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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Is it wrong for me to think that you are in fact a real-life Helghast? That's how I imagine what you look like whenever I pick up my Killzone box. I am bound to post impressions. If it's half decent you're more than likely to see me rave about it in the PS thread.
  2. Hunters was great for online, I remember being awesome at it, to put it lightly. But yeah I think I played a few people on here including you MCJ, was a good old bash. I don't think you realise how much depth there is to the lore in metroid. I was a sucker for scanning everything, even little scratches on a Chozo's little finger.
  3. Well I've defended you for some reason up to this point because I thought you'd made sense overall but it's got the point where I'm allergic to it. TV should arrive sometime this week, I think having 1080p guarentees a certain amount of quality but I don't want to hear how it pales in comparison to your 174" megaton again.
  4. Will you still be saying that if you ever went back up? Don't know what those players are smiling about btw.
  5. No I haven't, when I said that it was so blatant you'd take it as a victory, but really all I'm saying is that you aren't valid. I don't always think I'm right but on this occasion I definetly am because everyone on this board has said it before and you just can't accept that you spout BS and almost always get away with it. Short sharp answers aren't going to win you any lol points. I'm tempted to ignore you with that button because of this repeating cycle where you post opinion as fact, make dumb judgements and generally just don't make sense. The only thing you're good for is news posts because how can I take your opinion on board when 80% of the time it's fanboy drivel or company-allegiance ball-sucking?
  6. There's no reasoning with you. When I look in the mirror I see an athletic guy, what's your point? I answered you anyway and you ignored.
  7. I take it if you like to buy multiple games in this genre you don't want the scenes and enemies to be ruined by looking at every single screenshot.
  8. I'm always up for a laugh, the odd argument, but if I'm wrong then hey, I admit it. You are never wrong in your own head.
  9. I feel like I've missed out on that game, probably too late to be worth picking up as well, even if the DLC has only just hit. I wasn't impressed by the demo though. And peanuts are awesome. Dry roasted.
  10. Hmmm ok but what makes Fallout more of an experience? Or did you not claim that? I think if you're talking about videogame experiences then Metroid Prime would be a good place to start.
  11. Hmm well I'm not into buying music games unless it's something like Singstar, so I think it's just a matter of taste. However I think it's fair to say you're in the minority because those games don't appeal to such a wide audience like normal blockbusters do.
  12. More games like echochrono and puzzle games please, the occasional console sort of game is nice but why buy portable games when they could offer better experiences on a home console? God of War isn't a good portable game I don't think, even if the values in it are high. The DS has the right idea with many quirky puzzle games, it's just unfortunate that the majority of handheld games are shite for both systems.
  13. I thought you were against arguing without any valid thing to say Choze? Before you told people to not use 1 liners against you but it's fine for you to do it? On this occasion Sheikah may have a point.
  14. That's just a dumb and pointless argument. Nintendo oversees production so that no mistakes are made - Zelda is such an important franchise, plus very rarely did I come across any bugs. It didn't stop me from thinking that Fallout 3 could well have been game of the year. You may not like the game but the quality and high ratings in reviews speak volumes.
  15. I think the problem with Zelda is that most people want it to be very traditional so that there are throwbacks to the older games, but when this happens they complain it isn't original. I don't think it's possible to have both - although other factors could remain the same i.e Hyrule etc. Thinking about it Bethesda would do a great job on Zelda for stuff like castle town where people serve a purpose other than continually repeat 1 line. Plus they do make pretty epic games.
  16. Yeah I am finding the camera and controls to be very annoying though. It isn't as semless as 4, and stealth is slower in this game.
  17. Yeah that's a good price, if they lowered the expansion pack price to £1 I'd probably buy that.
  18. I think it would be great to vent out frustration on a boss when you finally get to do the finishing blow - just Happy Gilmore them into row Z.
  19. Fallout was a brilliant game, one of the best this generation but I think you mis-understood me. The platforming isn't a different experience, I think the whole game is a good one. Not sure what the difference is between an experience and fun entertainment. Fun entertainment is an experience no?
  20. Well that is my point because if it was advertised as being able to do all of these things in one machine they could advertise it as having 'everything in one box' or something. Everyone has tons of cables and appliances in their house and this could compile everything under their TV. He does want all of that, there's nothing not to like about all of those features so maybe if they were advertised hardware sales would get somewhere.
  21. Warioware by Retro Studios.
  22. Thing is, it's what makes it Uncharted. Anyone can beat the game, it's just about the experience you from it.
  23. What, I've not heard anyone say that before so that's a 0.00001% worth of potential audience they may lose. I haven't seen an advert for a PS3 since the 'This is Living' shite when they showed Heavenly Sword. Part of the problem is that the PS3 pad alienates people, so if Sony chose to advertise the system that can be controlled via a normal remote then I think you'd see a significant rise in sales.
  24. Wrong, if you asked Joe if he knew that the PS3 could play DVDs, Blu-ray, store pictures, music and gave access also to free online gaming and a Sims-like application as well as being able to video chat without charge then he would probably say no.
  25. I was thinking that yeah, thy really shot themselves in the foot by not advertising the thing as doing more than games.
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