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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. When I went to uni?
  2. Journey releases March 9th (in the US at least) Eurogamer gave it a 9/10. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-01-journey-review Not that I'm going to read any reviews. Looking forward to it. It's probably going to cost £9.99 or something stupid though considering it's $14.99 US.
  3. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Game arrived today, definitely helped having played its predecessor because they have kept everything near enough the same. The world the raven thing takes you to at the start is noticeably quite bright and doesn't quite have the atmosphere of the Demon's Souls beginning but I can see it's set to change. Oh yeah, I ended my first session after clearing out the Jason and the Argonauts-esque area, moving forwards and then seeing a fucking gigaton skeleton run at me with his 4 buddies. Probably didn't have to run back to the camp fire but I have an essay to do. Bad timing really.
  4. I remember giving Daft some tips on HD, I remember he likes it. It's just that his skills pale in comparison to my own. We can't all be masters. Having said that I would completely tank on Phantom if I were to play it now. And Uncharted can suck a dick on a handheld. An impressive tech demo it may be, but without the jaw-dropping set pieces of its console brethren it's reduced to decent but forgettable 3rd person shooter fodder. If you want a true Unch experience, you're getting short-changed by Golden Abyss.
  5. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    *Strokes chin*
  6. If I had a Vita I would ruin you at it (HD platinum, snort snort) but I don't think the machine is worth buying for this sole reason. Unlike you.
  7. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    I agree with the concern over the lack of character vocalisation, although maybe that was only because the lass in the demo is shy. A shy lass who likes to be independent of her snowboard doing backflips whilst hurtling down an 8000ft mountain. And the omission of the SSX shortcut glass smash is slightly saddening. They should've expanded the demo. I'm not sold on the controls/the game yet and need more than one course to zip through to really make a valid judgement.
  8. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    The only downside was that it was still a Mass Effect game.
  9. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Unlike this series however, Mass Effect is not worth your time or money. There, I said it.
  10. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    It's cheaper: http://www.zavvi.com/games/platforms/xbox-360/dark-souls/10355879.html And yeah, Demon's Souls was awesome so I am rather eager to crack one off over this. It's apparent to me it'll be better than the slew of shit that came out last year.
  11. dwarf

    Dark Souls

  12. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Ta muchly. What are the specific strength and dex numbers I should be looking at? Can you explain attunement/pyromancies a bit more? Basically I'll save your tips in a document so I don't have to disconnect from online for advice.
  13. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Thanks for the tips Dan, those things all sound as if they were transferred from Demon's Souls but a refresh is much appreciated. Are rings still in the game? Which are most useful? Where? Are there merchants like the one in the Nexus which store all your unneeded items? I'd guess these would be at campfires? And am I right in thinking they got rid of world tendencies? One can pray.
  14. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Put an order down. Anyone care to give me some pre-game advice? Things like which items to not miss, what's worth upgrading, or anything that isn't explained well in-game. I'm not asking for boss tips or for an easy ride, I just want to be free from some of the annoyances found in Demon's Souls.
  15. Does anybody have a Zavvi discount code they'd be happy to PM me? P.S Vita is shiny
  16. On Tour was very good. It had Run to the Hills as title screen music. 'Nuff said.
  17. The Last of Us is in the hands of a separate team at NaughtyDog so it wouldn't be a case of them shifting resources. As well as that, 6 months is a hell of a lot of time to be supporting a game after release, although I do question how much of it is already finished. What I find most abhorrent is the charging for the map packs. £7.99 for old maps is ridiculous, and I can't justify £20 to get the only 4 worthy pieces of content when I consider it a failure on ND's behalf to have only included a pitiful amount of maps prior to the FHC cash-cow crap. It's packaged intelligently.
  18. Your pronunciation of ambiguity is cute.
  19. A few in-game screens: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/02/02/exclusive-first-in-game-screenshots-of-the-last-of-us.aspx
  20. You've probably seen this before, but I hadn't, and it's definitely worth a re-post.
  21. Oh indeed I've tried the demo, I really liked it. As for a bubble system: Boooooo! I a man! :P
  22. Power to you Nicholas, but giving FarCry 2 a second chance is of zero worth because it's so fucking pitiful. I don't actually understand what its multiplayer team thought it was doing. Well, the whole of Ubisoft Montreal for that matter. Finished Resistance 3 in co-op the other day, I'm not sure I can think of a better FPS campaign this generation. While not saying a whole lot, it really is paced very well and the zombie-like Grim battles make for top notch entertainment. Interested to see the new horde mode they've released as DLC. Anybody played Rayman Origins? Really want to get that on the cheap, lowest I've seen is £15 though. I'm sure it's worth it. However, monies.
  23. The thing with the A cappella video is that the representation of Starman Mario is wildly inaccurate. That Koopa would've been insta-killed if that was the real Mario. So it wasn't very awesome at all.
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