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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. Yeah I think that sounds way too odd, even more odd when all I know of King V is he has Vegeta with a blue beard in his avatar so thats all I can picture "May I make love with you KAKAROT?". Yes, King V, I ran through reenactments within my mind of how you might of had sex.
  2. Its not a grind fest really, but you may want to perfect the pins you use to attack enemies. Basically to get to the real ending you gotta collect these secret report, basically hidden things you missed out on during your first playthrough. Then again, that kinda thing isnt every ones cup of tea, I'm certainly having difficulty heh
  3. 1)LAWL 2)LAWL 3)WHUT?
  4. I'd want the power to remember creating topics so I dont accidentally remake them.
  5. Thanks for the help every one. There were no ways of blocking MAC addresses so I used Raining Agains way of only allowed the MAC addresses I specify. I'l probably have to change that when I move as my family arent very tech savvy and no matter what I teach them and how many times I show them, they never learn. Thanks again.
  6. D_prodigy is right However, the final, true ending is a very hard one to unlock. As the first ending you see still ends rather enigmatic. I personally want to see what the fuck is up.
  7. Hmm seems interest in this game has dropped.. Im still playing strong, 54 hours, just blew a million yen befriending the guys at the department store, so expensive =\ Been utilizing the chains and mystery mushrooms to increase my chance of rare drops, Beat is dropping more Dark Matters than a mother fucker. Got all characters max fusion levels, takes 16 fusion stars to reach that mark though..and once you do, jesus fucking christ do you unleash an insane amount of damage, the animations for them are awesome, especially Shiki's and Joshua's.
  8. In the words of King V...Dont be foolish Kakarot.
  9. ...Rape the whores too? Now your just odd.
  10. True, but the boxes also help as an indicator. Anyway, thanks for the help every one, I shouldnt be paying now. Thank ye!
  11. ..But the show must go on! Are you an N-E Member or Lurker? Are you still a virgin? Then post within this thread and we shall help. Or not. Any one thinking of redoing this is totally unoriginal. If your a virgin and need help, theres rape.
  12. But not well enough, for we are now on page 21. It r miracle.
  13. Well done. But seeing as it lacked anal penetration, you do not get bonus points.
  14. Yeah that rule change was absolutely unfair, however, sellers were abusing the feedback rules by holding the customer at ransom with it. So, its unfortunate for those who used it properly, like many sellers I have dealt with have, but very much good punishment for those who abused it, as it is misleading if they have done an awful job. Well the seller was apparently 'unaware' of the problem as he received them from a supplier (apparently). I gave him a step by step guide on identifying facts like relevant websites that display correct age ratings, and the whole box difference and the occasional UK titles that may be in black boxes etc. He'l be removing my bid mutually.
  15. Well ebay still havent acted (then again, its sunday) But me and the user are currently discussing the situation as he apparently is getting these games from a supplier, despite the fact nearly 3/4 of his games are illegal DIY sealed games. Incorrect age ratings, american games in UK boxes. Not right.
  16. Wow, what dicks. I'd just refuse to pay. I'm not going to pay for shit thats pirated.
  17. Haha, well I just received notification that some one has scanned my current QR code. With hold your number next time lol.
  18. He might of actually killed her, would be awesome.
  19. QR code is something some thing phones with the relevant software can scan via the camera, they can obtain messages, links, preset SMS messages etc. Also war and chaos it was a link to a dark dark website.
  20. But you didnt lol as hard as arab freak
  21. I say give him the user title 'Man as of 28/06/08' providing he is succesful.
  22. You will never know, for I have changed the barcode to something different. Much treasure to be had.
  23. Oh just my luck, your in the only place in the world that utilizes it the most, I should of known some one would of scanned it Apologies!
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