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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I think we're done

  2. When I swear online, 99% of the time it is for humour or to display exasperation. Unlike you I don't have to read my words aloud as I type them and SHOUT AS I TYPE IN CAPS or cry when I type *cries*. Sheikah and I have done the best we can but some people prove to be very testing, to the point where reason deflects away like ping pong balls off an elephant. I can honestly only assume you're trolling now, and if so, congratulations, this has been a resounding victory for you.
  3. Going to renege on my last statement this once. Liger05. You need to get this into your thick skull: of course it wouldn't piss him off if it was exclusive to PS4, because then he'd be able to fucking play it. Tell me why it is wrong to want the game to bomb initially? In the long-run it would benefit everyone because it would show that more sales are made when games are released on all platforms, and it would benefit all consumers because it would maximise the number of people who got to experience the game, including *DUM DUM DUUUUM* Sheikah! And the bombing of that game would discourage similar money-hatting in the future. When you make a game, you make it because you want people to bloody play the damn thing. That is not to say it wouldn't be a dick move if Sony did the same. It would be. They are dicks for the timed exclusive content they get. The only reason people don't kick up a fuss about it is that nobody really gives a shit about that content, and it is only timed anyway. Here we have a game that might well be a full exclusive of a blockbuster game. Xbox owners would be perfectly entitled to feel pissed off if this situation was reversed.
  4. But it is important in Hotline Miami because it requires lightning fast reactions. Once you've been creamed into the wall a dozen times in a row and you've taken down the guy with shaky shake on the thirteenth attempt at the level, you aren't gonna feel jack about being immersed. It's like using the Wii Controller for FPS games - it's fun, it looks and functions more like a firearm, but when push comes to shove it is less efficient and you stop caring about what you're holding (and not in a positive sense of immersion, rather an absence of thought or noticeable difference in feeling with the new controller). It's very superficial. It's not that big a deal at the end of the day, the features don't necessarily dampen enjoyment or anything, but I'm wary of seeing them used as selling points. To me it seems as if people readily buy the marketing terms like immersion without properly considering what they actually mean.
  5. Lol, he accused me of the same thing without reason and then went quiet after I replied. Probably best to ignore the little man.
  6. I'd say give it a go for sure, there's easily a solid 15-20 hours of enjoyment to be had marvelling at the variety, plus LBP2 introduced different options to create non-linear levels with more than the bare 3 planes of the original's 2D platformer gameplay (stuff I've only tried briefly at a friend's). It went a bit more Warioware-y, which can only be a good thing. Plus, with this one you've got the multiple characters with different strengths a la Sonic/Trine, so there's definitely a bags more here compared to the first game. What it really boils down to, in my opinion, is whether you have the patience to create your own stuff. I spent a boatload of time in creation, a mode full of frustrations, anomalous deletions and reworkings, but ultimately it was very rewarding. There was an intense novelty factor at work when I picked it up on the first day because it was incredibly fresh back then and the userbase was only very slowly working everything out. The blank canvas is very liberating, yo. *Hope you can still muster a semi for it
  7. I'm always very conscious of the input for something like shaking the controller. Games like Flower are fine because that is the way you control the whole game, but most games with shaky stuff splice it in randomly. The Hotline Miami crap just sounds stupid and less efficient than a button press. What'll be quicker - three taps of a button, or three shakes of the controller? It'll take longer to register the controller movement, and longer to register mentally that you need to even perform a physical action.
  8. The speaker aside, I can't see how those are 'immersive' features. Anything that draws your attention away from the screen and makes you think about the input is the complete opposite, for me. I'm not saying they aren't worth having in some situations, but I don't think they're conducive to immersion at all.
  9. Fatigue probably. I had great fun with the first game in the creation mode and with multiplayer, but I think pretty much everyone hits a point where they just don't feel like going back to it. The actual platforming is slightly underwhelming and it's a game you definitely have to be in the mood for. I found in my time with it that the top-rated user levels were basically demonstrations of the art and visuals and clever little contraptions which have you admiring the design but which aren't all too fulfilling to play. There's no denying its charm but after you've actually played it for a few hours you should be demystified.
  10. dwarf


    Guillermo del Toro is a G, hopefully he'll put a straight jacket on Kojima to mitigate his creative impulses.
  11. When I'm not £700 in debt.
  12. Is it a demo of a full game or wut?
  13. It was probably something to do with risk. They've secured the revenue now to cushion them if something goes tits up in the development stage. Sure they won't make as much in the long run, providing the game turns out well, but they've guaranteed themselves jobs and future projects. I imagine a 6 -12 month exclusivity contract would do the job for Microsoft if they can convince consumers that it is a long-term exclusive. Sony & MS are both guilty of the practice, and both would do more of it if they could. It just so happens that the exclusive stuff Sony gets amounts to a mere bucket of shit, hence the butt-hurt over big deals like this.
  14. You get off to some weird ass shit.
  15. Noooooiiiiice.
  16. On board. Jesus, I might actually have a lot of catch-up to do when I upgrade.
  17. Love the tone. Not sold on Rime so much but this I'm rating the look of.
  18. YES. YES. YES.
  19. Anyone got a breakdown of the Exclusives v Timed exclusives?
  20. MGS5 is a fucking piss-take. Kojima can't grow up, standard Japanese attitude towards women.
  21. It contains Tycho who've made some chill albums. I've wanted to play it for a while now.
  22. That's a slight under-reaction.
  23. Ha. As in an Xbox fanboy for mocking PS4 owners who will miss out on the next Tomb Raider? Or as in a PS4 fanboy who is mocking the the fact that Microsoft have shafted consumers? Neither is the case, it was only intended as a lightly amusing, obscure reference to a game I, nor any other PS3 owner, got to play. Nothing more. You don't know me, Liger05! How dare you!
  24. Don't worry guys, Sony's got an exclusive in the form of The Agent from Rockstar. Can't wait for that.
  25. He was superb in Good Will Hunting, and a terrific improviser - to put it mildly. Once he was off you couldn't stop him. A sad, sad day indeed. Hopefully the truth about mental illnesses will strike home to those muppets out there who can't conceive of such a happy and ebullient person wanting to end their own life. RIP.
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