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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Alcohol turns things into win. This may eventually defrost into lose, but overall I see no other use in drinking it.
  2. -Bottles: 2 Kronenburg & 1 Stella Artois -4 shots of vodka -Pint of Magners -Pint of Stella -Vodka with Redbull and Lemonade -Pint of something else -Vodka with Lemonade This was 2 nights ago for ma birthday in chronological order - first night on the town. And I only had to pay for my magners. Win. I was very drunk but my movement wasn't too impaired. Bard shits all over this but I feel quite pr0 none-the-less. Everything after the first 4 vodka shots was instantly hilarious. All of this was nothing compared to quick drinking of brandy a while back. Holy shit that stuff rapes.
  3. Thanks Danny! sorry
  4. Awh man, loldd.
  5. dwarf

    Seriously, these cans are the shit. It's a real ear opening suggestion, thanks!

  6. You utter kemp!
  7. Thanks babe. OWH literally just noticed that first pic is proof of ND players in your game. Thing is, you never use Chloe (lol), so this is blates just a googleimage.haxorg
  8. Jackass doesn't involve the use of deep allegorical and thought provoking segments, and the overarching storyline is very weak. Therefore it is shit.
  9. Thought I'd model the WESC Bongo headphones that Daft suggested, got them as part of my presidential birthday enterrage package plan. I must say I can fully recommend dems, nice bassual effex!
  10. One particularly funny bit in the cinema trailer I saw was the 'high five!' bit. The whole audience belly laughed
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I guess we'll just go our seperate ways, and then eventually die.
  12. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Couldn't disagree more with first paragraph. I want that from some shooters but Killzone isn't one of them. KZ2 could be hectic, but it wasn't about constantly running into firefights, and one-on-one duels were far more enjoyable, and rewarded skilful shooting to a greater extent. In this it's much more likely that an inferior player can get a lucky couple of hits and score a kill. Those games you mentioned are similar to Uncharted as well. You don't unlock skills or weapons in Uncharted, as items are strewn across the ground for collecting. Granted this wasn't the case with TF2 but that game was exceptional in different ways. I don't think KZ works with having nothing to unlock. Well maybe it would, but if everyone was using the fully powered engineer with the dreadful rocket-firing turrets from the off it would be pretty boring. Rocket firing turrets is another fail. It was fine as an anti air-support only thing.
  13. dwarf

    Killzone 3

  14. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I know meleeing was shit in KZ2 but I was perfectly happy with that, whether it's better or not in this i couldn't give a toss really. If you think lower health is better then... More fool you. Saying 'you're being shot with guns' doesn't wash, it's a game, different FPS games choose different bullet damage. It was nailed in KZ2, I don't think they should've changed it at all. If you want to have realistic gun damage in an online shooter, it would be one hit kills the whole time, and if not, everyone would be limping constantly after a firefight. More health means potentially less annoying instant deaths and increases the ability to go on streaks (I think so anyway). Level unlocking isn't perfect, but if everything was unlocked at the start it would be much lamer. That's where you'd have to implement customisation to keep people interested.
  15. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    (I've edited above posts with better explanations) KZ2 unlocking was far better. The best classes were unlocked early, and when you unlock a class you unlock them in full i.e. you never have to use a half-baked underpowered douchebag. Lower health is shit. It was PERFECTION in Killzone 2. It suited the game down to the ground. Now you feel like an egg-carton. And there's constant damage niggles. The aiming is more responsive but the developer has definitely overcompensated, like you mentioned there's little recoil, and there isn't much to master. In fact, there's hardly any difference between some of the guns now. Whereas the M82 was an absolute beast before and was more pr0 to use, now it's virtually the same as the helghast substitute, and possibly worse than the hellishly accurate LMG. Melee is better but it's not important in Killzone as much as other FPS'.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Whatever. The point is you can't enjoy having a solid class until you've ranked up enough points to make it enjoyable and viable. I don't want to be stuck with any one for too long. Just to make the point clear - you probably want to focus putting points on the same one class to make it powerful. If the game type changes and you want to be a different class, that class will lack the basic abilities and punch you want from it. Bullshit mistake. I must say, I agree with Choze for the most part. Obviously there's no need to complain about 'wall hacks', especially when noone had a fucking clue what he meant by it, but overall I'm not rating the game. Some of the abilities they've swapped around suck ass and make no sense. 3-tiered cloak/air support ability enhancements is overkill and kills balance.
  17. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    'Final' impressions. I don't think I'll end up buying this game somehow. Instead of taking steps forward, they're just kind of sidestepping. Some changes are good, some are bad - and I'm not just talking bugs. The whole affair seems overly familiar, but the new class system is just a pain in the arse. I really can't be bothered going through them all seperately when the retail version arrives. As I said before, there's too many bot things now, and the focus has been taken away from actual fair gun v gun action. Stuff has become overpowered, and it feels like some of these ability upgrades are done for the sake of being needed to fit with the points-based unlocking system. Whilst the shooting has been improved (feeling too easy now though), after playing with all the unlocks in bot mode I can't say there's anything that actually excites me about it. KZ2 trumps it in most areas, due to the fact it wasn't mainstream and was just....better. Have they ditched 32 player battles? Gutting really. And I know that the campaign won't redeem things either.
  18. Anyone remember Ray_Falling_Sun? ... n_n ---- I still has him on MsN. Why? For the yakult ofc!
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Had a small but decent sesh on this earlier. Tbh I pwn. Guerilla Warfare 17-6, then 21-7. Tons of points. I made it my priority to have the M82 and the magnum, so glad that neither has been 'nerfed' as it were. It was like old times i.e. KZ2 rape - pr0 hip burst fire effectiveness from mid-distances that pricks from Chore of Gluttony don't understand. What was pissing me off however was the cheap C4 kills. You CANNOT see C4, it's too much hassle to check for it and you forget about it because it's largely infrequent. However, seeing as it's an all classes unlock, it's going to be way more abundant, which is a bit irritating. Also, there's far too many things that can do random damage to you, what with the sentries/air support/medic drones. Plus you have to worry about jet-packs, fall damage, mechs etc. In deathmatch it's not too bad, in fact I think it's a fantastic mode. Just a shame there aren't a few more matches to try it on. Plus there's no video support so you can save awesome streaks, but that doesn't matter that much. And Choze, if you don't like it, why the fuck have you played it to death? You're saying it's awful but I don't see why you'd want to spend so much time not having fun, and detracting from your time with the full game to such an extent.
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    COOL, I'm sold! You gonna be on within the next hour? I think the melee may be a bit too powerful, then again the animations are badass so I'll let it slide.
  21. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I'm going to have a blast on this now, if anyone wants to has bash? I'm resenting lack of M82 for tactician, maybe I'll just have to main medic. I thought Frozen Damn was pretty average. What do you like 'bout it?
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    It's hardly the apocalypse that Choze was implying, that's for sure. Thing is, I don't know if the 'better controls' statement is true or if the aiming's just been simplified. I'm not a fan of it at this point. Also, there doesn't seem to be enough new weaponary, in fact it's practically the same, minus a rocket launcher, with only additional secondary weapons. Definitely needs more variety. Jetpacks are awesome though. Really easy to get the hang of, and are generally brilliant. I don't like how the main ISA rifle is currently only open to medics (if I'm not mistaken). I think someone mentioned this before, but seriously, that's a bit disappointing. I favour tacticians, and they don't have a substitute gun. Currently the LMG is overpowered. I like the jetpack map a lot. In general though, all maps seem to be suffering from Guerilla's bad design, there's still far too many awkward staircases, and the maps still have needlessly convoluted areas. The graphics are amazing though, some astounding effects, and yet this is just alpha code. One of the better improvements is the more in-your-face scoring system, and a lot of different things nets you points. Overall, a very nice beta. I'd love to play it a ton more and get better impressions but I'm away for a few days. Darn.
  23. The Wire is perfect, the serious sound effect phase-out going into the quote is always a 'Wire-settle-down time for awesome sequential hour speciale' moment.
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