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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I don't think I will ever steal intentionally. Basically, why steal a chocolate bar or something so small in proportion to your income, something you will forget about a day later, when there is the possibility of being caught and having to live with the guilty, humiliating memories? That and the fact all of your friends and locals will find out. Not really worth it. I have, however, had a round of golf without paying. With a feasable excuse in event of the 1:500 chance of being caught I thought it would be wise to save a few quid.
  2. I won a few rounds of Resistance 2 online today, did pretty well. I guess most of them were noobs because I don't usually fare too well. Either that or it's practice. Or both?...
  3. Well I handled Galaxy 242 stars with relative ease so I think I'll test myself with this. Although I do remember finding Super Mario World very challenging in parts (although that sort of platforming is more precise amiright?)
  4. That's just weird, I'd seriously get a few people round, open the door with them and be armed. Thing is, if no-one was there, you still couldn't be sure that there wasn't anyone there on the night... The foot thing could be a complete lie, an act, but I don't see the point in lying on a forum. It reminds me of those freakish urban legends. One I remember was about two women, they were both going to go to a club when one felt ill and stayed behind. The women that was OK tried to convince the other to go but she she was sure that she didn't want to. So she went to the club had a good time, got back pretty late, and she wanted to turn the light on because she thought that she'd heard noises and so she could see what she was doing. However, she didnt want to wake her friend at such an early hour so she just went to bed. When she woke up she found her friend hanging from the ceiling and the words 'glad you didnt turn on the light?' were written on the wall in blood.
  5. Wow just goes to show how much stuff you can do.
  6. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    ^ That's what makes it quality! Seeing enemies die in slo-mo is very cool.And no you can only do it so many times and you can't just keep headshotting, so the game will still be difficult.
  7. Anyone think there are a couple of unbalanced weapons in the demo. The shotty is nowhere near powerful enough to be in the game. It takes more than 3 shots from close range to kill someone so its pretty much pointless. Same thing with the splicer, barely kills, more of an assist weapon. I like the new Wraith, well powered, the Marksman is good but takes slightly to long to kill someone. The Bellock is just crap, not really sure why it's in there. Probably be more useful in the campaign. I am yet to kill with the pistol...
  8. dwarf

    Far Cry 2

    Hehe, I reckon Resistance 2 will be much better, just going from the demo. It is addictive.
  9. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I'm gonna have good karma. I think it'll basically give the game much more length and be somehow more fun. Having bad karma would get old quickly wouldn't it? I may get this as my first game from the big releases. It just appeals to me, my kind of thing ya-know?
  10. These are the sorts of games you'll be looking at for PS3 (some are multiplatform) Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Call of Duty 4 Grand Theft Auto IV Gran Turismo 5 (completed version) Tekken 6 Metal Gear Solid 4 Killzone 2 Resistance 2 - November 4th rachet and clank Naruto: Ultimate ninja storm - November 4th Socom: Confrontation - October 14th God of War 3 Little Big Planet - 21st Oct Fallout 3 - October 28th Farcry 2 - October 21st Mirrors Edge - November 11th WipeOut HD - September 25th Maybe: Warhawk Unreal Tournament 3 Motorstorm 2 - October 28th Bioshock MAG
  11. Just play it and enjoy it and give us the lowdown!
  12. Oh Ok, I wasn't in the beta so I didn't understand what you meant
  13. No but I was thinking of you having to drag back an object to put on the pressure pad so the gate stays open if you get me.
  14. Can we talk about the game now please (PM each other or something)? I wanted to know, do you reckon it is possible to make a door that opens after pressure is put on a pad linked to it (like in portal)?
  15. Oi Cooky how come we couldn't get a game sorted? Strange, I don't have a clue when it comes to the reasoning behind Resistance's online mode.
  16. You don't like the game?
  17. So how can we get matches going between us? Party or something?
  18. Yeah this game is actually intensely good, I'll probably be there. Will try to re-sinc my headset.
  19. Well sorry dude, at least you got in the LBP one, I didn't.
  20. Is anyone in the beta yet, I'm only at 30%
  21. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Everybody on this board should get THIS game. Gonna be absolutely quality. V.A.T.S is going to be insanely fun, just everything about Fallout sounds great. Wanna expand your post Daft?
  22. dwarf

    Far Cry 2

    It looks awesome but I think Resistance and Killzone will be enough for my FPS needs, if not I may pick it up. Why isn't there a Fallout 3 thread?
  23. Well you can change it to 1 hour I think. Go to settings and it's in the power-save bit.
  24. Mine won't be finished downloading til I wake up tomorrow, flippin beast of a download. Still, feels cool knowing there were only 7000 codes :0 Does anyone know what it is? Multiplayer only or a bit of campaign too? Gonna try beta now. Yeah it must be said, it's awesome.
  25. There's power save, like 5 hours after no action or less, which is good because it won't turn off if a video is being played or if something is downloading
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