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Olympic Gamer

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Everything posted by Olympic Gamer

  1. : peace: That made me lol, but thats one way of looking at it. However, its a shame you didnt get what you wanted Jayseven, but you can only get better mate. Money troubles do seem to make it worse, but I give you my best wishes for your next try. Like Mcoy said, look on the bright side, it makes you aware of your current weaknesses and maybe on how to improve. Im shit at positive talking, but what I say is all genuine.
  2. A tenner says he doesnt. I agree though.
  3. Your in luck, checked the weather as I should be coming for a while and the worst is that its gonna be a wee bit cloudy in the morning, thats all. Well atleast on the saturday.
  4. Image makes me want to watch the Waka Laka for Osaka vid a thousand times over. Happy birthday people, may you all get drunk.
  5. So, US have gotten remastered DBZ boxsets, and chance of a UK release?
  6. Sorry, as a Friends fan myself, even I wouldnt like there to be a movie. I'd just find it too hard to take it seriously, all the actors apart from Jennifer Aniston are all desperate to do this because they want the money because they currently fail so so very hard.
  7. Very true, but ofcourse, this just shows the stupidity of the filler writers. In the Naruto manga, and this isnt very spoilerish, more of a relief, there is no one (yet, hopefully never) that can use all 5 elements.
  8. Well it makes sense for the english release, however it wouldnt be for the japanese release. Viz had named them both differently, when it was simply called Dragonball, even through the Z period, in japan. Guess its probably looking out for the fans who watched Z before Dragonball and never knew of its existance (After all, I only found out years after Dragonball Z aired that there was a story before it, however cartoon network didnt bother til after GT to show it) Edit: I agree about Sora, another fag so they can play out the whole 'Naruto changes lives' bullshit again, Gaara was enough, now we got some other fag with something obviously inside him to replay it all again. I gave up with the fillers straight after Naruto's and Sora's fight at the fire temple which saw Naruto literally cart wheel. It looked awful.
  9. That is very WTF. Bulma looks horrible True, but the extra scene at the end with the grave is fucking awesome, so evil... Do what I do man, floor stack. I have 120 volumes of manga and its starting to move to the floor now, my storage area is full
  10. However geeky it sounds, depending on a deal on some goods I await to be offered on friday will decide whether I come to meet up on saturday. If not I have collected a number from a fellow member so some one knows whether to expect me or not.
  11. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Oh ma gawd..the ending..the ending T_T
  12. Tom Nook wants to know where his money is.
  13. Pretty much the same. Oh but I cant seem to sleep, thats not too good.
  14. Haha, surely after the QR code incident you'd be a bit wary of things im linking to? Heh, but feel free to hunt me down when you can, I will supply biscuits.
  15. Its not that good except for the extra few scenes and ending which had me cumming buckets. I fucking loved the ending of it.
  16. Still, took em long enough to release the movie here, I already got it. I'l be buying both DVD's ofcourse being a death note fanatic. Talking of releases, am I the only one here extremely excited for the dragonball manga boxsets later this year? All 42 dragonball manga volumes for about £130, bargain.
  17. Geass Fans I need your views, who else bawwed at this scene? (Its just the music of the scene, so spoiler free for fans who havent got that far yet)
  18. Seriously? What a douche.
  19. You kinda already made this thread here But Alien Trilogy for Saturn scared the shit out of me..
  20. My thread detectors tell me this isnt a repost, well done =) Final Fantasy IV when I think it was those little twin magicians dying..I cant remember too well.
  21. I would of done the same, import all the votes as they come into a csv file and had the computer count it. Oh well, people make mistakes etc. *Starts working towards a 2008 nomination, preferably a positive one*
  22. DO WANT. Im out to buy some Kopparberg mixed berry soon.
  23. RIP Leslie Nielsen Lawl only kidding. But I agree, all the depression and memories should probably be contained within one thread, it mounts up you know each time some one dies.
  24. Well presuming it was infact a sequel and the world had been rebord, the red water would of been there to begin with hence why nobody questions it as its always been there. But like I previous said, the world has been reborn some how if it is a sequel. Maybe, I'm no good with these theories but it makes sense to me.
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