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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Shiiiiit mahn, I'm going to have to find a good ol' second hand Wii for this puppy and The Conduit.
  2. I quite like BEP so personally I would've liked to see something come off. I saw it in one of the interviews and he looked like he was enjoying some of the stuff he was coming out with.
  3. As a shooter the proper way to do it would be adding points per kill/objective complete and then a multiplier if you end up winning the round.
  4. Wasn't he working with one of the Black Eyed Peas? I think tha could've worked.
  5. I wouldn't call that a double facepalm moment. I think it's partly down to the fact that people don't understand what being famous entails and so they are let down and don't know what to do about it. I don't think that's been covered in the general 'alienation/pressure' analogy.
  6. Yeah I just don't trust it when it stands vertical, I've had it almost fall once or twice so I kept it horizontal.
  7. I think you just don't like arcade shooters. Although I guess Goldeneye was sort of Arcade... Hmmmm. I don't really ever care whether I get killed in any game - apart from Socom because you know you have to wait for 2 hours before you get to play again.
  8. Glad I haven't missed much since not being here for a while, wonder if/when I will be 'in play'.
  9. Personally I loved Timesplitters, was a great crack in co-op and multiplayer, plus I really enjoyed the campaign. Challenges were fun and overall it was pure fun. Thing is I can understand why anyone could love/hate almost any game (exceptions like Hail to the Chimp are obvious rule-breakers here) so I will no longer allow myself to be riled up when someone says that they don't like Metroid Prime.
  10. Lol, none, good spot. Trying to bag myself on of these bad-boys, looks kind-of tacky but worth it I think because it makes it safer when vertical (they topple easily) and it does look kind of good and will make my new setup pretty damn desirable. http://media.photobucket.com/image/ps3%20stand/dj_3sixty/lightson.jpg?o=11 gonna put my max bid with £7 because it isn't really worth much more.
  11. Choze 1 - 0 Common Forumers
  12. I also think it would've been a 'comeback down to earth, Jacko' tour. It just wasn't going to end well, and would've resulted in a Tommy Cooper style finale.
  13. It's funny because DD was my first MK game and the reason I bought it for the cube, was great fun and I only really have good memories of it.
  14. Yeah it's such a shame, but I'm not too emotional. I mean it's not like he was going to ever offer anything more to the world after his downfall. And I really didn't think he'd ever perform his UK tour. There was a reason it was postponed. His iTunes sales must be going through the roof right now though. Where's the money going? And for a man with so many fans, how can he possibly be so lonely? Poor guy, R.I.P.
  15. Doritos are made for dips though. I do agree that wafer isn't that great most of the time. Those pink oblong things are horrible. In maxibons it works however.
  16. I did an 18 holes at a local course today, can be rewarding and fun. Fun it was but today I didn't play so well. There's a demo on the Store Daft.
  17. Well I don't think the single screen local multiplayer was that good, but that was only because of the camera only following one player so it was hard to see what was going on, so hopefully online would solve that issue. The action is crazy enough without 2 players. They should really make the planets a bit more interesting, maybe not just spherical, and make the bosses ginormous.
  18. Whenever I've had a feast, they have either melted really easily or half of the thing falls off. Whenever I do get a bite of it they are nice though, plus they're budget so all is good.
  19. dwarf


    I don't know what to think of The Agency, it seems like they've put loads of attention on the community and points based stuff so the gameplay side may suffer. Looks similar to TF2 style-wise.
  20. I deleted Stardust from my user because it takes up memory and I've got pretty much all I could from it. All the trophies etc (minus the add-on which I won't buy) I have achieved and it isn't worth getting high scores. I probably won't play through Uncharted again for a while, I've completed the thing 3 times already for various reasons. Platinum isn't too tricky.
  21. Hehe, or: I lied about stopping.
  22. dwarf


    Yeah I read that on IGN but it just sounds like it's going to be GTA but set a bit further back. Unless they aren't allowed to say anything about the game style it seems as if it will run in a similar vein to the shooting and driving in their other games but the originality is in the story-line this time. Espionage? Hmmm.
  23. I want to get a Wii for the game, simply because it puts Killzone to shame. Seriously though, the controls make it and the weapons look nice so I think it'd be nice for some PS3 owners to team up and muller Zechs Merquise and other Wii board nobs. That's if the Wii has online connectivity. I'll stop.
  24. I've posted in that one before so I probably should've remembered there was a bigger thread. Get over it.
  25. Oh right the name change was known already, unless someone changed it within the last few minutes.
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