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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I think ReZ defines what a cool geek is. How do you have so many DS games? You have so many you're surprised when you see that there's 10 under the bed randomly plonked there. Can you send me the bubble-wrap keyring please?
  2. ^ See I did that but found it annoying - the weapons didn't feel like they became more powerful because the enemies took so much more before they went down. It wasn't like the shooting parts were hard because they give you tons of health and its kind of like metroid where you strafe and mash the shoot button. But it worked better in metroid.
  3. Yeah I found it annoying because there were too many things to manage all the time - I mean 3 real-time Inventory screens didn't fit everything on! Pffft.
  4. I actually think it would benefit if it took a more stealthy/platform approach - if there were say 6/7 weapons instead of 20+ that are upgradable it would improve tenfold for me. Thing is these mindless fans think it's all about the weapons...
  5. Yeah this is what I had to say about it: Too much shooting as you said - there are usually too many weapons in the game yet there isn't one which feels like the most powerful - they should make it so they have different uses.
  6. Good price but don't think I'll end up buying it, it's out of stock there anyway. I want Worms man!
  7. Only game I'd be interested in out of those would be Socom, but I have niether of them so maybe I'll just have Friday as my free day, along with wednesday.
  8. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    It actually doesn't, thing is it must be denial. Maybe I'm in denial?! I don't think I care yet I'm turning into Choze :/
  9. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    If you spent 8 hours on it surely it is more than good? It can still be great even if you think it is unremarkable; it offers you enough for it to be a different experience.
  10. Only good one was the mirrors edge one. Noob sp error btw.
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Aha! So maybe I was right about saying he should've spent more time on the online mode? Anyone want to play tonight? Don't know how to create clan shizzle but I don't mind as long as I get to play with people from here. I may decide to Resist it today if you get me though, striving for the plat.
  12. Yeah that's quite a tasty patch. I've tried the 3 maps, one is awesome and the other two are decent. The update was good in itself because meltdown mode seems pretty cool, I haven't tried the superhuman co-op however. Basically it's lengthening the games lifespan. May have to get one of the skins but not too sure.
  13. Worms is on?! Yesss! Will download now, glad I didn't buy Crash Commando. Oh wait, didn't come out in Europe this week --------------------------- Anyway I couldn't wait to try the new Resistance maps so I went on this morning and played a deathmatch on this new Orick level called Outpost - brilliant map, made moreso by the fact that I won it hehe. Hopefully the other 2 are good as well, there's something I get about Resistance that others here don't. Not sure why but I just understand it more - I guess if you tried to enter it now you'd get killed pretty quick.
  14. Skins Final Episode was inconclusive and I didn't feel satisfied with the plot/general events. Didn't seem dramatic enough for a final episode. Still, overall it was a great series and there will no doubt be another one that will feature a few of these same characters. Last weeks ep was the best I think.
  15. I should be excited for that but I'm not. After the first game, Tolls of Destruction didn't compare well in my view, and whilst it was a good game there was too large a focus on combat and not enough on platforming. The wit and humour was also few and far between. I don't know... It all just felt a bit samey. There needs to be a greater focus on gadgets and puzzles - The game has great jump mechanics which are criminally underused, I remember the first being much more fleshed out and varied because it used everything in good measure... Sorry to be negative, it is a great franchise I just don't know if this will offer anything worthy of my money. If all fails though, at least they gave it a funny name.
  16. Yeah I'm downloading it now but my Internet speed is shite. Probably won't be done for a few hours tbh. Is there any way you can concentrate all the internet mb/s onto the PS3?
  17. I'm excited for this DLC but the free update is taking a while. Found details of content here - I created a quick log in to view it but it seems to be the only site that has all the details. http://www.gamersdigest.net/2515/resistance-2-patch-and-dlc-today/
  18. I'm not entirely sure but there's a couple of new maps and another weapon/co-op thingy. Some stuff is coming in the update but some is DLC. Only a few quid I think.
  19. Just updated wallet funds ready for the Resistance 2 DLC. Have enough money for another decent PSN game. Thinking maybe Crash Commando, but not sure.
  20. The problem for me with this is that it doesn't seem that special. It's probably a solid game, I've played the demo for Sigma and it was quite good, but nothing sets it apart really. Games for me now have to be quite ambitious or simple but appealing. This doesn't really do either.
  21. Yeah last years was very good, great characters whereas these people seem a bit more timid. I also agree more time should be spent on viewing the actual task, but I guess Sir Alan wants to be in it as much as possible. Still, it is the first episode so hopefully things will get better. I'm glad Anita(?) went just because of her fugliness. Cooking tasks on this are always awesome.
  22. New series starting today, in 20 minutes! One of my favourite shows, can't wait for the brilliant, the cringey and the damn right ridiculous moments in store. If you haven't seen it before - do so now!
  23. ^ Yeah that's what I think too, thing is he has probably played more shooting games than the next person so his tether is probably short for them. The inentory isn't that bad, but the 9 spots isn't a perfect system, which is why I thought the comment about the swapping being like the fox/chicken bridge crossing problem.
  24. I think all of his reviews have a lot of truth in them but I still enjoy the games he slates anyway (which is pretty much all of them). He makes judgements of the game which you understand but forget to mention all of the time, and he does it in a very funny way. He ripped into MGS4 and I couldn't help but think the same as him for the most part, but that didn't stop me enjoying it.
  25. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/624-Resident-Evil-5 Zero Punctuation review, funny as ever.
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