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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    I'd still recommend the game to you, it's good. It isn't special though, like Super Monkey Ball. Now that's a game right there! Brilliant taxing single player and hilarious multiplayer. Art was quirky and in general the game was bonkers. Loved it. N+ also a good game, only played the PC one though.
  2. dwarf


    The checkpoints work well and even if you have a large resistance to dying and retrying this game will be OK for you. I'm sorry but I know that for me I've done the right thing. Seriously, I know. It's a good game but you've played through Fallout for AGES and it shows me that you don't mind hanging in for the same albeit slightly changing experience. For me I'd rather invest in something more entertaining. I gave it 8/10 what do you guys want? I'm sorry I half agree with you all, and maybe part of the problem is that I had such high expectations, but it's just not really a masterpiece in any way. It has lots of niggles that are barely ignorable.
  3. dwarf


    I can already judge that it won't be. Yeah I could wreak havoc and not worry about blowing everything up but I cba to do the same things all over again. Time consuming and really can't be bothered with trophies. It's a one play-through thing for me, I thought I'd want to do it twice but it's currently on eBay. Maybe I'll do evil the first time I play the sequel, if I get it.
  4. I'd like to see mario dual wield machetes so he can sever the heads from shy-guys to see what they actually are. Someone had to make a dumb request, especially after the undermining message :p Shows that this sort of stuff has become expected from the Wii-board I guess if a thread maker feels the need to warn against idiocy.
  5. dwarf


    I died around 15-20 times but I wouldn't say it's difficult. I think overall I'd rate the game an 8/10. Main gripe being it didn't quite take off. There weren't BIG moments but instead there were quite a few 'go here, blow it up, then do it 3 more times' missions. Not sure if I want to play again as evil. Cba with more side missions so I'll probably put it on eBay.
  6. It's just another bold Edge statement though, publicity score. I don't think either Galaxy or LBP deserve 10s at all, especially since they rate games to the decimal.
  7. I don't need to play the game to know that it's worth more than a 4. Edge are nobheads and probably biased towards PS3/360. Maybe more 360 judging by some reviews.
  8. If you took her face away from the equation (sp?) then Safina would be attractive. If she maybe let her hair down instead of having a man-cut and looking sweaty I think she could be a 'maybe'.
  9. I prefer the PS pad. It helps my hands are small, but I just prefer using it. I'm used to it and I think it looks better than the 360 one. Overall it's still minor for most people.
  10. Banjo isn't, but there are many great and colourful games on PS3, like Killzone! :p But before another 'console war' (hate that term now) begins, it basically comes down to price (360 wins) how important blu-ray/1080p is to you and what exclusives you prefer. There are other minor factors like controller preference etc but the above is what it all boils down to. The exclusives made me buy the ps3, and I favour them over 360 greatly, but people like Dyson are utterly convinced the Playstation is a piece of trash, so maye I'm missing something. Waits for Choze to prove there is colour in KZ I'll give you a list of titles that made me get the PS3, but also confirmed my purchase was a good one. Video list pending. Well I say that but the document I have all the info in has been deleted, so gonna have to wait on this.
  11. If it's a Wiiware game then it looks OK, which I think it is. This sort of game is about the entertainment. However it doesn't really look as if it'll entertain a whole lot if I were just to go by this video. Visually it isn't great either, art style --- well, it's going for virtual reality I think but there's no shine or anything that could put you in awe? Plus the actual graphics are far behind GX on the GC. Meh, we'll see.
  12. dwarf


    I think a lot of the frustration comes down to the fact that I think it would translate far better if it wasn't a sandbox game. Having all the side-missions, shards as well as uplinks to find is irritating for me because as far as I'm concerned they stop me from playing the better campaign levels. Levelling up should be quicker really because I'm on the last island and there's still all the last upgrades and stuff to get that I can't attain because I haven't done enough of the side missions. It's not like I haven't done my fair share either because I've done the whole of the first island and half of the second. Obviously if they made the game less sandbox and more linear, they'd have to add a few options and open areas where you can zip along because it is quite entertaining and allows you to make choices about where to attack from etc. But the game's strong point are the set pieces and path following bits, I think they should've stuck with more of this and less of the roaming and searching etc. If they swapped it round like that I'd be having a far more fun experience. Also, I really appreciate the hard work that Sucker Punch put into the detail and general feel of certain areas of the city. The first island had 1 focal point and fairly stnadard structures around it, the second had lots of different areas to jump around and was a bit more interesting. Not sure yet if I'm going to play through as evil Cole, I take it you have to earn all the XP again to make powers better which is time consuming and cumbersome because of the damned side missions. It's not like they're bad or anything (apart from the security camera destroying things) but they can't compare to the variety and special events of the main game. I'm definetly not going to buy Prototype however, it, to me, looks shockingly dull. I know graphics aren't a major part of a game but I think that if you're making a sandbox game they need to be pretty good to hold your attention, and if I have to scavenge around the same boring colours and perfectly rectangular buildings I think I might die. Plus shooting for me is still fun, I think if there's a large focus on different melee attacks it gets boring, unless there is a (2D) fighting game. I've missed out quite a lot there as well, it's probably something I will review. If you could be bothered to read it, that is. Depends if you found the above riveting.
  13. dwarf


    Am I not allowed to state why I don't like it or something? I'm saying it's good and bad, heck I made the thread and was really excited about the game but it's not the brilliant game I expected of it. It's only 'good' so far, just got the shield thing. All I want to do is discuss stuff guys, why breathe down my neck when I like other people who disagree to talk about it as well as saying why they think I'm right on certain things? Jeez.
  14. I can't sign in either Edit: it's working now
  15. Isn't it something to do with ranking? And personally I really want someone to beat Venus because she gets on my nerves when she plays and in interviews.
  16. Safina needs a good ragging because she always seems stressed and miserable.
  17. dwarf


    A game shouldn't have a crappy start though. I mean power progression is obviously a cool thing but he really does start with very few moves. And despite being able to climb things and zip along stuff it can feel a bit of a struggle roaming around. It's far more liberating than GTA but if the glide power gave you a brief boost higher into the air which then lead to a few seconds of flying it would have been even better. Gliding is still cool though.
  18. It's still a potential pay-for service, no?
  19. Thing is that would be rubbish if you wanted to play with just 1 of your friends against random people though? It's not exactly going to be often when there's 11 other friends to battle with. Or am I missing something?
  20. dwarf


    Have done the first island and still don't know what to think. On the one hand it's addictive and can feel satisfying to kill, on the other hand it can be slightly irritating, when you're being shot from all sides and you have to zap people quite a few times. Grenades are great, but shooting can feel a bit loose. Can't help but feel it would be better if you started up with more available juice instead of collecting tons of shards, and side missions are easy but there are so many that it doesn't feel like a special accomplishment, more of a detour. And whilst it's great obtaining new powers, the trip through the sewer each time pisses me off. It's like the game is split between being good and being bad, like Cole really.
  21. Not exactly a revelation is it?
  22. But can you not invite your friends into a random match, in which case you could speak to them?
  23. Thing is I do it all the time in real life and it's a thing me and a friend do, it's quite infectious. Like in standard conversation Top Gear becomes Plop Smeer and it keeps the other person guessing what you're actually talking about. It's better used for normal everyday words and guarentees laughs when you fall across a good one. I recommend people try it. Although you kind of have to do it a lot or explain it for people to comprehend. I remember a decent one that came up the other day, quite an easy guessable one; Ghandi McFlurry
  24. Hopefully it's free, and if it isn't I'd probably be willing to throw a few quid in for it. Thing is the PS3 is becoming so expensive in overall necessary hardware. Bigger HDDs needed, controllers, PS Eye, potentially the new motion controllers and possibly this.
  25. The way the player runs, he's unbelievably roddick across the surface. It's a special attribute and the opponent just can't Hewitt.
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