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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I don't want to pay for any more content. Whilst there are some genuinely brilliant ideas I've seen I really don't want to have to pay for anything, especially because I don't really play the game much now after losing data.
  2. Well you didn't make any SP errors either so that's a first.
  3. I personally don't rate FPS splitscreen unless it is co-op. Getting 4 friends over that can actually get to learn how to play is fiddly to get going, maps are generally too large for it and there's always one superior player that creams everyone. Most other genres work great for it but the fact that the screen is cut into 4 on a game that you need quite good vision for, along with the issue with people being able to look at each others screen to see where each other is I don't believe it is that great.
  4. Thought I'd post something funny I saw on TV. There was this house TV programme (guy shows a couple a few houses they might want to buy) on today and the presenter was showing the couple this sitting room with wooden beams on the ceiling, he then took them into a bedroom next door. The old woman then said 'ah the wooden beams have followed through' and the presenter giggled and looked to see if they had cottoned on to the little gag but none of them noticed and for a brief moment you could just see the disappointment on his face that neither of them acknowledged the comment as being funny.
  5. The PS3 has trophies and more of my friends have playstations. Just saying.
  6. ^ You're also a freak!
  7. I think split-screen is poor for shooters anyway unless you are playing online. Back in the 64 days it was great though because it was the only way. That new trailer was interesting because the aliens didn't look shite. Could shape up to be a really good game.
  8. ^ You freak! She's disgusting.
  9. Uncharted special addition. Hmmm... I think a Nathan Drake figurine would be pretty cool tbh, not really any other games I would want one for really. They could do a LBP code for stuff but I don't think they'd package that in a spec ed.
  10. I think what's really converted me to the PS3 is the really robust online games and setup - its so easy to message, view friends and what they're playing and basically just get a party together. It's pretty much seamless and cause it's in my room is on pretty much all the time. I don't really use it for Blu-ray much but more often than not you can do what you want on it. Including the occasional barbecue.
  11. You see my comment? I thought it was the typical sort of first level with random stickers and a beginning where you have to swing, but it all worked well. All you need to do now is theme your levels and add some sort of uniqueness.
  12. I'm not going to bother with the buying stuff/sprucing up appartments but general wandering and doing some of the games and chatting is all good. Surprisingly entertaining just walking around with you in the Xi hub thing lol. Meditating pro, maybe you'll show me the way to enlightenment one day.
  13. I haven't brought myself to carry on yet Daft but I will do! And what's the Resistance space? I love Resistance! Oh and I had a chess match with a German guy earlier, could've won but ended in stalemate after noob moves by me. But anyway, it was really enjoyable and I am actually starting to appreciate Home a bit more. It connects people and gets people chatting and stuff. You can be a cock occasionally which is always fun.
  14. Crash Team Racing is the best kart racer, even now. Mario Kart DS is great though. Thing about CTR is that it is really fast and there are some sick short cuts, time trials have never been so addictive. And multiplayer PSN games.... WORMS!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone get! New heavy rain art shizzle. http://www.gamekyo.com/newsen30683_new-artworks-for-heavy-rain.html
  15. Don't know how James got away with not being fired - he's shit. I hate Ben (muscle builder), bad move firing the bearded guy, forgot name now, but he was quality. Would have made the series better in the long run I reckon.
  16. Bump Last weeks episode wasn't that great and probably not watched much because of international footy. I taped it and thought it was a bit 'meh', but todays ep is going to be more interesting I think because they have to design a bit of gym equipment. Bring on more cringe!
  17. ^ Hows that got anything to do with it, there isn't any trolling, this is just a thread about a statistic.
  18. I've certainly played my PS3 a lot more than my Wii, after the big releases for it like Zelda, Metroid etc.
  19. I thought it was tomorrow for £7.99 I don't know you're probably right. But Thursdays are usually when the updates appear. Edit: http://forum.team17.com/showpost.php?p=690500&postcount=8 both wrong, 11 April
  20. I'll check it out now. Be sure to play mine
  21. ^Fairly old. Anyway, Worms is out tomorrow?! Sweet! I'll be getting it. I'd love to have some NE battles going.
  22. Yeah oh well. I'm currently trying to get back into LBP, but what's putting me off creating things is that I would have to go through al the tutorials again and I lost data for a Crash Bandicoot level I was making, which is damn annoying. Had a play of the 2 levels I made and am secretly proud
  23. Ah well, I really liked it. Read the Eurogamer review and it sounds like this is a poor game, so maybe one to not go for :p
  24. Have you played the first game? It was really good, although I don't know how this one fares. Will have to watch some videos for it.
  25. The Godfather 2 got a pretty decent rating on IGN, I thought the first game was brilliant despite a few flaws, so if anyone has the chance to rent it then I say go for it. Basically a fun game.
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