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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    DLC? I don't know, but would be cool.
  2. Even if a flower came towards me in a 3D film I would brick it, just seems too weird. Didn't like Pirates 4D, although when the iMax cinema in London was around the stuff they had there was OK.
  3. I won't pay for it monthly or whatever. I only do one-off fees tbh, for games anyway. Would feel too pressured too play it. Why I don't like XB Live.
  4. Just skills You can't teach this stuff lol!
  5. Well I wouldn't say Vande was shakey, but yeah it was a poor performance. Since the Liverpool game it's like they have lost confidence. Maybe I expect too much out of the side - they have been bogged down with fixtures this year and make no bones about it - any side that is still in the competition now is very good. I think it is key we get Vidic and Rio together along with more capable centre backs. Rooney is always brilliant - really grown on me (further) the past few games 100% effort, great skill and most of the time pivotal.
  6. I prefer the Resistance 2 multiplayer. The first was arcadey but I just didn't enjoy the whole weapon pickup thing - seems a bit of a backward style to FPS now - too many weapons to handle. Now I'm good at R2 I am thinking of borrowing the first again to see if I can do well at that.
  7. Yeah it was pretty poor. God knows why we didn't defend for the last 2 minutes. So open for a United side.
  8. The other consoles board has been pretty dire the past couple of weeks it must be said.
  9. Resistance 2 is better in the smaller matches, although the occasional biggy is a good change.
  10. I'm sure it's OK but I cba to wait hours for places to download on my crappy internet connection.
  11. I'm definetly not buying this. Seen too much of that midle-east environment and there's too many other large profile shooters anyway. Is it FPS or 3rd person?
  12. Never really played the first one a lot but all my friends said it was boring.
  13. Congrats! High five from Muk - my favourite pokemon. Please tell me everything you know about him, his favourite colour etc.
  14. What is this Xi stuff? A clue to a game or something?
  15. Hmmm well I really don't mind playing anything as long as people mention it, I thought the specialised nights was a good idea as well. I'm up for KZ later if anyone else is on.
  16. Yeah glad I preodered it for £32, got the nice special edition steel case and looking around you have to pay the same amount now just for the normal one.
  17. Yeah is there any info on this?
  18. ^ It would recreate what an actual battle would be like though, don't you think?
  19. Cmon lets get a late winner like Liverpool did yesterday! Edit: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Oh shit, Manu 2-1 down - could they really lose 3 in a row?
  21. Not too easy to distinguish the last two factions, but it really does look like it will be a great shooter.
  22. Do you think Sony haven't thought about it though? All of the people involved in the project would have definetly cottoned on to the fact that they'd need a powerful server so they will do exactly that. They won't release the game if it doesn't work.
  23. Have you played Noby Noby Boy? just kidding, there are always rare exceptions.
  24. I always find myself jumping off my sofa shouting "GET 'IM" when a jockey falls off.
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