide if its AAA or not, reviews do. Claiming AAA titles will be devloped by your studio is not confidence, its pure arrogance. Especially when they cant even manage to shift one single video game by now. Edit: I present a new concept image from tweaking with the URL's! Uh..great? New images from their work place Which dev kit is that? The dolphin dev kit?
  3. As requested by the author. [Thread Locked]
  4. Only if the apology is decent and genuine. You know, when the screams of pleasure dont sound artificial.
  5. Super Robot Wars needs to come out here, the theme for Alpha 3 is just sublime. So because of this, my day has been terrible, I had to accept if I want to play the games with licensed mechs, Im gonna need to learn moon runes.
  6. Haha nice, if you scroll up on this page its still here. About time they removed it though, they arent fooling any one. What point is there to Nibris now that one of their original concept images was a simple copy and paste of two titles, one of them (maybe both) being copyrighted aswell.
  7. I have watched both, but this is tearing me apart, I cant decide.
  8. You should of just signed up and hoped no one remembered you live in Japan!
  9. Kill hundreds of university students to show Cho his record aint that much. I'm a terrible terrible person.
  10. Words cannot describe how lame this post was. Please, can some one give an infraction to this guy on the pure basis he tries to be a party pooper? Emasher? More liek Epartycrasher. Yeah, I did, I did.
  11. Haha, I thought so, my doubts were indicated via the white text.
  12. I highly doubt this will work Unlucky, you can even get rickrolled over the phone by this thing they advertise on /b/ called Phone Blaster. Put in a number, choose what you want (theres chocolate rain etc) and blast and you can hear their reaction, its amazing.
  13. Not every day, I have just relieved myself and came back to find this thread. I am now worried about the security of mein household.
  14. I have plenty of spare blank CD's, sure sign me up for this, I feel sorry for the poor bastard who gets mine.
  15. Wh-wh-what???? Still, lovely figure. I have one of Kaworu and Shinji on top of my minifridge, I should really have a figure of a female character.
  16. Is this apart of the 'Season 8' crap? If so, it doesnt make sense!
  17. Yeah I agree, licensing itself is expensive, and getting them rated here is also expensive, its a lose/lose situation, I can understand why people wont pay for a £20 dvd with just 4 episodes, I've been reluctant to do so myself, which isnt helpful. Although, people like myself seem to wait for the dvd's to be lower in price, like every volume of FMA now is only a tenner, and thats acceptable, £20 is just way too much, especially in there times where every fucking thing is expensive. Time gap is another factor, although Manga Entertainment with Naruto have been alright lately, its now getting stupid again as they still havent updated their license to sell Naruto as they are currently only allowed to sell 104 episodes, so its gone slow again, surely they should of seen the success earlier and made a move? Blah, I can see why people hate licensing, but they should understand that their actions will directly affect the creators, not just the licensors. Long rant..
  18. Ah that is annoying, seems like all the kids who dont know any better about the industry fail to realise some one else has the license. Its a shame, but no anime specific channel's will survive here. The ones in the states are gone I think due to ADV's snowball of a financial situation.
  19. Apparently they are looking at their options and the actual channel Anime Central will be gone, but replaced by a new one that will have a mix of Anime and some other cartoons so they have a wider audience so that they can get more revenue from advertisements. I knew ever since it started that the times it was on for and how little advertisements I saw it wasnt gonna last. They could of atleast shown plenty of reruns of FMA, I want to watch through that again.
  20. Who sold this game to a minor eh? Last thing we need is another virginia tech. This is only the start people.
  21. This is pretty much a warning as it seems I have been treated very shoddily by their security department which authorizes all the details. Today, my entire internet banking account was blocked off. I had called regarding the situation, and couldnt believe the answer I got. "It seems that you have mis-spelt your place of birth when you created the account, I can make out what you were trying to type so I'd just like to confirm your place of birth so we can correct that and your access shall be restored" You may be thinking "Hey, thats a pretty good heads up, worst case scenario is that you didnt even have an account and some one else set it up" Problem is, I set up this online banking account well over a year ago, so it has taken them this long to take action and make me aware of it. So, question is, I'm pissed off, where do I complain? Thanks in advance.
  22. You can get shadow matter by pretty much any taboo noise on ultimate. But they are very low probability drops. So chain as much as possible (Its very handy to have the item which increases how much you can chain) and you should increase your chances by alot. Also, if you ever get Joshua's defence pretty high, you can always try the boss fight with Minamimoto at Shibu Main Store (to right the right of 104) on ultimate. Chain battle with the boss fight first to make the boss fight easier and take out as much of the taboo noise as possible, each time one dies and you see a red coin drop from them, that means you have gotten a shadow matter. When they stop dropping, that means you've got 99 and you can proceed to finishing it all up etc. Thats just a tip I found on another site though, Im training Joshua's defence now.
  23. Any statistics regarding skin colour? Sorry, just had to crack that, as every Channel 4 advert I saw last week for the disarming britain special featured about 99.9% black kids as having the weapons.
  24. CRIME NEVER WINS WHEN BATMAN BEGINS Sainsburies for like 60p
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