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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I hope it's a hell of a lot different from Fallout 3. Obviously they have to keep stuff from the series, they should indeed keep some of the stuff from 3, but if it's first person and still has VATS then it just won't be different enough in my view.
  2. That is very pr0. I envy those photography skills, but mostly the bobblehead if I'm being honest. Good work, I want to see more game memorabilia snaps.
  3. Haha, don't worry babe, Kanyé knows better than to make you feel embarassed again. If he interrupts this kids basketball game in order to complement your videos, I'll let you kick me in the crotch. "Ima let you finish" Oh shit.
  4. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Boohoo. And I think tin cases are awesome. The steelbook edition of Killzone 2 is classy.
  5. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    In what way exclusive? I thought it was exclusive just for now but won't be when the date draws near.
  6. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    A better retailer will offer the Limited Edition closer to the release, so I'll hold out. I don't really care for sound tracks or themes, so I doubt it will be worth me buying it. DLC is needed though.
  7. Onlooker Jay Z checks he still has a pair after his son is kicked in the crotch. 99 problems becomes 100 due to premature infertility in the family.
  8. What car is it on the front? I'm not amazed by the box art to be perfectly honest.
  9. Wasn't there a ton of news released for this t'other day?
  10. Errors with them not syncing, trophy levels/percentages being inconsistent when viewed in different ways and profiles not loading etc. Maybe northerners didn't notice.
  11. Once upon a time...
  12. I already checked, there's nothing below level 8, bar 1 that is just at the part where you leave the vault. It doesn't even matter if it's at late level 7. You can swing your karma surprisingly quickly. Scratch that I think I've found a suitable one.
  13. I am now at level 10 for trophies. Get in. Have 2 annoying trophies to get in Fallout 3 for the platinum though - levelling up to 8 in good and neutral karma. I managed to find save files to allow me to do the level 14 & level 20 karma trophies, but I have no saves below level 8. Looks like I'm going to have to start a new game for them :/
  14. Winner. I just liked the harshness, saying she's dumb just from appearance, it tickled slightly. Post a picture son. For the last round, I thought Daft's was just inherently funny. The wording was what made it, made an OK caption into a very good one.
  15. Phwoar! The detail! Back in 5.
  16. Didn't you just make that post? (i.e piss off with the mataphorical shit)
  17. Well OK maybe they shouldn't be gotten rid of, there are many great handheld games out there, but they need to be integrated into a device that has phone/music functionality. Soon iPhone graphics will be rally good and it will no longer be good enough to charge £30 for a handheld game. Most people don't buy them because it's an extra thing to carry.
  18. All handhelds are pointless. Unless portable games are built into a phone or music player (iPhone/Touch) there's no point in playing them. They should all just be a quick bit of fun in my view, the app store has nailed it too with the pricing. I don't even have an ipod or DS/PSP. Portable games are limited compared to full on console experiences, so make them simple and fun, not in order to compete with disc games.
  19. I don't mind so much that it's SD, but I'd like to think they would've improved the graphics beyond what they have. They haven't been producing games to the same standard as normal, it doesn't feel like a Nintendo console because it doesn't seem special, and as you've said, proper third party support is almost non-existant. If you look in the top 10 Wii games thread at the moment, most are struggling to come up with 10 good games. Those that do have 10 in their list, it looks almost identical to their favourites at the beginning of last year. Most of the 'best' games I actually played an aeon ago when I still had a Wii. It doesn't help when your most anticipated game ever (Corruption) turns out to be very average either, or if you disagree with the acclaim those games got.
  20. I think most people wanted a Nintendo games console, and didn't get one. That's the issue.
  21. Friends aren't shit either. (going for the obvious joke overkill)
  22. He got it in a bundle.... And obviously I was just trying to show their similarity in my last post. The second is much better in 'amazingness' terms, but almost identical gameplay wise so I wouldn't consider Drake's Fortune an essential purchase anymore.
  23. He just blew a loan. Personally I think he'd be better off saving £10.
  24. But Among Thieves is like the first game, only a bit better. Just play the second one, that way you save money, probably come to like the series more because you haven't saturated it, and then you may feel like picking up the original at a later date. Simples
  25. If there was an S-Europe, I think Me, Daft and Caris should run the news section and keep the boards in-line. Mod powers!
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