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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Dinosaur museum? Oh lawds, I'm a funny one Payed my rent. £40 for the week, not too shabbeh.
  2. Haha, its actually planned to end at 13 (or so the majority of Evageeks forums have told me) But I own all that are currently released by Viz. Except 10 isnt first edition like the others
  3. Literally just outside of the london area, theres a town near by with a tube station but my town only has a main rail line which costs me considerably more =( I may look into bus prices and see if it'd be cheaper to go to said tube station and get to london for just £7 + whatever the bus price was.
  4. God damn you, damn you damn you damn you train ticket rival of mein.
  5. There many series of Gundam. Each one has its own seperate story and time line however, and some of them are shit *cough*seed*cough*. If you do however want to give it a try, I'd recommend either 00 or Wing. Trouble is with Wing, despite the awesome story line, the recycled footage pisses fans off to no end so it may not be a good idea. 0079 is the very first one, started in 1979. Its good as far as I've seen, but there are apparently very stupid fillers.
  6. Does that mean I come a close second if I come with £15.00 with all day access to the tube?
  7. KIDOU SENSHI GUNDAMUUUUUU GUNDAMU Srsly, Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 or 00.
  8. tl;dr But people are against the death penalty? Jeez, it's the only real threat to stop people, if people got such a high sentance, the world doesnt need them.
  9. I like this statement. Mainly because im a scrawny white bastard.
  10. Very true, except the manga lately seems to be a black and white picture book of EoE =\
  11. Own all ze manga (No Kaworu on moon) I'm pretty sure I've watched Death and Rebirth, dont recall Kaworu on the moon. You could be right about the red water being the reflection of the sun however.
  12. Have you watched Rebuild 1 yet? The beginning is a dead giveaway it could be a sequel.
  13. We have a winrar! But It may be all for nothing for mein self, I lack pennies. Even if I do get work off, this may be an event to miss. Have fun guiz, make sure you drop some water for me.
  14. Signed eh? Very suave. This makes our T-Shirt titalation official yet professional. Consent from the owner should be enough.
  15. Ah yes I may be coming, so planning may be in order. Hm..just a simple bottle of water will do. Maybe Jordans consent as it seems he has dibs of Letty and the event of wet breasts. Hmm, very problematic.
  16. Very true, but the series was epic, so I will allow the movies, despite the cheap recycled footage that there may be.
  17. Or some one can take the initiative at the N-E meet up.
  18. Gainax are starting to fuck me off. Forget this Gurren Lagann side project shit until you finish both movies and any spare animation team members get put to the Rebuild of Evangelion project pronto.
  19. ...Wait one cotton picking minute (lawl) You never even posted the original. You just take the piss.
  20. O SHI- I think you may of forgotten but this thread already exists. Easy mistake.
  21. Haha, oh lulz, I think its best this thread get locked to preserve the epicness for future lulz.
  22. I want the power to recreate this topic in 5 months time for the lulz Sorry, just had to do it, I accept any punishment etc
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