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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Uhm gee... shut the fuck up? Most retarded statement I've seen in all my livelong, have a trophy, but at your expense. The problem is not that Sega are shifting Sonic games, but the quality control ever since Sonic Team have not worked on any of them. The rate of Sonic games is pretty much on par with that of Mario's, Mario Tennis, Mario Football, Mario Party etc. The problem is not the quantity, but the qaulity, and this is where Sega's problem is, ofcourse they arent going to stop shovelling Sonic games out, it still to an extent their mascot, so if your complaining about the qauntity, why the fuck arent you bashing Mario whenever a new game comes? Just give it a wait and see like the new game. I agree however, despite by obvious Sonic fandom, the games for the last few years have been absolute filth (Except Sonic Rush). The last time I loved a 3D title was Sonic Adventure 2, and everything since has been awful.
  2. Dattebayo simply do this so fans attack the uploaders on youtube, I love seeing all the comments slagging each other off.
  3. Talking of Sonic Fighting.. Sonic Battle really needs a sequel, if this is real, I hope its somewhat based on Sonic Battle, easily the most suprising game I enjoyed in the GBA era.
  4. Say your a regular cowboy and saloon doors are your kinda thing. Instant win. CEX like that.
  5. Haha either way, this has proved to be a worth while laugh for me. Congrats. Call me a noob if you must, but im getting asked to join the channel and I'm not getting anything for N-europe
  6. I'm more of a bebo guy myself. Comment any ones profile without friendship requests O lawds, checked the link, t'is myspace, how ever could you tell?
  7. Haha, watcha mean? I only find this version of Rickrolling funny now, as its such a pain in the ass when you fool for it. Also, thanks for the heads up about the spelling error. I even forgot about the postage..fucking hell my brain isnt working at all. Yeah your gonna have to count me out, I may be visiting the London Film and Comic con tomorrow, so I'l be broke. Sorry for being a party pooper
  8. Haha, oh man, think about body parts you could possibly flirt with in text form, infact, look at your recent escapades in the Image Gallery for a further clue! I fucking lol'd.
  9. Well every text, but she some times drops the 'o' and puts an x in its place. As for content (oh boy im lolling, help me decide if she's interested or just a slag)
  10. But she continues to text, either way, its a pain in the ass knowing I have to return the favour. Thats it, I have decided to make a new character to associate signs of love with. If x is kiss, and o is hug, I now declare 'c' for pleasuring of the oral kind. Is that too cyber-ish? All in favour say aye. xoxcx
  11. Okay, Fierce Link, I am in dire need of your help. Mein friend keeps texting me 'xox' at the end. Please tell me, does this 'o' reduce me to two kisses? or does the 'o' count as a bonus point?
  12. Is it me..or did Naruto feel abit Dragonall this week?
  13. I lol'd, then realise its not a laughing matter, as burnt fish fingers fucking suck. (They are fish fingers right?)
  14. Okay, im gonna have to pull out of this as everything has gone pear shaped. Only have one Blank CD and the fucking ink cartridge has run out and I'm fucking broke from my recent spending spree in the past 2 days. I could just nick a blank CD off a mate, but I'd feel a bit bad seeing as I'd have to hand draw it and I know I wont put any effort at all into the second copy, so its best if I just pull out.
  15. Ah yeah, those boxes are indeed massive, had one last year in new york on night. Cybercandy actually sell pop rocks so popping candy is still around bud!
  16. Same, I desperately need an external HDD as my only computer is a laptop.
  17. Heh, that picture has me hyped for autumn now =( Bring on Gundam 00, Lucky Star OVA and Casshern Sins!
  18. I'l be checking if mein father has any hidden, if not, I'm skint so I'l have to wait a while. Got 9 of these things left. Literally lasted me just over 20 minutes, so I got the shit end of the scale (2 hours is apparently the maximum)
  19. Miracle Fruit! They has arrived. I have taken a whole freeze dried tablet of one and I must say, wait a couple of minutes. For me, the effect wasnt there straight away, so just dissolve it on your tongue and prepare all sorts of bitter/sour stuff to try. Anyway, I have about 10ml of vinegar waiting for me in a glass, I take it and it tastes fine and yes, it does taste sweet. However, remember that it affects your tongue only so when you swallow the very far back taste bads are going to get raped with the power of an angry god with whatever your tasting (unless you find a way to move your tongue in such a way you can rub all taste buds). Lemon was probably my best one, tastes so fucking sweet. Just to make sure I wasnt making a mistake with the taste (placebo effect and all) I moved onto Jif, and that tasted like flat cloudy lemonade. Swallow, and the sharpness is felt every were else =\ And on hearing it makes sweet things taste sweeter (apparently why the sugar industry tried covering up the knowledge regarding the fruit), I had myself a cup of Cherry Cola and my god, it does work, so I may use this for things that lack sugar so I dont have to go and get the very unhealthy alternatives. Worth a tenner? Depends, these are going to be targetted towards diabetics, those on diets and those who have unfortunately gained that metallic taste through chemotherapy. Buy from ebay though, there are cheap 100% feedback sellers, and Firebox will leave you feeling pissed off with their minimum postage rate.
  20. Well just a guess, but if all our fingers where the same length, our palms to grasp things in would need to be a different shape as clenching would be entirely different I assume.
  21. Im gonna use that actually, any suggestions regarding DPI I should configure to my printer for it though? Edit: Scrap that, just read it, I thought it'd be an album art generator you could play with, damn.
  22. E3 has died for Nintendo, however MS and Sony both welcome it and get some good conferences going. Well, theres 2 more monster events coming which could have core gamers pleased, but Nintendo are only attending one I think, theres the one in germany and TGS.
  23. Yeah, those season dvd's the US have are tempting, I'm waiting to see if they stock them here though. Although, at £10 a volume now, I may aswell go buy it here anyway.
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